C lassifieds /B ids For contracting opportunities with the City ot Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau of Purchases Web Page: www-portlandonline.com /onif/ptirchasint: a C it y o f P o r t la n d B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s 1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 P o rtlan d C om m unity C o lle g e Portland, Oregon Faculty Vacancies - Fall 2006/2007 P A R K IN G F A C IL IT Y O p e r a to r Im m ed iate fu ll and p a rt-tim e openings. Seeking dependable, well-groomed, positive Individuals. $ 8 .0 0 * starting wage Overtlme/advancementpotential Medical & Dental, 401k avail. Drugtest/ Background check Apply 12:00-l:00PM, KBOO C o m m un ity R a d io . P o rtla n d ’s lis te n e r-s p o n s o re d , volunteer-powered radio station, has two jo b openings. O n e -y e a r fu ll-tim e T R A IN IN G SYSTEMS DEVELOPER. Skilled in all apsects of radio eq uipm ent and program production at KBOO C o m m u n ity R a d io S ta tio n . Develop and im plem ent training systems for staff and volunteers. F u ll-tim e F IN A N C E C O O R D IN A T O R . F u ll-c h a rg e a c c o u n ta n t to m a n a g e a nd account for K B O O 's fin a n c e s . Experience in Financials, Budgets. HR, Insurance, Annual CPA Audit required. Experience with Grants and G o v e rn m e n t R e p o rtin g helpful. For application instructions and forms go to www.kboo.fm or go to 20 SE 8 th A v e , P o rtla n d . Applications due January 6,2006. KBOO is an equal o p p o rtu n ity employer. C L A R K C O LLEG E C la rk C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g a p p lic a t io n s f o r a f u ll-t im e , perm anent Program Coordinator in Student Life. This position is re s p o n s ib le f o r c o o r d in a t in g program s and activities within the Office of Student Life and Student A c tiv itie s and w ill o v e rs e e th e A s s o c ia te d S tu d e n ts o f C la rk C o lle g e , its s tu d e n t -fu n d e d program s, and chartered student clubs and organizations. S alary is $ 2 ,3 21 /m o. C lo s in g date is 5 p .m ., J a n u a r y 13, 2 0 0 6 . F o r p o s itio n d e s c r ip tio n , re q u ire m e n ts , a n d to a p p ly , access our w e b s ite at w w w .clark.edu. Job s at Clark or c o n ta c t C la rk C o lle g e H u m a n Resources, 1800 E. M cLoughlin B lv d ., V a n c o u v e r, W A 9 8 6 6 3 (360) 9 9 2 -21 0 5 [JO BLIN E (360) 9 9 2 -2 8 3 6 . H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 -2 3 1 7 ] .A A / E E O employer. Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri: 3 :0 0 -4:00PM Tues. City Center Parking, 130 SW Stark, Portland. Notice of Public Hearing on Community Needs In May 2006, the City of Portland, M ultnom ah County, and the City of Gresham will subm it the one-year Action Pian F Y 2 00 6 -0 7 to the U.S. Departm ent of Housing and Urban D evelopm ent. The Plan is a com bined plan and application fo r federal funds available to cities and counties under four program s: Com m unity Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investm ent Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG), and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (H0PW A). The Action Plans FY 2006-07 will detail spending for the com ing fiscal year. Before issuing the FY 2006-07 Action Plans, the jurisdictions w ant to give local residents and providers th e op portunity to present inform ation and view s on housing and com m unity developm ent needs and priorities. A hearing will be held during the Housing and Com m unity Developm ent Com m ission m eeting scheduled for: W ednesday, January 4 , 2 0 0 6 , 7 :1 5 p.m . The M ultnom ah Building, Board Room, First Floor 501 SE Hawthorne, Portland All co m m e n ts received at th e h e a rin g will be co n sid e re d in preparing the ju risdictions' FY 2006-07 Action Plans. HCDC will also accept written com m ents through February 4 ,2 0 0 6 . Please address written com m ents to HCDC, c/o City of Portland, 421 SW 6 th A v e n u e , P o rtla n d , O R 9 7 2 0 4 o r s e n d th e m to bkave@ ci.portland.or.us. A su m m a ry of public com m ents will be included in the final Plan docum ent. The hearing is accessible to people w ith m obility im pairm ents. Please notify Ruth Benson, Bureau of H ousing and Com m unity D evelopm ent, (503) 8 23 -23 9 2, (503) 8 2 3 -6 8 6 8 (TTY) at least seven days before the hearing if you need interpretive services. Portla nd C o m m u n ity C o lle g e is currently a cce p tin g applications for th e follo w in g full-tim e faculty p o s itio n s f o r a c a d e m ic y e a r 2 0 0 6 / 2 0 0 7 . A s p a rt o f o u r re c r u itm e n t p ro c e s s w e a re actively see kin g applicants who will bring d iversity to o u r faculty ra n k s . W h e th e r y o u ’ re an experienced ed ucator o r a rising star with great potential, you could be part of th e exciting fu tu re at PCC! For m ore inform ation about Portland C om m unity C ollege and P o r t la n d , p le a s e v is it o u r hom epage: www.pcc.edu. ABE/GED Art - Palntlng/D raw ing Autom otive S ervice Technology C L A R K C O LLEG E Biology Building Inspection C la r k