il!‘^Jvirtlanb © beerucr lanuary 4. 2006 Ask o Real People, Real Advice Alt advice column known far its fearless approach IO reality hosed subjects! He was bom more on Aug. 7 , 1894 in Greenville, Ala. at a tim e when black men were generally forced into the hardest o f work, ruefully shortening their lives. But M ark M atthew s beat those odds by a life that spanned three centu­ ries, dying at the astounding age o f 111 last A ugust. A headstrong and d iligent young m an, M atthew s would find his way into the United States Army w hile barely a teen­ ager. Conflicting sources put him at 14, 15 or 16 years old when he persuaded a work boss to take him to a m ilitary outpost and verify his age as 18. Regardless o f his age, M atthews proved him self a worthy American patriot, immediately gain­ ing a stunning proficiency as a small arm sexpert. A say o u n g child. M atthew s was deeply attached to farm anim als, particularly horses. Nurturingsm all ponies may have helped to heal em otional w ounds that cam e from losing both his m other and a twin sister during his early childhood. In 1904, at 10 years o f age he began delivering new spapers on horseback. His strong work ethic quickly earned him an envied posi­ tion as a horse tender at a nearby racetrack around 1905, almost a decade before the First W orld War. Dear Deanna! y o u ’ve been m inding som eone I have a crush on a lady that I’ve else’s business. Until you talk to admired forafew years. I’ve watched the lady, you have no idea what her relationships and get the feel­ sh e 's looking for or why she se­ ing she’s a bad judge o f ch. racter lects her dates. If you want to date and dates certain men just to have her, be yourself and approach her someone. I’ve com pared m yself to with respect. Trying to be som e­ all these men and know that I would thing y o u ’re not will be exposed be good for her. I’m not her typical and y o u ’ll look foolish. Take a bad boy type and I'm scared sh e’ll chance, be a real man and accept reject me. Should I be m yself and the outcome. approach her or should I be pre­ Dear Deanna! pared to be what she wants'.* W hat My wife denies me in every area of do I do? —A fraid and In Love; our relationship. We d o n ’t share, W ashington, D.C. go out together or anything else. Dear Afraid: The way we live rem inds me of You need to stop being a stalker college when I had a room m ate. and get yourself together. You have W hen we were dating, things were too much time on your hands if great. She changed immediately af ter marriage. The only interaction we have is w hen she needs money or 1 need to pay bills. I think sh e 's seeing som eone from her past and using me for security. How do I handle this? -T y ro n e; Omaha, Neb. Dear Tyrone: Your wife wants “old time" treatment with Y2K benefits and you're the ATM. While dating she looked at you with loving dollar signs in her eyes and knew she would be taken care of after marriage. You have the right to know w hat's going on and you have the power to address the issue. Stop her in her tracks and seek answers. If she doesn’t cooperate, suggest joint counseling to fix the problem or the bank is closed. Army and began a second career in security w ork at the N atio n In stitu te o f Health. He retired from his second career after a total o f 50 years o f work. Ironically, he would live for al most another 50 years. Perhaps the National Insti­ tute o f Health should have M atthews mind that day. Unable to taken a closer look at him. He cer­ contain his excitem ent, he went tainly would be a living exam ple of straight to the men and told them he how to m aintain good health and w anted to join the Army and be­ live an extremely longlife. He could com e a Buffalo Soldier. Before an ­ also give us som e lessons in stay­ other birthday passed, he was on ing married as he and his wife his way to a recruiting station in G enevieve, were together for over Huntington, Va. After basic train­ five decades before her death in the ing, he w as found to be a natural 1980s. Four children, nine grand­ horseman tojoin the I (^ C alv ary as children, and 17 great grandchil­ dren survived them both. a Buffalo Soidier. E a rly in h is th ird c e n tu ry For the next three decades, M atthews moved up through mili­ M a tth e w s w as b ro u g h t to the tary ranks w hile helping America W hite House where he met with through tw o world wars. As a first President Clinton. On his I OS"1 birth­ sergeant, he would com m and al­ day, C olin Powell joined him for most 100 soldiers and was intro­ celebrations. T hree years later, on duced to the legendary black c o m ­ Sept. 13, 2005, A m erica’s oldest Buffalo Soldier succumbed to pneu­ m ander B enjam in O. D avis. monia. Im pressed with his determ ina­ F ittin g ly , l ’1 S erg ean t M ark tion, Davis brought M atthews un­ M atthews was given a hero’s fu­ der his com m and. As part o f a spe­ neral and buried at the Arlington cial cavalry, they would be deployed Nation Cem etery. in the South Pacific, Panama, and