Püge B6 __________________________________ ’ glorila nò ©h s cru e r __________________________ lanua^ i«. 2006 P o r t i a n d O lk s e rv e r A u t o R e v ie w 2006 Lincoln Mark LT 4x4 by K athleen C arb T h e M a rk L T a d d r e s s e s th e B lack w o o d ’s shortcom ings by being heavily based on the Ford F -150 pickup, w hich can be a good or bad thing d e ­ pending on how you look at it. On the good side o f things, the M ark LT is built on the m ost refined truck platform with a cabin that is quiet. It feels like it b e­ longs in a luxury line o f vehicles. On the o th e r hand it d oes not stand out enough front the F - 150 body style to give it the bling -b lin g style. It comes with Ain/Fm 6-Di sc C D wZMP3 audiophiles sound system, pow er doors, window s, seats, automatic headlights, elec­ tric temperature controls, real ebony wood trim , and leather everyw here at no extra cost. T h at’s not bad for around $43.000, significantly cheaper than the Escalade competitor. Options include a DVD player, reverse sensors, pow er moon roof, how ­ ever if you choose the m oon roof then you can not get the D VD player and plenty of truck accessories like skid plates and chrom e bed rails. The Mark L T ’s suspension feels just like that in the F-150, which isa good thing. It offers a nice com prom ise betw een sta­ bility and sm oothness, feeling connected to the road but never too bouncy or harsh. In the perform ance departm ent, this new Lincoln doesn’t disappoint, as its 5.4-liter Triton V8 engine makes 300 horsepow er and 365 foot-pounds o f torque, w hich is less than the huge V8 in the C adillac com ­ petition but m ore than most buyers will ever need. Com pared with the Caddy, what the L incoln’s engine lacks in brute pow er it m akes up for in refinem ent, offering a sm oother, quieter experience when you step on the gas. All in all, the Mark LT is ahuge improve­ ment over the Blackwood and perfect for people who want a truck for practicality. com fort and style, and it’s alm ost sure to be much more popular as a result. Better yet, its base price is even less than a high- end version o f the F -1 5 0 — the Lariat King Ranch Edition with four-wheel drive. Tested Vehicle Information: Price: $47,605: Engine: 5.4L - 3V SOHC; Transmission: 4-speed automatic. ■MHMMMBI First Generation Students Excel continued Brett and Andrew, ages 8 and 4 Brothers Await New Family Brett and Andrew are sweet boys who have had a rough start in life. Although currently in separate foster homes, they see each other weekly and have been able to salvage a positive brotherly relationship. Brett is adorable and on the go. He loves to socialize, run hard and play outside and spend time on the ranch with his foster father. He has been able to make friends and is showing good aptitude in school. Andrew treasures his visits with his brother. He also loves building and tinkering, helping out or attending fun social outings, like parties and parades. These siblings need continued patience and understanding as they recover from their past. Despite the obstacles, they are already showing much promise. There will be many adventures in parenting these boys. Brett and Andrew are am ong the approxim ately 300 Oregon Children available for adoption through the state, generally because o f abuse and neglect. For more inform ation on the availability o f these children for adoption or how to becom e a foster or adoptive parent, contact the Special Needs Adoption Coalition at 503 542-2392 or the Oregon Department of Human Services at I -800-331 -0503. from Metro lack the tim e and fin an cial re ­ so u rces to fully sup p o rt the high c o s ts o f m e d ica l d e g re e s, a l­ though they are w illing and su p ­ p o rtiv e o f th e ir c h ild re n ’s a m b i­ tio n s. T he so cio eco n o m ic statu s o f very m any m in o rities is u n fo rtu ­ n ately d rag g in g a lot o f them d o w n , G arcia said. O ne pro d u ct o f O H S U 's sp e ­ cial g u id an ce and assistan ce is S a lv a d o r D e C r u z , a y o u n g P h illip in o stu d e n t p u rsu in g a m edical career. D e C ruz ad m its th at w ith o u t the O H SU d iv e rsity c e n te r, it w ould be hard for him to reach his dream s. