___ Clu |Jo rtla n ò (S)bseruer____________________ lanuary 25. 2006 PageA5 Children Come First for Mayor continued fro m Front and have no health coverage. Reflecting on the recent Martin Luther K ing Jr. h oliday, he finds th e r e h a s n o t b e e n e n o u g h p ro g ress since the civil rights leader brought econom ic and ra ­ cial ju stice issues to A m erica co n ­ sciousness. W e n eed to b eg in to lo v e on e a n o th e r an d v alu e ea c h o th e r. photo B \ P o tte r said. “Since the time of the civil rights movement, America has changed a lot o f laws but certainly not a lot of minds," he said. Potter said America must start unlearning the prejudices that have been taught to generations of people. R eflectin g on the latest hit m ovie, "C rash " featuring S andra B ullock, T handie N ew ton. M att D illon, Don C headle and m ore. and out o f on e a n o th e r's lives. T he m ayor said in secu rities about others co n tin u e to prevail in o u r culture. P otter finds inspiration in an A frican proverb that en co u rag es one v illager to ask ano th er how are the ch ild ren doing instead o f sim ply how are y ou? T he reason is that if the ch ild ren are w ell, the parents are w ell, and th erefo re the village is well. I saiah B o ii . e / T he : P ortean » O bserver Mayor Tom Potter holds his first community issues and ideas forum Jan. 14 at Patty's Home Plate Deli and Fountain in St. Johns. Each month, the public can sign up for a chance to speak with the mayor for 10 minutes about any issue. The next forum is Feb. 18 at the Grand Buffet in southeast Portland. Housing Solutions continued Potter said the flint is a good show ­ case o f the phobia that society m em bers have tow ards one an ­ oth er due to p reju d ices passed on from childhood. T he m ovie dives headlong into the div erse m elting pot o f post-9/ I I Los A ngeles, an urban dram a tracking the volatile intersections o f a m u lti-ethnic cast, exam ining fear and bigotry from m ultiple per­ spectiv es as ch aracters careen in fro m Front gap: there are 2 1 percent more white hom eowners than black. The re­ port also stated that at every in­ com e. minority households are d e­ nied more loans than white house­ holds. To close the housing gap over the next 10 years, the counci I recog­ nized a need o f 1,262 new minority hom eowners each year. Short-term strategies include partnering with com m unity and housing experts, publishing a com prehensive home buying resource directory and re­ storing single-family tax abatement authority. Potter said the follow -up on this initiative is just getting started. Late last year the city gave $ 1.6 million federally funded dollars to six local non-profit run homeownership pro­ grams. Last month, the city council passed an ordinance to start a $200,000 fund forthe rehabilitation o f drug houses seized by the city. This is in addition to an allocated $72,000 used to clean up 14 proper­ Ingredients for life SAFEWAY Ö ties. The rehabilitation monies will be tied to a revolving loan fund so the city can rehabilitate more houses in the future. The city is also consid­ ering future funding through part­ nerships with other city bureaus, including the fire and police depart­ ments. Due to reduced federal monies from Housing and Urban D evelop­ ment program s and acongressional 10 percent cut o f C om m unity D e­ velopm ent Block G rants, a major source o f homeow nership funding, the city council is considering a three percent budget cut from local housing programs. “ It would be im possible for us to fill those gaps locally," Potter said. He urges people to com m uni­ cate with elected officials on both state and federal levels, regarding the impact o f recent budget cuts. “SI ,6m illionfor homeownership is a lot more than we could make up for with local revenues," he said, “but th at's a small am ount for the federal governm ent com pared to what they’re spending in Iraq.” Captain's Choice Northern Cooked Shrimpmeat Foster Farm s Chicken Thighs or Drum sticks S«M tronn a 2-tn. sag tor SS.M «a Fresh Locally grown SAVE up to $1 20 lb SAVE up to $1 50 lb •■349 C ascade A ids Project H ires N ewI Z E xecutive -iMHri ziri» ni ✓ 1‘ í z i i a out J if» v»n< • The board o f directors o f the Cascade AIDS Project has hired an Oklahom a woman as its ne w execu­ tive director. Jean Ann Van Krevelen com es to Portland after serving as chief executive officer o f O klahom a’s Regional AIDS Intercom m unity Network. A c c o rd in g to K a th le e n Cosgrove, CA P board president, “Jean Ann provides a trem endous combination of national knowledge, com passion, strong business skills, as well as extensive H1V/AIDS health care understanding. These attributes are what Cascade AIDS Project has built its success around. Jean Ann Van Krevelen Jean A nn’s skills are exactly what we searched for to deliver CA P to Health Task Force o f the O klahom a HIV Treatment & Care Consortium. an exciting, expanding future." S he w as re c e n tly s e le c te d Van Krevelen also chaired the O klahom a County Coalition for "W om an o f the Y ear" in Oklahom a, Youth Em pow erm ent and Needs and was honored with the U niver­ A ssessm ent Com m ittee, and the sity o f O klahom a’s School o f Social S u b sta n c e A buse and M ental W ork Social Welfare Leaderaward. 