Page A2 lanuary 25. 2006 Ford to Cut 25,000 Jobs Rough patch of road for automaker Ford Motor Co. announced Monday it would cut 23,000 to 30,000jobs and close 14 facilities in North America. The automaker has been hurt by falling sales of its p ro fitab le sport utility vehicles, g ro w in g h ealth care for its employ­ ees, materials costs, and labor con­ tracts that have limited its ability to close plants and cut jobs. The U nited Auto W orkers union will have to agree to some of the changes Ford wants to make, a spokesperson for Ford said. The automaker's CEO William Clay Ford, Jr., said his company “will retake the American roadway.” in an attempt to reassure the public that this is not the end for the Ford automaker The job cuts represent 20 per­ cent to 25 percent of Ford’s North American work force of 122.IXX) people. Ford has approximately 87,(XX)hourly workers and 35,000 salaried workers in the region. “These cuts are a pain­ ful last resort and I’m deeply mindful of their impact," said Ford, the a u to m a k e r's CEO. “They’re going to af­ fect many lives, many fam ilies and many communities." Ford reported earnings of $2 billion in 2005, down 42 percent from last year’s profit of $3.5 bil­ lion. It was the third straight year the automaker has reported a profit, but gains in Europe, Asia and elsewhere were offset by a lossofS 1.6 billion in North Ameri­ can operations. Ford also has seen its U S. mar­ ket share slide as a result of in­ creasing competition from foreign rivals. The company suffered its I Oth straight year of market share losses in the United States in 2(X)5. r Belafonte Keeps Pressuring Bush Attacks president and his policies African-American entertainer Harry Belafonte, one of the Bush adm inistration's harshest critics, compared the Homeland Secu­ rity Department to the Nazi G e­ stapo on Saturday and attacked the president as a liar. "W e’ve come to this dark time in which the new G estapo of Homeland Security lurks here, where citizens are having their rights suspended,” Belafonte said, in a Saturday speech to the an­ nual meeting o f the Arts Present­ ers M embers Conference. O regon D e p a rtm e n t o f T ra n s p o rta tio n ODOT IN THE NEW YEAR: NEW CONSTRUCTION AND NEW JOBS In addition to projects already under way on numerous Oregon highways, the Oregon Department of Transportation is beginning an unprecedented level of construction along Interstate 5 in 2006. Much of the work falls under the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program, which is repairing or replacing hundreds of aging highway bridges throughout the state. The surge of construction in 2006 and beyond is bringing opportunities for contractors and workers. Current construction has already helped boost Oregon’s economy. At its peak, the bridge program is expected to sustain more than 5,000 jobs. To learn more, visit ODOT's web site at OTIA/bridge_delivery.shtml. ODOT IS INVESTING IN OREGON’S FUTURE AfttBM nUMSTMTinON WVUTMBIT ACT Singer and activist Harry Belafonte is keeping up his opposition against President Bush. “You can be arrested and not charged. You can be arrested and have no right to counsel,” said Belafonte. The remarks were greeted with a roaring standing ovation from an a u d ie n c e w hich included singer Peter Yarrow o f the folk group Peter, Paul and Mary, and members of the arts community from several dozen countries. Messages seeking comments from H om eland Security and White House officials were not returned. Belafonte. 78, had called Presi­ dent Bush "the greatest terrorist in the w orld" during a trip to Venezuela two weeks ago. He made that comment after a m eet­ ing with Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez. The Harlem-born Belafonte, who was raised in Jamaica, said his activism was inspired by an impoverished mother "who im­ bued in me that we should never capitulate to oppression.” He acknowledged that the Sep­ tem ber 11, 2001, terrorist at­ tacks demanded a reaction by the United States, but said the poli­ cies o f the Bush administration were not the right response. “ Fascism is fascism. Terror­ ism is terrorism. Oppression is oppression," said Belafonte, who served in the U.S. Navy during W orld War II. Bush, he said, rose to power "som ew hat dubiously a n d ... then lies to the people o f this nation, misleads them, misinstructs. and then sends off hundreds of thou­ sands o f our own boys and girls to a foreign land that has not aggressed against us." Pickett Shaped Blues Music Veteran soul singer remembered (AP) — Veteran soul singer Wilson Pickett is being rem em ­ bered after his death Jan. 19 at the age o f 64. He was known as “W icked Pickett” for his unique singing style as well as his intensity both on and off the stage. And he is considered one who helped shape modern rhythm and blues Two of his hits, “Mustang Sally” and “In the Midnight Hour” were included in a “Rolling Stone” list o f the greatest 500 songs of all time. P ick ett w as in d u c te d in to the R ock and R oll H all o f Legendary musician Wilson Pickett, performs on July 14. Smooth Jazz Is Here! F am e in 1991. "He did his part. It was a great ride, a great trip, I loved him and I'm sure he was well-loved, and I just hope that h e's given his props," Michael W ilson Pickett, the fourth o f the singer’s six children, told W RC-TV in W ash­ ington after his death. “ In the Midnight Hour" made the top 25 on the Billboard pop charts in 1965 and "M ustang Sally" did the same the following year. Pickett was defined by his raspy voice and passionate deliv­ ery. But the Alabama-born picket actually got his start singing gos­ pel music in church. After mov­ ing to Detroit as a teen, he joined the group the Falcons, which scored the hit “I Found a Love" with Pickett on lead vocals in 1962. Deputy Shooting Justified (A P ) — T h e C la c k a m a s man, who had reportedly growled C ounty S h e riff's O ffice S hoot­ at the officers, bared his teeth ing Review Board has d eter­ and yelled that he was going to mined that Deputy Dave W illard kill them. Kaady had been suspected in acted w ithin existing rules and regulations when he fatally shot at least three hit-and-run crashes a naked and bloody G resham in the hours before his death. T h o u g h the rev iew board man last fall, officials said S at­ found no violation o f sh e riffs urday. W illard and a Sandy police office policy. Sheriff Craig Rob­ officer fired eight shots at 27- e rts said he w ill a sse ss the departm ent's procedures, train­ year-old Fouad Kaady. Seven rounds hit the unarmed ing and tactics. Tlortlanb (®b&cr\wr Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 Charles H. Washington Ei>iTon:Michael Le ig h to n D is ik ih i tion M anauer : M a rk W ashington C reative D irector : P aul N e u fe ld t E ditor - in - chief , P iibi . ish ik : The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. 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