January 25, 2006 FOCUS in pageC3 (Ph Berber Cellmates Connect in ‘Kindred’ Play Comes to Interstate Firehouse Insight Out Theatre C ollective opens 'K in d re d ' by Daniel Keleheron Friday, Feb. 3 at the Interstate FirehouseCultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. The play tracks the last 90 minutes o f one prisoner’ s life in ja il and his intense frie n d ­ ship w ith his cellmate. Confined in a stark cell, actors Jack Greenman and Lamont Stephens seize audience attention w ith g rip ­ ping dialogue that is both w renching and soaked w ith dark comedy. Kindred runs fo r three weeks: Wednes- days-Saturdays at 8 p.m. Tickets are $15; Wednesday performances are sliding scale $5-.$ 15. Tickets are availableatw ww.insight- outtheatre.orgo r by ca lling 503-234-0973. Both the play and the playw right gar­ nered rave reviews for its recent produc­ tions w ith Los Angeles Theatre Ensemble. Greenman is a West Coast performer w ith 65 productions to his credit. Greenman is also a director, educator, voice and dialect coach, fight choreographer and Insight Gut Co. member. The play is directed by Bruce H ostetler, an acclaim ed d ire c to r from Ashland. WARNING DA BOO BOO Presents The 503 Takeover Listening Party February 6"', 2006 7PM-9PM On KBOO 90.7 Hosted By Kevin Berry's Show Time Sound R&B • Hip Hop • Old School Music Open phones lines and takeover artists D on’t Miss It! photo by N ico le L ank . Joey (Lamont Stephens, right) tries to convince Alan (Jack Greenman) that every man needs to worship something or someone, but Alan contends that faith is just a lack of research. Exhibits at Interstate Firehouse Interstate FirehouseCultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., is hosting shows now through February that bring awareness to the tu rm o il o f war and show g ra ffiti as art. The exhibit Sight Range by photographer John M o v iu s o f New Y o rk explores the way soldiers involved in Desert Storm, Am erica's first Iraq War, used photography as a means o f personal documentary. It seeks to re- examine the war w hile raising awareness o f veterans’ issues. Synesthesia is an e xhibit by G ra ffiti Artist Aden Catalani. flis vibrant pieces fu ll o f movement have graced many West Coast stages, showcasing elements o f nature-bam­ boo, sea creatures and more. G allery hours vary. F orm orc inform ation call 503-823-4233. Advertise with diversity in il,r Jjitrthutb (F)bsetttcr Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandobset \ er.com www.Dtibooboo.com