Ron Weber is a writer and then to Saipan where they experi­ speaker on African American his­ enced brutal com bat. tory and a regular contributor to Just after the end o f the W orld the Portland Observer. W ar II, M atthews retired from the Buffalo Soldier Lived to 111 W hile sw eeping out a stall one day he saw a strange sight. A group o f highly polished black men en ­ tered the track to bet on the horses. They w ore the most prestigious clothing at ever seen. These men Mark Matthews were the well-regarded Buffalo Sol­ d ie rs o f the U n ited S tate s o f America. Not even the promise o f an elabo­ rate career in America's finest eques- tr ia n c e n te rs c o u ld c h a n g e Page A 9 Dear Deanna! was probably too stunned to say 1 had a fight with one o f my best an y th in g . Y o u r g irlfrie n d w as friends because she touched my wrong and will go further if allow ed husband in a way I felt was disre­ b ecau se she o b v io u sly h as an spectful. I im m ediately told her not agenda. You did the right thing to touch my husband that way. She because if a m an touched you, your laughed in my face and told me that husband w ould’ve done the same 1 was too serious and needed to thing. T here's no need to be mad loosen up. She then touched him because you handled your busi­ again and I slapped her and the ness and need to w atch your friends fight started. My husband d id n ’t and keep it moving. say a word about the touch but told Ask Deanna is written by Deanna me I was stupid for fighting. Should M Write Ask Deanna! Email: I be mad at hint? - Elise; B irm ing­ or 264 ham, Ala. S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 40211. Website: Dear EHse: Your husband d id n 't say anything because he liked being touched but STATE FARM OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 1146 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent W E'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland. OR 9 7 2 17 AFFORDABLE « JJ FULL LOCKSMITH LOCK & KEY SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 Serving Portland/Metro area (N, NE, SE, SW & NW) THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO COME UP IN LI FE. Mda ► Project Homeless Connect N atu ral, O reg o n Food B ank, O H S U , O reg o n Law C en ter, for the event includes A m eri­ O utside In, Pacific U niversity can M ed ical R esp o n se, C a s­ C o lleg e o f O p to m e try , P o rt­ cade A ids Project, C entral City land O regon V isitors A ssocia­ C o n c ern , C in g u la r W ire less, tio n , P rovidence H ealth S y s­ C oalition o f C om m unity Health tem s, T ran sitio n P ro jects In­ C linics, co rp o rated , T ri-M et, U.S. In­ C om m unity C ycling C enter, te r a g e n c y C o m m is s io n on Health R eserve Corps, H ousing H o m elessness, V ete ran s’ A d ­ A uthority o f Portland, K aiser m inistration, W allace M edical P erm anente, M ercy and W is­ C o n cern , and W est B urnside d o m A c u p u n c tu r e , M e rc y C hiropractic C are C o r p s N o rth w e s t, N a tiv e A second Project H om eless A m erican R ehabilitation A sso­ C o n n e c t e v e n t f o c u s e d o n ciation, New Seasons M arkets, h o m e le s s fa m ilie s an d th e ir N o rth w e s t M e d ic a l T e a m s , unique needs will o cc u r in the N o rth w est P ilot P roject, N W sp rin g . con tin u ed Tribute Keeps Dream Alive con tin u ed fro m Front The entire six-hour program will be sim ulcast on K BOO Rad io, 90.7 FM. Portland Public Schools T ele­ vision S erv ice s/Je fferso n High Television, Channel 28 and Port­ land C om m unity Media. A donation o f $3 or three items o f non-perishable food will be ac- cepted at the door. Sponsors include. Portland P ub­ lic Schools, Portland A ssociation o f T eachers, M cDonalds, Dignity Memorial locations, SA F E C O ,O r­ egon Education Association, Provi­ dence Health System , Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Portland General Elec­ tric and the African American Cham ­ ber ofC om m erce. ACQUIRE ANTHONY CASH REGIONAL SALES MANAGER Cell: (503) 756-6557 YOU WILL MAKE $1000.00 a week online www mychampionteam com/tonycash www iboplus. com/acash Commercial Broker Oregon/Washington PROPERTIES. JOIN MY TEAM TODAY ONLINE $100.000 00 A YEAR GUARANTEED > 4 I IlH N IS f I 4 I I l < l l l 4 l I «‘I I Multi-Million $ Service YOUR DEDUCTIBLE!! 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Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, ju st one block north o f Sandy Blvd. M artin J. Codino, DC 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) $35.00 $ 1.50 Each Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO/ BOAT/ RV CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION U P H O LS T E R Y C L E A N IN G SOFA----------------------- LOVESEAT SECTIONAL ----------- CHAIR OR RECLINER THROW PILLOWS — $69.00 $49.00 $99.00 $35.00 - $5.00 COUPON SPECIAL ANY 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT & CHAIR _______$135.00_______ CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949