(Eh Page A2 v|Jortlanh (©bserucr lanuary 4. 2006 Siblings Split on Future of King Center Ailing mother cannot respond (A P )— Tw o children o f Martin Luther King Jr. said Friday they will fight any sale o f the M artin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social C hange to the National Park Ser­ vice, pitting them against their two younger siblings. Bernice King said she and M ar­ tin Luther King III believe the sale - which the center’s board voted to pursue earlier this month - would com prom ise the center’s indepen­ dent voice. “O ur father challenged our na­ tion. He challenged the use o f vio­ lence. If the King Center is sold to the governm ent, our nation will lose that im portant legacy of challenge, equality and independence,” she said outside the center. All four o f K ing’s children are board members. Martin Luther King III said Friday that he was replaced as its chairm an by his brother D ex­ ter King earlier this year, and that Bernice King was removed as sec­ retary earlier this year. Theirm other.CorettaScott King, w ho founded the center shortly after the civil rights leader’s death in 1968, is recovering from a stroke she suffered in August and cannot verbally respond to the conflict. Board m em bers who support the sale - including siblings Dexter King and Y olanda King and form er U.N. A m bassador Andrew Y oung-have said the transfer of pow er would let the family focus less on grounds maintenance and more on K ing’s m essage o f nonviolence. A Park Service report issued last year estim ated that the King Center needed $ 11.6 m i 11 ion i n repairs. The Martin Luther King III 'Sf I OHzirr-^ ^ ^ n s fe r £ opinion on a possible sale earlier this year. “She felt at some point that it may, in fact, end up with the gov­ ernm ent, but she never envisioned that in her lifetim e," Bernice King said. Martin Luther King HI said Fri­ day he had neglected his board duties over the past decade but was ready to step up now. "The board o f directors has been remiss in providing sufficient over­ sight regarding important gover­ nance o f operational and program issues,” he said. "I take responsi­ bility for my own failure." Ì Students Line Up NEW S E A S O N S M A R K E T report cited leaks in the reflective ptx)l, collapsed drainage pipes and problem s with loose and exposed wiring. The National Park Service al­ ready ow ns the King National H is­ toric Site across the street and m ain­ tains H istoric E benezer Baptist Church, where King preached from I960 to 1968, as well as the King birth hom e and the visitors’ center. The King C enter holds d ocu­ ments from the civil rights m ove­ ment and the tom b o f the Nobel Peace Prize w inner. M artin and Bernice King said Friday their m other expressed her c^ o m ers, ^ S e ta » ..... K M e e t y o u r P h a rm a c is ts , M e lin d a B u tle r a n d T o d d M a rtin AT A R B O R L O D G E kJe art, a regularpharmacy! W e fill p r e s c r ip tio n s — in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s , h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s , a n ti- d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tr o l, a n d m o re . ( r W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a r e in fo r m a tio n . O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e . W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s r e q u e s te d t r W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y AT A R BO R LODGE N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D 5 0 3 .4 6 7 4 8 4 8 • W W W N E W S E A S O N S M A R K E T .C O M M O N FR I 9 a m -7 p m • S A T 9 a m 6 p m • S U N 10 am 4p m - A gambling problem leaves its m ark on everyone it touches. to for Financial Aid Help day scheduled at 4 PCC campuses Portland Community College will host a bigger and better Financial Aid Day this year, spanning the college district and attracting more than 1,000 current and future stu­ dents. The day o f help will take place Saturday, Jan. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at four cam pus locations: Cascade, R ockC reek, Sylvania and the Southeast Center. For Lisa Hu m m el, last y ear’s Fi­ nancial Aid Day at PCC gave her the inform ation she needed to suc­ cessfully earn scholarship money for school. "I really needed h elp ,” said Hummel, a resident o f southeast Portland. “ I d id n ’t know how to apply for scholarships. But I was able to learn and find out more inform ation. W hat they offered at Financial Aid Day really benefited me. I found out where the scholar­ ships were and I ended up getting Portlandia Club, Danish Sisterhood and Ford scholarships.” At th e u p c o m in g se s s io n s , PCC ad v iso rs w ill p ro v id e p er­ so n a liz e d a s sista n c e to fu tu re co lleg e students w ith co m p letio n o f th eir F ederal S tu d en t A id form (FAFS A ). There also will be schol­ arsh ip w orkshops th ro u g h o u t the day to help stu d en ts find d o llars for school. For Hummel, who graduated from the co lleg e’s Project Independence program, which serves w om en who Lisa Hummel are transitioning to school or the w orkplace, help from last y ear’s financial aid event benefited her enorm ously. “ I definitely d idn’t know the first thing about FAFS A when I started school,” said Hummel. "I wished I had the help when I first started three years ago because 1 d idn’t know w hat I was doing. I had to struggle with it at hom e.” Hummel plans to continue her studies with a bachelor’s degree in human services and m aster's d e­ gree in art therapy from M ary Ihurst University. “Just the other day I found a student filling out a loan applica­ tion,” she said. "I asked them if they knew that they could probably qualify for a scholarship or federal financial aid. They had no idea. I just cringed when I heard that. Going through Financial Aid Day gives you the confidence. I feel that ev ­ erybody needs to try." F o r m ore in fo rm atio n , v isit w w w.pcc.edu/finaidorcontactPCC A dm issions C oordinator Roberto Suarez at 503-978-5291. No Smoking on School Grounds A new m andatory policy took effect on Jan. 1 that prohibits stu­ dents, staff and visitors from using any tobacco product at any tim e on school property in Oregon. State public health officials said the new policy m arks an important step tow ard protecting Oregon kids from the health risks o f tobacco. “Every day in Oregon 20 kids start smoking. One-third of them will even- tually die o f a tobacco-related dis­ ease," said Dr. Mel Kohn, state epi­ demiologist. "M ost adult smokers started using tobacco before they diversity turned 18, which underscores the significance o f this new policy.” Kohn said that to b acco -free school policies are an important tool in keeping kids away from to­ bacco and the harmful effects o f secondhand smoke. “The idea that tobacco use is normal and that it is socially accept­ able because respected adults and others do it encourages kids to pick up the habit," said Kohn. ‘T obacco- free school policies are helping change the perception that sm ok­ ing and chew are okay." "Print Participate in Democracy Vote *«til