ianuary 18, 2006_________________________________________ íl!l ^ l o r t l a u h (© b ö C rU e r PageA5 R e e d C o lle g e C e le b r a t e s B la c k H is t o r y Series of events include lectures, performances Reed C o lleg e in vites local resid en ts to jo in its celeb ratio n o f Black H istory M onth, Jan. 24 through Feb 28. T he rich history and cultu ral h eritage o f A frican A m ericans will be honored w ith a series o f lectures and p erfo rm an ces, all free and open to the public. F eatured lectures and p e rfo r­ Ask ö R e a l P e o p le , R eal A d v ic e l/i ils advice allunili known fo r less “approach In reality bus a l s ubj a is! f a il Dear Deanna! The holidays are over and 1 no longer have a need for tny boy­ friend. We dated during the sum ­ mer but as the New Year rolled in I realized I don’t want to be with him. The problem is the fact he gave me some expensive gifts that I d on’t feel I should return. H e’s selfish and I know h e’ll want the gifts back if I dum p him. How can 1 end this relation­ ship but keep the gifts? - T e e ; O klahom a City, Okla. DearTee: Y ou’re very rude and don’t have the right to discard this man like a dust cloth. You were with this man long enough to build respect even if the relationship needs to end. You need to close the rela­ tionship with decency and give him the courtesy o f know ing why. If he wants the gifts back, you should return them to avoid conflict. Besides, there’s noth­ ing too expensive that you can ’t work hard and buy for yourself. Dear Deanna! I'm in a serious relationship with a prisoner. I visit him weekly and now he wants to get married. I love him and want to be with him but I’m scared. I’ve never been married and would prefer to wait for him when he gets out in 7 years. He thinks we should marry now for benefits and income tax m ances include scholar and c u l­ tural critic M ichael Eric D yson, w ho d iscu sses the effe c ts o f H urricane K atrina on the black com m unity in his latest book C om e Hell or High W ater: H ur­ ricane K atrina and N atural, R a­ cial and E conom ic D isasters. A uthor Bell H ooks w ill focus atten tio n on the m yriad form s purposes but I d o n ’t see it that way. I d on’t want to lose him but I d on’t want to marry him now ju st to keep him. W hat do I do? - -Anonym ous; Riverside, Calif. Dear Anonymous: You need y our head exam ined if you d o n ’t get it. He placed his d esires for financial gain on the table in plain view . It w ould be m ore accep table if he professed faith, love and devotion but he d id n ’t. You need to w ake up and see how crazy it is to w orry a b o u t lo s in g s o m e o n e w h o c a n ’t do anything for you but talk and w rite letters. If the love is so strong, h e ’ll w ait for 7 years because h e ’s not going anyw here no tim e soon. Dear Deanna! I love going to church but I'm losing my faith. Everything in my life is going wrong at the same time. I lost my job, my girlfriend and my desire to enjoy life. I was drinking heavy for a w hile and my friends left me. Now that I’m dow n on my luck everyone has disappeared. How do I get my­ self together during a time like this because I’m really com ing apart. W here do I start? -N e a l; M emphis, Tenn. Dear Neal: W hen the en em y a tta c k s he seeks to kill and destroy. D ur­ ing perio d s o f d istress, lack o f hope and the good tim es, you need to pray and lean on your faith like th e re ’s no tom orrow . T his is a tim e o f life revelation and clean sin g so you can trust in G od as He prepares you for a new season o f blessings. At le a s t y o u k n o w w h o y o u r friends are so that when y o u ’re back on y our feet you can leave them in the cold. o f racism , from subtle to b la ­ ta n t, e v id e n t in the U nited States. The high-energy dance g ro u p Step A frik a, w ho has p o p u la r iz e d th e p e rc u s s iv e d a n c e te c h n iq u e k n o w n as “ ste p p in g ” will perform . O ther perform ances include