3-lb. Bag Apples Choose from Gala. Granny Smith or Red Delicious. Club Price: $1.00 ea. SAVE up Io $19.90 on 10 Fresh Asparagus Pumm elo Grapefruit 100% Tender. Guaranteed! RANCHERS Find M ie to n i Beef Recipes and Coohinif tips at inru.ta fe tra y.co m •. / CLUB PRICE A Club Puce S3 00 ea SAVE up Io $5 M on 2 PCC Hosts Business Series T he C ascade C am pus o f P ort­ land C om m unity C ollege in north Portland is hosting a lunchtim e series that will exp lo re labor and b u sin ess issues. T he fre e “ B row n B ag" se rie s in T e rre ll H all, R oom I 22, runs fro m n o o n to 1 p .m . e v e ry W e d n e sd a y sta rtin g F eb. I to M arch 8. A tte n d e e s are e n c o u r- a g e d to p ack a lu n c h . C o ffe e w ill be p ro v id e d . S c h e d u le d to p ic s in c lu d e "W here will the jo b s be? E thnicity and G en d er in the L abor M arket, C reative S ervices, G oing G lobal, the N uts and B olts o f S tartin g a B usiness, and Sm all B u sin ess.” For m ore inform ation, call 503- 978-5242. purchases reach $300. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE ftjwimtiiwi'Attiriti Caregiver Training Offered VolunteersofAniericajoinedbythe Alzheimer's Foundation of America wil I host a series of free caregi v er trai n- ing classes to help family members, adult foster care home providers and professional caregivers. Classes have already began and will continue to be held the second Tuesday o f each month, starting at 5:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. and will rotate between the agen cy 's three Port- land area Adult Day Centers, The Marine Smith Center, 4 6 16 N. Albina Ave.; the Lambert House East C en­ ter. 2600S J3. 170th Ave; and the the Velma Joy Burnie Center. 537 S.F. A lder St. A $5 per person donation is sug­ gested. For more inform ation, call 503-335-9980. R o o se v e lt u su a lly to p s th e Z o g b y P re sid e n tia l G re a tn e ss Scale, but A m ericans who have a personal memory o f the Roosevelt presidency are dwindling. Ronald Reagan held third place, w ell above fourth -p lace H arry Truman. 13-oz Selected vari­ eties SAVE up to S3 « on 2 CLUB PRICE 5Î10 CLUB PRICE Healthy Choice Dinners M ille r or Coors Or Flavor Adventures 9 5 to 12 5-oz. Selected varieties Club Price 52 00 ea SAVE up to S3 45 on 5 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit in Ore, SAVE up to $4 00 Sljræ'iir • Premium anodized aluminum steel conducts heal faster and more evenly • Stainless steel handles slay cool. • Easy to clean non stick pan • Turn your stove top into a prill' Campbell’s Chunky Soup .Sec Customer Scrvur fur drlails and Ufficiai Rules Pmpram ends lehmän 2*. 21B6 Kennedy Most Popular President President Kennedy, enjoying a surge o f fresh popularity among Am ericans who have rated him the greatest President o f the m odem e ra . su rg e d p a st F ra n k lin D. R m sevelt for the first time since early 2002, a new Zogby Interna­ tional poll shows. Doritos Tortilla Chips CLUB PRICE . _ 18610 19-oz Selected varieties Club Price $1.25 ea SAVE up to $11 52 on 8 . • Shop at Home. We Deliver. safeway.com 8 99 Gillette Fusion Power or Manual Razor 1-ea Razor Available this weekend BUY ONE. GET ONE FREE Lucerne Large Eggs 18-ct Grade AA SAVE up to S3 05 on 2 tQ llU O * I E«M« VSIW H U I CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE JANUARY •*•) '«V P» BBT BUN 2» 25 » r a a » it !tVNtfc6.jmaii r* y»/samr 34 Al I IIM1TS ARI PER HOVSFJIOI D. PI R DAY Items & pntes in thtt *1 are amiable K your lexal Satrwav tfoers No sales ro dealers, restaurants or instttunons Snles in retaii quantities only Quantum or some irons may be limited And subte» r io availability Not respnnstWe tor rvpngraph ital or pKtonai errors We reserve ihr njtbi to comet ill printed errors On Bus One. Get One Free C RO C O S offers, castomer mu« puntase m t first urm to m ervr rhe snond item free BOGO «dfen are not 1 2 prxe sales If onlv » single item puritased, the regular prxe apphes.Manutatrurrrs coupons may be used on pur» based items only - not on fret items 1 2006 Satrwiv Stores. Ins