Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 18, 2006, Page 2, Image 2

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    January 18, 2006
© K ie w it
Troubled Drug Benefit Plan
B il f in g e r B erg er
City of Portland
Bureau of Environmental Services
Subcontractor, Supplier, and Service Provider Meeting
January 25, 2006
5:30 pm to 7:30 pm
4134 N. Vancouver
Portland, OR 97217
Interested Firms are invited and encouraged to
attend this introductory meeting to discuss up­
coming hid opportunities
on the East Side CSO Tunnel Project.
Many elderly
unable to get
(AP) — Since the Bush
adm inistration’s prescription
medicine program began on
Jan. 1, tens of thousands of
elderly people have been un­
able to get medicines prom­
ised by the government. Some
20 states, including Oregon
have had to jum p in to help
And while officials prom ­
ised anew on Tuesday that a
fix was on the way. Demo­
crats pointed to the confusion
surrounding the rollout and
pounded the adm inistration
and its GOP allies in Con-
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy
o f M a ss a c h u s e tts c ite d a
“systemwide failure” that he
said “puts the health of our
frailest citizens at great risk.”
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton
o f New Y ork likened the
governm ent’s response to a
“ m an-m ade disaster” to its
m isste p s on
H u rric a n e
The time for all levels of
government to act is now,” 14
Democratic governors said on
Tuesday in a letter to Presi­
dent Bush.
“The political fallout is po­
te n tia lly e n o rm o u s ,” said
Ross Baker, a political sc i­
ence p ro fe sso r at R utgers
U niversity. “This is a pro ­
gram that touches tens o f
m illions o f people. And any-
tim e that a governm ent pro­
gram is w orking poorly, and
is a ffe c tin g a d v e rse ly so
many people, it’s bound to
have huge consequences.”
Under the program, some
42 million disabled and older
people are eligible to enroll in
private plans that will subsi­
dize their prescription drug
c o sts. T he sig n u p p erio d
closes May 15.
T he a d m in is tra tio n has
pledged to repay those states
that have jum ped in to pick up
tem porarily the cost of pre­
scription drugs for low-income
seniors and others turned away
atpharm acies because of con­
fusion in the new program. It
also told insurance companies
that they must provide at least
a 30-day supply of drugs to
Students Return to New Orleans
Representatives of Kiewit - Bilfinger Berger
and Group AGB will be present to discuss the
Project's Subcontracting
Plan and KBB’s commitment to maximizing the
use of M/W/ESB and local firms.
For questions regarding this meeting contact
Anthony Lincoln at (503) 736-2564.
2,4, and 5 bedroom Apartments Only
Project Based Section 8 and Public Housing Program
New Columbia is the exciting new redevelopment property in the
Portsmouth Area of Portland. Rents for these apartments are
approximately 30% of the household’s monthly adjusted income.
Your household’s income must be less than 60% of Area Median
Xavier University freshman Adrienne Noble (left) lights the candle o f fellow freshman Joanna Hill
during a commemoration of Martin Luther King Jr. Monday at Loyola University in New Orleans.
Hundreds o f students from Tulane, Dillard, Xavier, and Loyola Universities gathered to honor the
fallen civil rights leader. (AP photo)
(AP) — Hurricane Katrina
closed several major New O r­
leans colleges last semester,
but the start of classes Tues­
day at Tulane, X avier and
Southern Universities marked
a welcome return to routine.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been
so excited about the first day
o f school. I'm so happy just to
be back,” said Alissa Bigger,
a Tulane sophom ore. “ It’s
proving there’s hope for the
city. If the school can run, we
can go back to doing normal
None of the colleges are
fully up to speed, and it could
be years - if ever - before all
are back to their form er size.
But with their energy, opti­
mism and free-spending ways,
college students could be just
what this struggling city needs
right now.
“Most of you have returned
at a time when many would
have stayed away,” jazz trum ­
peter W ynton M arsalis said
Monday night at an event on
Tulane’s campus welcoming
back the city’s students, be­
fore playing a set with a band
that included his pianist fa­
ther, Ellis.
“And now that you are here,
you have the opportunity to
set a new tone, not only a new
tone for New Orleans, but ...
a new tone for our nation.”
Gov. Kathleen Blanco told
the students their return was a
boost for the city, and asked
them to commit their summers
to helping rebuild the state.
“Your state needs you,” she
said. “We need your minds,
your good ideas, your conta­
gious energy, your spirit, to
The half-dozen or so major
colleges in the city have plenty
o f problem s o f their own.
Many classes will be held in
trailers and hotel conference
rooms while they continue to
repair of hundreds of millions
of dollars of campus damage,
and overall enrollment is con­
siderably lower than before
the storm. They have laid off
hundreds of faculty and staff
to try to meet budgets.
income in order to qualify.
Application for this program may be made by mail or in person at
the following address at New Columbia between 9:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday between the dates of January
16 and February 15,2006:
9109 N Fiske Avenue, Portland, OR 97203
Please call Talli or Marilyn at 503-285-4238 for more information.
In addition, waiting lists are currently open for other Public Housing
properties owned and managed by the Housing Authority of
Portland. Please see www.hapdx.org for a list of open waiting lists
and a description of the application process for those communities.
You can also call the Public Housing hotline at (503) 288-5750 for
more information.
New Columbia is committed to serving eligible applicants and will
not discriminate against any person on the grounds of age, race,
color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status, sexual orientation,
marital status, or physical or mental disability.
Clinton Says House Run
Like ‘Plantation’
The H ouse “ has
(AP) — Sen. Hillary
been run like a planta­
Clinton on Monday
tion, and you know
blasted the Bush admin­
what I’m talking
istration as “one of the
about,” said Clinton,
worst” in U.S. history
D-N.Y. “It has been
and compared the Re­
run in a way so that
pu b lican -co n tro lled
nobody with a con­
House of Representa­
trary view has had a
tives to a plantation
chance to present leg­
where dissenting voices
islation, to make an ar­
are squelched.
gument, to be heard.”
Speaking during a
“We have a culture
Martin Luther King Jr.
corruption, we have
Day event, Clinton also
cronyism, we have in­
offered an apology to a
competence,” she said.
group of Hurricane
“I predict to you that
Katrina survivors “on Sen. Hillary Clinton
this administration will
behalf of a government
that left you behind, that turned plause by a mostly black audi­ go down in history as one of the
its back on you.” Her remarks ence at the Canaan Baptist Church worst that has ever governed our
were met with thunderous ap- of Christ in Harlem.
L egal N otices
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