Dear Deanna! I feel as if I’m always treated like dirt. I play by the rules, respect people, and stay out of trouble. Every time I turn around, a girl­ friend is stabbing me in the back and men always play me or think I’m stupid. What am 1 doing wrong to continue attracting people that hurt me like this. Am I a bad judge of character? —Anonymous; Dallas, Texas Ask o Dear Anonymous: Yes, y ou’re a bad judge o f char­ acter because you've placed your need for acceptance higher than y o u r p e rs o n a l s e lf - r e s p e c t. People treat you the way you allow them. You need to look in the m irror and seek happiness in yourself rather than people. At the end of the day, d o n ’t lose any sleep, hold your head high and Page AS a:i!‘’|Jo rtlan b © bseruer December 28, 200S Real People, Real Advice An advice column known for its fearless approach Io reality based subjects! realize you deserve better. Dear Deanna! I’m losing my husband to a co- worker. I understand that men and women work together but I think something else is going on He spends too much time with this woman, gives gifts to her children and constantly brags about her accom plishm ents. When I talk to him about this, it causes an argument and he ac­ cuses me of being insecure. How do 1 deal with this situation be­ cause I can’t take it anymore? - Sad Wife; Detroit Dear Sad Wife: If your husband is providing and you do n ’t have any evi­ dence then you need to get a grip. O bviously y o u ’re not content with your placem ent in life and the other woman is m aking you get your A-gam e in order. H ow ­ ever, if h e ’s taking m oney out o f the household and getting d e­ fensive when you address it, then yes, som ething is going on. Put your foot dow n, give him an ulti­ matum about his behavior and keep it moving. household is none o f my busi­ your ex-w ife and her husband im ­ ness but we have children and m ediately. Let them know your I ’ m concerned. The c h i Idren don ’ t c o n c e r n s an d p r e s e n t the like him either and they tell me c h ild re n ’s inform ation and make that he m istreats them by yelling sure the children a re n ’t playing and m aking p h y sic a l th re a ts. games. A voidjail. and em barrass­ T heir m other is so in love that she ment by handling this like a m a­ looks past this and chooses the ture adult or y o u 'll m ake m atters man over the kids. W hat options worse and it simply isn 't worth it. do 1 have before 1 talk to this m an? Ask Deanna is written by Deanna —Paul; Jacksonville, Fla. husband. W hat goes on in their You need to have a m eeting with M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or 264 Dear Paul: S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 High em otions, jealousy, distrust Dear Deanna! Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: and unhappiness occurs w hen My ex-w ife has rem arried and I d o n 't like anything about her new fam ilies split and start new ones. ww’H’. SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life.. R A N C H E R 'S TEN D ER AN G U S Rancher’s Reserve Angus Beef New York Strip Steak Bone-in. SAVE up to $3.50 lb. CLUB PRICE Pork Shoulder Blade Roast lb Bone-in. Or Country Style Ribs. Valu Pack. SAVE up to $1.50 lb CLUB PRICE BUY B IG & SAVE' New Bikes for Christmas Marly Kehoe, a local real estate developer, delivers new bikes and helmets to 3 0 deserving students from Boise Elliot Elemen­ tary School. In all, about 40 0 bikes were delivered to Portland area school children for the holidays as part o f a program created by Radio Cab employee David Yendell and other support­ ers. Kehoe is the president o f MK Development. Free Rides on New Year’s Eve Open New Year's Day Hours d iffe r by store on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. See store fo r details Next Day fare increase begins T riM et’s offer o f free rides on all MAX trains and buses on New Y ear’s Eve starting Saturday at 8 p.m. is especially inviting, since an increase in fares will be put in place on New Y ear’s Day, Sun­ day, Jan 1. Rising fuel costs over the last 16 m onths caused TriM et to fall $4.4 million short in expected rev­ enues. The deficit is being passed on to passengers by increasing regular adult cash fares by 15- cents and youth and honored c iti­ zen fares by 10-cents. A new 7 day-rolling pass will provide convenience and savings of a monthly pass, but allows a rider to purchase it in smaller increments. For TriMet tickets, passes and m ore in fo rm a tio n , v isit or by call 503-238- RIDE weekdays between 7:30 a.m . and 5; 30 p. m. You can also buy fare tickets at TriM et’s Ticket office in Pioneer Courthouse Square or at Fred Meyer, Safeway and most Albertsons stores. 12-Pack Saleway SELECT Pop 4*8 12-02. cans Selected varieties. Club Price: $2 00 ea Plus deposit m Oregon. CLUB PRICE BUY ONE, CET ONE FREE F.QUU <« I » SS* « VAHJF FUR Tostitos Tortilla Chips Nabisco Snack Crackers 11 to 13.5-02 Selected varieties. SAVE up to $3 49 on 2 7 to IO-02 Selected varieties Club Price $166 ea SAVE up to $1 66 on 3 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE >4A. Buy b Bottles oi mere and Participate in Democracy Z ote fit turn your ballot b y m od or drop i f o f f a t an y d etignated rottr 2*5 rbvpsttt. Call I 8 66 6 ^ 3 8683 to fin d a Itxaftcm n a a ry a t 24-Pack Coors or M iller Minute Maid 64-02 Chilled orange juice Selected varieties Club Price $2 50 ea SAVE up lo $2.78 on 2 12-02 cans Selected varieties. Plus deposit in Oregon CLUB PRICE Election Ballots On Way People o f color find a political fit Mm price per botile Korbet, Martini & Rossi or Sockeye 750-ml bottle. Selected varietals SAVE up lo $5.01 SAVE up to $5 00 Super Colossal Raw Shrimp 610 S et per lb Frozen SAVE up to S8 00 lb 99? CLUB PRICF King Crab Leg & Claw Fully cooked Frozen c u n PRICE 5*10 CLUB PRICE T o c o n ta c t œi!CJ î n r t l a n b ( D b s e W e r Red Baron Deep Dish Pizza Frencr .treat x tony s 0> gmai 8.8 to 17.2-02. Selected varieties CM) Price. $2.00 ea. SAVE up It sn 95 ee 5 BUY O N E GET O N E FREE Shop at Home. We Deliver. ¡Al Oi U»« VAiv» FUI Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice 64-oz bottle or 4/12 02 pack Selected varieties SAVE up te S3 9« on 2 c u n PRICE CLUB PRICE DECEMBER-JANUARY Call 5O3-288-(X)33 ads@portlandob ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD. PER DAY 8*10 ■ ■e in Progresso Soup 18 S to 19-02 Really to Serve Selected varieties Chib Price Si 25 ea