lanuary 4, 2006 'r,!‘* lilortlanh ffibseruer Page A3 Powerful Lobbyist Admits Guilt Bribed members of Congress (AP) — Embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, tax evasion and mail fraud, agree­ ing to cooperate in an influence- peddling investigation that threat­ ens powerful members of Congress. Abramoff agreed with U.S. Dis­ trict Court Judge Ellen Huvelle when she said he had engaged in a con­ spiracy involving “corruption of public officials.” The lobbyist also agreed when she said he and others had engaged in a scheme to pro­ vide campaign contributions, trips and other items "in exchange for certain official acts.” Huvelle and lawyers in the case said Abramoff had agreed to make an estimated $25 million in restitu­ tion to his victims and pay $1.7 million tothe Internal Revenue Ser­ vice for taxes he evaded. According to the plea agree­ Lobbyist Jack Abramoff (center) leaves federal court in Washington, D.C. Tuesday after ment, prosecutors will recommend pieading guilty to conspiracy, tax evasion and mail fraud, agreeing to cooperate with prosecu­ a sentence of 9 1/2 to 11 years, tors investigating powerful members of Congress. (AP photo) Hate Crime Suspects Wanted Four white males are accused of assaulting a 15-year-old His­ panic male in a hate crime attack on Dec. 26 in Vancouver. Police said it happened at the C-Tran Transit Mall lo­ cated at the W estfield Shop­ ping Center. The victim told police a white male dished out racial slurs before the at­ tack. The su sp e c ts w ere d e ­ scribed as being in their late teens e a rly 2 0 ’s w ith the p rim ary bangs. The suspect was also w e a rin g a b la c k h o o d e d sweatshirt with a Shorty's logo and DC shoes. The other sus­ 4 police com­ posite of a man pects were also wearing skate­ boarding apparel. suspected of a If anyone has inform ation hate crime. regarding this case, they art- u rg e d to c o n ta c t the V ancouver Police Department assaulter described as 6 feet tall, majorCrime Unit Detective Stuart heavy set with chin hair, mus­ Hemstock at 360-735-8832 and tach e and long brow n curly refer tocase V05-25452. Making New Year Resolutions For example, if your overall goal is to be healthier, a sp e c ific New Year’s resolution might be to start Every year comes New walking for exer­ Year’s resolutions that will cise. However, be­ make our lives better. Then fore you say, ‘I'll we struggle for the next 12 walk five miles ev­ months to accomplish our eryday’ be realis- goals or we simply forget John tic. Are you in good about them. enough shape to walk five miles? John Ruiz, assistant professorat Does your lifestyle including work, W ashington State U niversity’s marriage, etc, allow you time to walk department of psychology, says everyday? the key to accomplish a New Year's “A more realistic goal might be resolution is to be specific and re­ to walk one mile a day, three days a alistic. week for a month until you get in “Choose a specific behavior to shape,” he said. “Being specific work on and have realistic expecta­ and realistic gives you a New Year's tions about your abilities," Ruiz resolution that you can do.” said. Ruiz recom m ends six tips for Psychology professor provides tips Ru'z success: Find your m otivation by rem em bering why you made the resolution in the first place and it will keep you going on the tough days. Have a plan and be clear about what it will take to reach your goal. A nticipate challenges, be realistic, reward small goals and don’t buy into “all or noth­ ing" thinking. Everyone has a weak moment. Successful people get back up and keep going. Ruiz says to keep things in per­ spective - if you are successful for a whole week and have one slip-up — it doesn't take away from the previous seven days of success. Finally, find support: Surround yourself with others who believe in you and your goal. This helps main­ tain m otivation and gets you through the tough times. Bush Loses Military providing he cooperates with fed­ eral prosecutors in a wide-ranging corruption investigation that is believed to be focusing on as many as 20 members of Congress and aides. A ssistant A ttorney G eneral Alice S. Fisher said the Justice Department will pursue the investi­ gation "wherever it goes.” A bram offs travels with former House Majority LeaderTom DeLay are already under criminal investi­ gation. The lobbyist’s interactions with the Texas Republican’s con­ gressional office frequently came around the time of campaign dona­ tions, golf outings or other trips provided or arranged by Abramoff for DeLay and other lawmakers. Court papers released Tuesday also detailed lavish gifts and con­ tributions that Abramoff gave an unnamed House member, identi­ fied elsewhere