C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g Business Adm inistration a p p lic a t io n s f o r a f u ll-t im e , C om puter Application S ystem s/ perm anent Library Technician III Office System s position IntheC annell Library. This Chem istry position m anages the print and Com positlon/Literature audiovisual reserve collection and* directs student/hourly em ployees Crim inal Justice Developm ental W ritlng/R eading in c irc u la tio n ta s k s . S a la ry is $2,119/m onth. C losing date is 5 Diesel E n g in e e r in g / E le c tr o n ic p .m ., J a n u a r y 1 2, 2 0 0 6 . F o r p o s itio n d e s c r ip tio n , Engineering Technology re q u ir e m e n ts , a n d to a p p ly , History access our w e b s ite a t M athem atics w w w .cla rk.e du. Jobs at Clark or M ultim edia c o n ta c t C la rk C o lle g e H u m a n Nursing Resources, 1800 E. M cLoughlin Physical Education B lv d ., V a n c o u v e r, W A 9 8 6 6 3 Psychology (360) 992 -21 0 5 [JO BLIN E (360) Real Estate 9 9 2 -2 8 3 6 . H e a rin g Im p a ire d Spanish (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 -2 3 1 7 ] .A A / E E O Speech employer. O p e n in g s s u b je c t to b u d g e t Web E-Commerce and GIS Analyst T h e W eb E-C om m erce and G IS A n a ly s t Is r e s p o n s ib le fo r perform ing the m ost difficult and re s p o n s ib le d u tie s a s s o cia te d w ith e n te r p r is e w e b , G IS a p p lic a tio n a n d e -c o m m e rc e developm ent and m aintenance. T h e d u tie s in clu d e d e v e lo p in g e n te rp ris e w eb a p p lica tio n s to s u p p o r t b u s in e s s g o a ls a n d ob jectives and providing expert d e s ig n a n d d e v e lo p m e n t o f c ity w id e G IS and e -c o m m e rc e s y s t e m s . A d d itio n a l d u tie s Include participating in projects to a s s is t In d e f in in g ta s k s , d e v e lo p in g tim e lin e s, p ro je c t s c o p e o f w o rk a nd u n d e r th e general direction of a supervisor th e In cu m b e n t w ill be p a rtia lly responsible for developing citizen focused services including online b ill p a y in g s y s te m s a n d G IS m apping interfaces. c o n s id e ra tio n s and a p p ro v a l. Salary Range: $42,460 $71,150. Positions are open until filled. File review will begin on Wednesday, February 15, 2006 a n d w ill continue until positions are filled. F o r c o m p le te c o n s id e r a t io n , application m aterials should be received in S taff Em ploym ent by that date. To obtain complete position details and to apply online for any of the above listed positions, visit ourwebsite http://lobs.pcc.edu or contact PCC S taff Employment: ( 5 0 3 ) 9 7 8 - 5857; em ail: p ccio b s@ o cc.ed u : TTY: (503) 978-5878 As an Affirm a tive Action, Equal E m p lo y m e n t O p p o r t u n ity in s titu tio n , PCC a c tiv e ly se e ks qualified m inorities, w om en, and in d iv id u a ls w ith d is a b ilitie s to en ha nce its w ork fo rc e and to reflect the diversity of Its student body. P aren t C hild S p ec. II FT w /ben; A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry : $4,867 - $6,514 Application d eadline is 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Jan u ary 6 ,2 0 0 6 To learn m ore about this position, or to apply online, visit our website at w w w .ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 For m ore in fo rm a tio n , p lease co n ta c t Beth Kaye, Bureau of H ousing and C om m unity D evelopm ent, City of Portland, at (503) 823-2393 or bkaye@ ci.portland.or.us. $13.48-$ 15.07/hr. BS or equiv in social w ork or related field, min 3 yrs exp In early childhood edu w/ parents & child(n) birth to 5 yrs. Bilingual preferred. Send resume, c o v e r le tte r a n d o n lin e a p p . ( w w w .p o r t la n d lm p a c t.o r g ) to Portland Impact, Attn HR AJ, 7211 SE 62nd Ave, Portland, OR 97206. EOE S u b -b id s Requested Justice Center Tenant Improvements: City of Portland E M E R IC K C O N IT IU C IIO N You1 Member of AGÇ are the understanding. co. Portland, OR i » ■ Medical Marijuana Legality Changes New Year brings new laws (AP) — Holders of medical marijuana cards in Oregon now will be allowed to have up to 1 1/ 2 pounds of dried marijuana and six mature plants under a new state law that takes effect Jan. 1. The increased possession limit, part of an effort to clear up ambiguities in the state's 1998 medical m arijuana program, was among the hundreds of new laws approved by the 2005 Or­ egon Legislature. O ther new laws taking ef­ fect New Y ear’s Day include ones to stiffen high school graduation requirem ents, re­ quire seat belt use in taxis and shuttle vans and require the O regon State Police to create a W eb site with a list of high- risk sex offenders. One of the co-sponsors of the new medical marijuana law, state Sen. Bill Morrisette, said it’s aimed at putting the pro­ gram “on more solid footing” by making it easier for police to interpret the law and harder for criminals to exploit it. “It protects these patients and plugs some of the loopholes law enforcement people were wor­ ried about,” the Springfield Democrat said. The change also has been endorsed by Stormy Ray, a multiple sclerosis patient