il!l |Jn rth tn h © beeruer Page A6 S H IM J s, L and lanuary 4. 2006 e rv ic e Residential- Offices “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” Spring Cleaning Special call me 503-249-0081 H olladay P a rk P arty — Holladay Park Plaza, 1300N .E . 16th Ave., a non­ profit senior housing care center, invites area residents to celebrate the New Year during an O pen House featuring gourm et appetizers and cham pagne on Friday, Jan. 13 from 2 p.m. to4 p.m. T o R .S .V .P .eall 503- 280-2 2 l6 o rv isitw w w .retirem en t.o rg /h p p. S ta rs on Ice - Sm ueker’s Stars on lee, with O lym pic cham pion Scott Hamilton and other stars, com es to the Rose G arden arena on Saturday, Jan. 7 starting at 7:30 p.m. Ticket prices start at $25 and are available at Coupon 10% off on first cleaning Linda J. Scott O w ner Insured - Bonded the R ose Q u a rte r tic k et o ffic e, all T ic k e tm a ste r o u tle ts, and . T im e to J a m -Jam Night, P ortland's ever-popular com edy and variety show is at Christian Performing Arts Center, 8 131 N. Denver Ave. Shows continue every Friday Night starting at 9 p.m. with dinner by M ondem aj Catering next door to the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. H ave a Ball - Kids will have a ball at O M S I’s new Innovation Station by exploring the human side o f technology. For more inform ation, visit S esam e S treet In te ra c tio n --T h e Portland C hildren's M useum presents “Can You Tell M e How to Get To Sesam e Street,” using television’s chrom a-key technology so local kids can see them selves on TV along- CONCERT TONITE __ 3 LEG TORSO side their favorite Muppet characters. For information, call 503-223-6500 or visit w w w .portlandchildrensm useum .org. T rip p in ’ th ro u g h T ow n - Take a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. M u ltic u ltu ra l Film F estiv al — Jefferson High School hosts a free m ulticultural film festival every first M onday o f the m onth through May from 6to8:30p.m . on campus at 5210 Kerby A v e, Room DI 2. Ken Bum s' “Jazz, an African A m erican G um bo" will be featured on M onday, Jan. 9. For more inform ation, call J . Doncan at 5 0 3 -9 16-5180. T rib a l Belly D ance — The G ypsy Caravan Dance C om pany brings its evocative and m esm erizing moves to the Tribal Lounge on 19 N.W. Fifth Ave., each first Thursday starting in January. For reservations, call 503- OREGON S Y M P H O N Y C « « io - «*ctí*E M ) » Dtttuvi i k • . ■ ■ ■ . 222-1667. H ip -h o p D ance C lasses - V ancouver-C lark Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various Musica lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordination, agility, com binations and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call 360-696-8236. F la v o r s N o rm an S y lv ester B and - The Norm an Sylvester Band plays Friday, Jan. 6 at 8 p.m. at the T illicum in Beaverton; and at the Candlelight in Portland on Thursday, Jan. 5 at 9:30 p.m. w / O n th e R ad io - G roove to soul and hip-hop with Kevin Berry from 7 to 9 p.m. M ondays at 90.7 FM /KBOO. Check out theC onununity Potpourri X talk show from 7 to 8 a.m. M ondays, W ednesday and Fridays at 1480 A M /K BM S. C ount your blessings with M elodies from Heaven from 6 to 10 p.m. M ondays through Fridays at 1290 A M /K K SL. Tune in to African American Health Radio W ednesday nights on 1290 AM /KKSL. Belly D ance C lasses - Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance and more. Visit w w w —x- •t t n il \ o n ly v io lin t o if r e r t o is o n e o f th e m o st belov ed of .ill im u li s p . m t d w i i h th e ( o k ) if u l. fo lk in s p ir e d I’t -K ot k V . t r i a t i o n s . ^ r f L ' Construction Trades, a Career Choice • e •B E E T H O V E N KODALY ( I P • 1 Move moot ) V oi TICKETS $22 FOR ADULTS V isit our web page to get started $16 FOR STUDENTS/SENIORS i,[ it n » ''ra re ly <40 m in t,f r s w itn no toTp^nnsston ¡The (Oregonian w w w .o r s y m p h o n y .o r g ARLENE SCHNITZER CONCERT HALL > MAIN A S R O A O W A » The Portland-based ensem ble will present original tunes that incor­ porate elem ents o f modern cham ­ ber m usic, M iddle Eastern and Eastern European folk music and A rgentinean tango. This unusual synthesis is d e­ livered with equal parts creativity, intelligence, wit and jo ie de vivre. F or m ore in form ation, visit www.3legtorso.Li m. Second T h u rs d a y M u s