the avant garde ja z z group E thnic H eri­ tage E nsem ble, fusing tradi- tio n al A frican rh y th m ic and B ecause seating is lim ited, m elodic sensibilities w ith popu­ tic k e ts are re q u ire d fo r the lar A frican A m erican m usical M ichael Eric D yson and Bell expression; and "T he In cred ­ H o o k s le c tu re s. T ic k e ts a re ible Journey o f Ja z z ,” a m ulti- a v ailab le at the Reed C ollege m edia p resen tatio n com bining B ookstore or by calling 503/ a live ja z z com bo w ith visuals 517-7935. and narration in a program d e ­ For more inform ation, visit signed for m usic lovers o f all h t t p : / / w e b . r e e d . e d u / ag es. b lack _ h isto ry _ m o n th / or call All events are free and open the Reed events line at 503/777- to the public. 7755. Michael Eric Dyson Ingredients for life B U Y O N E , G ET O N E FREE IQUU OR UAH R VAUIF ill CLUB PRICE SAFEWAY Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Round Tip Roast Boneless. Cap oft. SAVE up to $ 4 .4 9 per lb. on 2nd package. 99 Assorted Loin Pork Chops rtv«rurau Bone-in or Boneless SAVE op to 1 1 .» Ik California Navel Oranges ema 10-lb. Bag Russet Potatoes Club Price: 33c lb, SAVE up to $ 1.3 8 on 3 lbs SAVE up Io S I.71 lb CaptMl Ctett Jkflbk S o Scallop S rt?C M u7kM |ttlS9a SAVE up to S4 50 Ik. « •" » » -*•8 .9 9 : S lo 7-oz package Selected vaniti« u. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeannal @yahoo, cam or 264 S. LaCieneya Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: www.askdeanna.iom Native American Powwow Set To Go!* Barilla Pasta 12 io 16-or Selected varieties PCC to host celebration Native-Am erican drum groups and dancers from around the region will convene at the Sylvania Cam pus for Port­ land C om m unity C ollege’s Seventh Annual W inter Pow ­ wow on Saturday, Jan. 21. The event starts with the first grand entry at 1 p.m. and a second grand entry at 7 p.m. in the HT Building g ym na­ sium , 120(H) S.W . 49th Ave. There will be a dinner, or com m unity feed, at 5:30 p.m. The poww ow is free and open to the public. More than 1,000 people are expected to attend the pow­ wow, which will go late into the night. Native-American craft vendors will be on hand to sale wares and there will be a College Fair, featuring numerous local colleges and universi­ ties, from noon to 5 p.m. Drum groups and dancers from Portland, Warm Springs, Klamath, Grand Ronde and Siletz, to name a few, will be the featured guests during the grand entries. For more information, call 503-977-4112. F oru m on R eparations A local production company, O penEyes. in association with student governm ent leaders at the Cascade Cam pus of Portland Community College in north Port­ land will host a picnic and forum on reparations at Jackson Hall on O Saturday, Jan. 28 starting at 1:30 General Mills Cereals 20% More Free Lay's or Wavy Lay’s Potato Chips 12 to 16 8-oz Selected « n e t « Club Price S2 50ea. SAVE up to S4 54 on 2 11 to 11 5-or Selected varieties SAVE up to S1 11 □uiema •sS* BUY ONE, CET ONE Self-Service Sandwiches FREE H U A llM lIH IItM lIltll □uiema Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water 24-Pack Budweiser. M iller or Coors 13 to 16-07 Selected varieties SAVE up Io S3 6» ou 2 24-pack. 5-trter hontes SAVE up to S2 00 12-oz cans Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon SAVE up to $4 .75 □uiema • Premium quality ingredients • P rep ared fresh each day //>- % 5 / 4 99 aw ema Saleway SELECT Bath Tissue 24-Smgle roll or 12-Double roll SAVE up to S3 » 2?1 OvenJoy Bread ?2 5 o r Selected varieties Club Pnce Sfl« ea SAVE up to M< oa 2 auiema □upema p.m. The event is free to the public and will feature a discussion on slavery and reparations, titled' “W hat does A m erica and Europe ow e?” Shop at Home. We Deliver. safeway.com JANUARY • i k «•« e t. U> »kk iw it it » ti n n m R JK I n J nmh N rtW to n y Û * Car A ll LIMITS AM ( U HOUSEHOLD. PER DAY Itetm ft p rx o in rht* ad « t jvailaMe ai j