lanuary 25. 2 0 0 6 |J n r t lattò (Observer Page B2 J ustice L aw Wyden Opposes Supreme Court Nominee the past few w eeks" with A lito 's tw o-decade record as a federal ap­ peals court judge and official in the Reagan and Bush adm inistrations, W yden said Friday. “ It is my conclusion that A lito 's record portends a view on the power o f the president that would under­ m ine our proven and constitution­ ally-m andated system o f checks and balances,” W yden said. “ H is rec o rd d e m o n stra te s a d an g ero u s and narrow in te rp re­ tation o f the co m m erce clau se (o f the C o n stitu tio n ), w hich co uld Changes course from last Bush pick (A P )— Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden has sw itched gears saying he will oppose Suprem e Court nominee Samuel Alito because he is not co n ­ vinced that Alito will bring an im­ partial viewpoint to the court. W yden voted in favor o f Presi­ dent B ush's last Supreme Court nominee John Roberts, w ho was U .S. S e n . R on W yden Human rights group says denials ring hallow S T A T E F A R M IN S U R A N C E C O M P A N IE S HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. (A P) — The Bush adm inistra­ tion has a deliberate strategy of abusing terror suspects during in­ terrogations, according to an an­ nual report on the treatm ent of people in more than 70countries by Human Rights Watch. The hum an rights group based its conclusions m ostly on state­ ments by senior adm inistration o f­ ficials in the past year, and said P re sid en t B u s h ’s re a ssu ra n ce s that the United States does not torture suspects w ere deceptive and rang hollow. AFFORDABLE « JJ S a m u e l Alito U.S. Accused of Deliberate Abuses Michael E. Harper, Sr. 9045 SWBuitxir. Suite 109 Rutland. OR97219 (503)221-3050 confirm ed as C hief Justice last fall. Like Roberts, Alito is opposed by the N A A C Pandcivil rights groups. W yden, a D em ocrat, met with Alito Jan. 18 and talked about ex­ ecutive power, legal precedents and abortion rights. "I cannot reconcile the seem ­ ingly moderate and am iable jurist of lead to results that w ould threaten the health and safety o f all A m eri­ c a n s .” W yden also criticized A lito for "stan d in g w ith large, corporate polluters who fouled our air, poi­ soned our waters, and then d o n 't w ant to pay for it.” T he full Senate is expected to vote this w eek on A lito’s nom ina­ tion to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O 'C o n n o r. Sen. G ordon Smith. R-Ore.. has said he expects to vote for Alito, calling him "suprem ely qualified.” LOCK & KEY FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED 0UT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) Wally Testa “ In 2005 it becam e disturbingly clear that the abuse of detainees had becom e a deliberate, central part o f the Bush adm inistration's strategy o f interrogating terrorist suspects,” the report said. On a trip to Europe last month. Secretary o f State Condoleezza Rice told foreign leaders that cruel and degrading interrogation methods were forbidden for all U.S. person­ nel at hom e and abroad. She pro­ vided little detail, however, about w hich practices were banned and other specifics. In a separate report, the organi­ zation strongly criticized three in­ surgent groups in Iraq - al-Q aida, A nsar al-Sunna and the Islamic Army - for targeting civilians with car bombs and suicide bom bers in m osques, markets, bus stations. H ow ever, the group said the abuses "took place in the context o f the U .S.-led invasion o f Iraq and the ensuing m ilitary occupation that resulted in tens o f thousands o f civilian deaths and sparked the em ergence o f insurgent groups." T he Jan. 18 report tak in g aim at the Bush ad m in istra tio n said that the p re sid e n t’s rep eated a ssu r­ an ces th at U .S. in te rro g a to rs do not to rtu re p riso n ers stu d io u sly av oid m en tio n in g th at interna- tio n al law p ro h ib its cru el, in h u ­ m an o r d eg rad in g treatm en t o f p riso n ers. T he report said that A lberto G onzales - w hile still the nominee to becom e attorney general - claim ed in Senate testimony in January 2(X)5 the pow er to use cruel, inhum an or degrading treatm ent as long as the prisoner was a non-A m erican held outside the United States. "Other governm ents obviously subject detainees to such treatm ent or w orse, but they do so clandes­ tinely,” the report said. "The Bush adm inistration is the only govern­ ment in the w orld known to claim this pow er openly, as a m atter o f official policy, and to pretend that it is law ful.” Residential and Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington PROPERTIES. Old Double Murder Case Reopened 503-267 7586 cell 503-2491903 office 503-249-6527 fax j . New technology could solve crime Multi-Million $ Service A dvancem ent in technology has allowed Cold Case detectives from the Portland Police Bureau to re­ submit evidence for forensic test­ ing in a 1 7-year-old double m urder case. On Aug. 29, 1988, the bodies o f 6 1-year old Robert W heatley and his w ife , 6 9 -y e a r o ld F rie d a W heatley, were found in the base­ ment o f their home located at 2612 N. Holman St. The M edical E xam ­ iner determined they died from stran­ gulation. Investigators believe the sus­ pects may have gained entry into the hom e in a response to a “For Sale by O w ner” sign in the front yard. WE PAY YOUR DEDUCTIBLE!! 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