as Rep. Bob Ney, R- Ohio, chairman of the House Ad­ ministration Committee, in return for N ey's agreement to use his of­ fice to aid Abramoff clients. Are you ~ °r ] someone you know pregnant Support An annual poll by a newspaper group that caters to the military shows support for President Bush and Iraq war is declining. The 2005 Military Times Poll — associated with the family of newspa­ pers that includes the Army Times — says 54 percent of the active-duty military respondents support the Iraq war, down 9 points from last year. Support for Bush overall fell from 71 percent to 60 percent. The majority - 64 percent - agreed that the military is stretched "too thin to be effective.” Half said the civilian leadership of the military does not have military personnel’s best interests at heart. The survey was conducted by mail between Nov. H and Dec. 23. Because it was voluntary response rather than a random sampling, its findings may not be representative of the military as a whole. According to the Military Times, the respondents are older more likely to be officers, and more likely to be careermilitary. Healthy Birth Initiative can help. Healthy Birth Initiative (HBI) is a program for African American women and their families living in N /N E Portland. H B I o ffe rs : • Transportation to medical and social service appointments • Home Visits • Incentives • Health education classes (free childcare and transportation when attending any HBI group or class) • Information and referrals to community services ? Lor more inform ation contact: Healthy Birth Initiative 5329 NE Martin Luther King |r. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 9721 1 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -3 3 8 7 x222 42 21st Annual I bM iM um S™ « "Keep Alive The Dream" Tribute to! Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mondayjanuaiy'16th,,2006 12:00P.M. -6:00P.M. When? Cascade Hosts Open House Where? Jefferson High School School o f Cham pions ~ School o f Pride The Trades and Industry depart­ Technology Education Building at and fiber optic programs. ment at Portland Community Col­ the C ascade C am pus, 705 N. Attendees can also learn about lege is getting hands on with the KillingsworthSt. becoming a mentor, administering community. PCC staff and faculty will internships or providing a co-op The public is invited to attend an show case hands-on lab training training site. open house for the department from in facilities m aintenance, heating For more information, call 503- 1 to 4 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 6 in the and air conditioning, electrical 978-5651. The Robert G. Ford M em o ria l Theater 5210 N. Kerby, Portland, O regon • Nationally acclaimed, Dennis Springer, Janice Scroggins, Linda Hombuckle, Jeffrey Minnieweather and Friends Submit Accident Reports to DMV Only Drivers and owners of ve­ hicles involved in traffic crashes will need to submit accident re­ ports directly to DMV, as part of several new laws taking ef­ fect Jan. I. Previously, accident reports could be submitted to law en­ forcement agencies, as well as the DMV. “This new change in law re­ quirements will reduce the num­ ber of people who handle a re­ port before it reaches us, which should reduce the chances that reports are lost or delayed," said DMV A dm inistrator Lorna Youngs. • holocaust and political economic speaker) Live Broadcast/Simulcast • Portland Community Media (PCM) Jefferson High School USPS 959-680 ____________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E d it o k : M ic h a e l L eig h to n D is tr ib u tio n M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D ir e c to r : P aul NeuJ'eldt O eeice M anager : K athy L in d e r Send address changes to Portland Observer, P 0B o x 31 37 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 A Royal Priesthood (Seattle, WA) • Jefferson Dancers Television Dept. / Television Services (PPS), Channel 28 1,1 ^Inrtlanb (Obserucr Established 1970 Eddie Faye Gates (Civil Rights, KBOO 90.7 FM • Kukatonon Woodlawn Elementary School • University o f Oregon Gospel Choir • Inspirational Sound (Eugene, OR) • Kappa Steppers Subscriptions are $60 .00 per year E ditor - in -C hiee , P ublisher : 503-288-0033 PAX 503-288-0015 news@portlandobserver.iom The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill he returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. 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Dignity Memorial For program information & event schedule log onto: Locations, Safeco Insurance, Oregon Education Association, o < Providence Health System, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Portland General Electric, African American Chamber o f Commerce 1