who was a leading spokeswoman for Lesson in Profiling like this. “1 don’t want to shop at a place where 1 am going to be singled out The family urges other African- because of my race. I like to enjoy Americans not to shop at G.I. Joes my shopping experiences,” she until racial profiling for potential said. shoplifters is put to an end. Not only did G.I. Joes lose a The family is also urging others that have been accused by G.I. Joes customer that day, Ms. Caston also of shoplifting to come forward. One returned the merchandise she had piece of advice that Ms. Caston purchased in protest — two pairs offers is to stick together as a group of ski pants valued at more than when shopping so there will be $100 total. The Castons live in Sacramento, witnesses. Also, she suggests keeping a notepad with you to take Calif., but were in Portland for a accurate notes in case of an event business trip. continued from Front School Choice Help Offered Portland Public Schools pre­ sents “Celebrate,” an annual event that provides tools and information for parents to choose a school for their kids. On Thursday, Jan. 12, repre­ sentatives for more than 92 schools and dozens of commu­ nity partners will gather at the Oregon Convention Center from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. to help par­ ents with information on school choices, special curriculums and answer questions. The entire event is free. Chi Ideare and language transla­ tion services, as well as free parking and transportation, will also be available from Cleve­ lan d , J e ffe rs o n , M adison, Marshall, Roosevelt and Wilson High Schools. For more information, call 503- 916-3304. Bid documents available for review at most plan centers throughout the state and at our main office. 8850 SE Otty Rd, Portland Plans can be purchased at the City o f Portland, 1120 SW 5th Ave., Suite 750, Portland, OR. P 0 . Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100 (503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933 - CCB #10723 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503 288 0033 Fax: 503-288 0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com wwwemerick.com We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from Putting people first - that's what sets us apart At Providente Health System, offering understanding and respect to each and every patient is what we do best. Here, you w ill share your gift for helping others and make a difference every day, in a place that honors and brings out the very best in you. And that’s what healthcare is meant to be. Careers at Providence If you're dedic ated to excellence and passionate about your work, then you deserve an outstaixling career opportunity. You'll find this and more at Providence Health System Oregon Pmvidenre is Oregon’s second largest private employer. With state-ot-the-art facilities in Portland, Newberg, Medford, Hood River, Seaside and Mt. Angel, we enjoy a statewide reputation for excellence In healthcare and for being a great place to work When you're ready to pursue an outstanding healthcare career opportunity that offers more thaç a competitive salary and an excellent variety of benefits, consider Providenc e Call our Regional fmployment Center at *501-215-5770 or view current opportunities and apply online today! www.providence.org minority, women, disadvantaged or emerging small business enterprises Y Q„u T&i ! Job Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 Providence Health System an equal o p p o rtu n ity employer A caring d iffe re n c e you can feel Pmvidrm f I the 1998 ballot measure autho­ rizing medical marijuana. She says the new law will ensure that she can obtain enough mari­ juana, which she says helps ease her pain and helps her sleep at night. "It’s a wonderful day for cardholders,” said Ray, who is one of 12,000 Oregonians who hold state registration cards au­ thorizing them to use medical marijuana. C u rre n t law p e rm its cardholders and caregivers — people who grow marijuana for cardholders who can’t or don’t want to grow their own — to grow three mature and four immature plants and to possess up to three ounces of dried mari­ juana. Under the law taking effect Jan. 1, cardholders will be al­ lowed to grow up to six mature plants and 18 seedlings and pos­ sess 24 ounces of dried mari­ juana. However, in exchange for the increased possession limits, the Legislature approved a pro­ vision sought by police saying that patients and caregivers can no longer argue in court that having more than the specified amounts is a medical necessity and therefore permissible. Also, caregivers will be lim­ ited to growing plants for no more than four patients per year. Bid Date: January 10, 2006 - 2 PM email'co re vl& emerick.com Alaska December 28. 2005 î,ie ^Jurtlanò QDbeeruer Page A 8 SvMpm m an Fqual Opportunity Frnpiovrf MULTNOMAH COUNTY www.multcojobs.org L egal N otices N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u rt d ocum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e- m all your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifleds@porttandobserver.com The Portland O bserver » *_*»*•• *■ * <• .