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P or u ani ) O bserver Lesley Garcia, the multicultural center director at Oregon Health Sciences University serves as a mentor and advisor to OHSU student Salvador De Cruz. Free Walk-In Glaucoma Eye Tests Available Devers Eye Institute at Legacy Health System will conduct free eye testing this month as part of N ational G lau co m a A w aren ess Month. The screenings will test for glaucom a and other serious d is­ eases o f the eye. Glaucoma is one o f the leading causes o f blindness in the United States. It is associated with elevated Retired Judi Pitre Honored eye pressure and near sightedness. High-risk groups for Glaucoma include African-Americans, the eld­ erly and people with diabetes. The screening process is painless and takes only a few minutes to com ­ plete. No appointment is required and everyone is welcome to receive the free eye screening. “Although there is no cure tor glaucoma, early detection leads to earlier treatment which can significantly delay or stop further visual loss, said Dr. G. A. "Jack" Ciofft, chief of ophthalmol­ ogy and ophthalmology research at Legacy’s Devers Eye Institute. Regularexams are recommended every 1 -2 years for those over 65 and every 2-4 for ages 40-64. Testing periods are as follows: Thursday, Jan. 19 from I0 a .m .to 2 p.m. at Legacy G ood Sam aritan Hospital & M edical C enter, B uild­ ing 2, 1040 N.W . 22nd Ave.; T ues­ day, Jan. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Legacy Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. 501 N. G raham Street; and Tuesday, Jan. 31, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Legacy M ount Hood M edi­ cal Center, on 24800 S.E. Stark St. Today... I made life better Edith and the other nurses and professionals at Legacy Emanuel Hospital are making life better. Whether per­ forming a complex surgery or comfort­ ing someone in Portland housing advocate Judi Pitre (center) is thanked for her 33 years of service in the Housing Authority of Portland by Portland Mayor Tom Potter and HAP Board Chair Kandis Brewer Nunn. need, they are Ju d i P itre w h o re tire d from H o u sin g A u th o rity o f P o rtla n d a f te r 33 y e a rs o f s e rv ic e , w as h o n o r e d by P o rtla n d M a y o r T o m P o tter, H A P B oard C h a ir K an d is B rew e r N unn and o th ­ e rs. improving life in P itre d e d ic a te d h er c a re e r to se rv in g th o se w h o are less fo r­ tu n a te and has to u c h e d m any liv e s in th e p ro ce ss. “ S he h as run a lm o st ev e ry o p e ra tio n in th e a g e n cy and im ­ p ro v ed all o f th em d u rin g h e r te n u re . S he w as th e v o ic e o f c a lm , rea so n , an d yet o f a c tio n , th a t h elp ed b rin g th e c o m m u ­ n ity to g e th e r to fin d s o lu tio n s to th e d ee p so c ia l p ro b le m s at C o lu m b ia V illa ," said a H A P sp o k e sp erso n . our community... every day. Youth Leaders Meet Saturday P o rtlan d 's U rban L eague will hold its4 'h A nnual A frican A m eri­ can Y outh L eadership C o n fer­ en ce on S aturday, Jan. 21 from 9 a.m . to 1:30 p.m . at the Portland C o m m u n ity C o lle g e C a sc a d e C am pus, in the T errell H all, at 705 N. K illingsw orth St. T h e p ro g ra m w ill in c lu d e a k ey n o te a d d re ss by R ev. Dr. W .G . H ard y Jr., a p an e l d is ­ cu ssio n an d w o rk sh o p se ssio n s on such to p ic s as In v e stin g In Y o u rs e lf (s e lf-d is c o v e ry ). In ­ v estin g Y o u r M o n ey (fin a n c ia l lite ra c y ), M o v in ' O n U p (co l- leg e p re p a ra tio n ) an d In v e stin g In Y o u r C o m m u n ity (c iv ic e n ­ g a g e m e n t). P re -re g is tra tio n is a d v ise d . A fre e c o n tin e n ta l b re a k fa st an d lunch w ill be p ro v id ed . F o r m o re i n f o r m a t i o n , c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 0 - 2642. Forum on Medicare Part I) Program Peace Lutheran Church, 2201 N. Portland Blvd.. will host an infor­ mational m eeting with representa­ tives from M ultnom ah C ounty Aging and Disability on the Medi- care Part D prescription drug pro­ gram with tim e for questions and answ ers. The session is open to the public with no appointm ent necessary. Emanuel Hospital Emanuel Children's Hospital For more information or physician referral, please call 503-335-3500. www.legacyhealth.org LEGACY legacy Health System, a nonprofit organization, incudes Emanuel Hospital X Health Center, Fmanuel Children’s Hospital,Good Samaritan Hospital X Medical Center. Meridian Park Hospital. Mount Hood Medical Center, Salmon Creek Hospital,Visiting Nurse Association.legacy Clinics and CareMark/Managed Healthcare Northwest PPO.O ZOOS I W l/i St/sftirt I