ic W a lk The Second Thursday M usic W alk on North M ississippi A v­ enue opens a new year on T h u rs­ day, Jan. 12 with music, entertain­ m ent and open houses at partici­ p a tin g b u s in e s s b e tw e e n Skidm ore and Freem ont Streets. N icole D avis, ow ner o f Bold Sky Café & Studio, is credited with boosting the burgeoning North M ississip p i A venue scen e by launching the Second Thursday M usic W alk, show casing the d i­ versity o f local talent and busi­ nesses in the neighborh(K)d. M an y re s ta u ra n ts , stu d io s and clu b s w ill be featu rin g live m u sic th ro u g h o u t th e n ig h t. O th er p a rticip a tin g m erch an ts along the av en u e w ill be open late fo r b u sin e ss, w ith som e h o ld in g th e ir ow n ev en ts such as m u sic, open h o u ses, and art exhibits. P O R TL A N p CENTLR FÜ R THE P tW O R M IN O ARTS • The Blue M onk on Belm ont plays live jazz every Sunday night at 9 p.m. For a schedule, visit w w w .thebluem . • Thorn City Im prov, featuring m em bers o f O ldom inion, Q uivah, The Chosen and The Black N otes perform every Tuesday at 10 p.m. at C o n an ’s at 3862 S.E. Haw thorne. • Interstate Bar and Grill has m ature live music at 4234 N. Interstate. • T he Black N otes play T hursdays at the Candlelight Room. • Mel Brown playsjazz at Jim m y M aks on T uesdays and Thursdays and ’u Fridays and Saturdays at S a lty 's on the Colum bia. • A C om m unity Unity B reakfast is held every third Thursday at SEI at 7:30a.m. • Skip Elliott Bowman Jazz T rio plays Saturday» from 10a.m. to noon at H annah B ea’s, on N ortheast M LK Jr. Blvd. and Shaver. • R&B and live funk bands perform w eekends at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. • A fter work, stop by The Red Sea, 381 S.W . 3rd Ave. from 5 to 9 p.m. W ed n esd ay s. • D on’t m iss Reggae T hursdays at S avannah’s at First Thursday celebrations at 8 p.m. • DJ OG O N E spins R&B at Savannah’s on Fridays. Inc. • S avannah’s Restaurant w elcom es Ron Steen Jam Session Sundays at 8:30p.m. • Live Reggae Fridays and S atur­ days at M ontego Bay, 1239 S.W. Jefferson. • Politics and Poetry is every first Michael E. Harper, Sr. and third Thursday at AJ Ja v a’s Internet C afé from 6 to 8:30p.m . • C hicago Style Steppin is from 6 :3 0 to 7 :3 0 p .m . • F rid ay s at M att D ishm an C o m ­ STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES m unity C e n te r and S u n d ay s from HOME OFFICES: HLOOMINGTON. 7 to 11 p.m . at F lirts H oliday Inn A irport. w w w .b e s tO J T .c o m /ih jv .a s p L ufthansa 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -1 3 5 3 M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M ississippi A ve., continue to re­ vive a long tradition o f exuberant and innovative music w hen it pre­ sents a perform ance by the world ch am b er m usic quintet 3 Leg T orso on Friday, Jan. 6 starting at 8 p.m. The doors will open at 7 p.m. for the concert, w hich costs $10 and is open to patrons 21 and over. Start $12 - $18 per H our No skills required, just a w illingness to learn G re g o ry V ajda, c o n d u c to r •K y o k o Takezaw a. v i o l i n B IR T W IS T L E Quintet at Mississippi Studios Ongoing and Upcoming Music Get Paid to Learn Sun., Jan ua ry 15 a t 2 p.m. The chamber music quintet 3 Leg Torso performs Friday at Mississippi Studios in north Portland. V f ...... \ that Make a Big 'X, Difference' We can help! 503-493-6027 V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Clark College Celebrates the Life and Dreams o f Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr. 9()45SWBaibur. Suite 109 RutlandOR 97219 <503)221-3050 A uthor and educator Dr. Freeman A. Hrahowski III, President o f the U niversity of M aryland, ! I Subscribe 1 503-288 003. Baltim ore C ounty, will speak on "B eating th e O dds: Preparing M inorities for Science an d E ngineering Careers" This presentation is free and open to the public. KC I I I I Attn\ Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I I su bscriptions are ju s t $60 p er year I (please include cheek with this subscription form) I I N ame :__ _______________________ T elephone : ___________ I I A ddress :. I o r ent«// Il!* Jflortlani» OOhseruer Thursday, January 12 - 6:00 p.m. Caiser Hall, Clark College 1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver, WA 360-992-2000 Fill Out, Clip Out & Send To: J hf JJpyf gfrf) la