C lassifieds Page A9 ‘ ^Jortlanò (©bseruer December 21, 200S Lifetime of Goodwill are many. They include being appointed by tw o governors to tions Department. The utility’s the State Board o f A griculture charitable arm, the PacifiCorp Foun­ and a ctiv e in v o lv em en t w ith M E T R O dation for Learning will makea$2,000 Links, Inc. a national service or­ Set-up Custodian, Oregon contribution to the nonprofit of her ganization of concerned and com ­ mitted African-American women. Convention Center. $12.66 - choice. “I represented Pacific Power & Today she serves on the boards $14.26/hour, 2 FT positions. Deadline: 01/06/06. Performs Light at events from Pendleton to of the Sunshine Division, Linksand entry level clean-up and set-up Astoria,” said Jones. "At each one Beta Sigma Phi. She has served on tasks at the Oregon Convention I said. ‘PP&L is happy to serve you the boards of American Cancer in this capacity, and 1, as their rep­ Society, American Red Cross, Girl Center. resentative, have had a blast.’” Scouts and W omen’s AdClub. She To access the com plete job At age 84, G eneva continues recently served on the boards of announcem ent and required to have a blast as an active con­ Interstate Firehouse Cultural Cen­ application materials, visit our tributor to causes throughout the ter and PioneerCourthou.se Square. website at www.metro-region.org/ state o f Oregon. Many will rec­ Jones is especially known for jobs or pick up a complete packet ognize Jones from her nearly 30 her work in empowering African at Metro Human Resources, 600 years o f cooking expertise on lo­ American women and entrepre­ NE Grand Ave., Portland. Resumes cal shows such as KOIN Kitchen neurs. She has decades of service are not accepted. and AM N orthwest. But her be­ with organizations such as the h in d -th e -sc e n e s c o n trib u tio n s White Shield Center, Portland Po- AA/EEO Employer continued from Front lice Sunshine Division and the United Negro College Fund. "W e honored Geneva because she epitomizes the great contribu­ tions our retirees continue to make long after they’ve retired from the com pany,” said Judi Johansen, president and CEO of PacifiCorp, which serves local customers as Pacific Power. Pacific Power plans to make the Geneva Jones Community Spirit Award an annual event, along with a PacifiCorp Foundation for Learn­ ing donation to the charitable insti­ tution of the w inner's choice. Also attending the event were Jones’ sons Roman and Steve, dau g h ter-in -law C arol, grand- daughterCeleste, and lifelong friend and fello w re tire e , E lizab eth Langston. Zion Christian (Methodist ‘Episcopal Church Presents “Christm as According to Jazz” Christmas ‘D ay ‘Worship Service Sunday, D ecem ber 25, 2005 9:00 a.m . - 10:00 a.m . jfyss (floKywood Chapel 4733 (AfE. Thompson Street Portland, 02(97213 F e atu rin g Musical Guest - Minister Cary Simms Saxophonist & National Recording Artist Inspirational Speaker - Pastor Renee’ Ward, Zion CME Church Refreshments provided courtesy o f Home Town Buffet Come for the worship and stay for the praise! For m ore inform ation please call Pastor Ward a t (503) 281 -1 820 » ,O Get Paid to Learn PARKING FACILITY Operator S ta r t S I 2 - $ 18 p e r H o u r N o s k ills re q u ire d , ju s t a w illin g n e s s to le a rn Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e openings. S eekin g d ep en d a b le, well-groomed, positive individuals. $ 8 .0 0 * starting wage Overtime/ advancement potential Construction Trades, a Career Choice Medical & Dental, 40 lk avail. Drugtest/Background check Apply 12 :00 -l:0 0P M , Mon,Wed,Thurs&Fri; 3 : 0 0 - 4:00PM Tues. Visit our web page to get started City Center Parking, www.bestOJT.com/ihjv.asp 130 SW Stark, Portland. Designer / Salesperson Neil Kelly Co., a 58-year-old, nationally recognized and published design-build residential rem odeling firm , has an im m ediate opening in the Portland area for an energetic individual. The successful candidate will have residential stru ctu ral knowledge and experience, strong interpersonal skills, and have a proven track record in design, estimating, and presenting residential projects d irectly to clien ts. Requires knowledge and experience in a com bination of housing, construction, architectural design, interior design, and remodeling. Must have ability to problem solve, listen, and communicate. M ust be a team player. Com m issioned position with some benefits. Must have recent proven record of commission- based sales. You provide own vehicle: must have current license and good driving record. Job description available on request. Send resume and cover letter to: Alicia Duncan, Human Resources Assistant, Neil Kelly Company, 804 N. Alberta St., Portland OR 97217, fax to 503-288-1723, or email to hr2@neilkelly.com. i We can help! 503-493-6027 V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc. AM ER IPLAN HEALTH Helping you make money ANTHONY CASH photo by Neil Kelly is a Union contractor. If not a current Carpenters' Union member, then must join. Expected to provide own van or pick-up and tools. A clean driving record required. Drug-free workplace. For immediate consideration, send resume, tool list, vehicle type and brief letter describing your interest and experience aligned to this position to: Alicia Duncan, Human Resources Assistant, Neil Kelly Company, 804 N. Alberta St., Portland OR 97217, fax to 503- 288-1723, or em ail to hr2@neilkelly.com. REGIONAL SALES MANAGER M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Cab Drivers Spread Holiday Cheer Cell: (503) 756-6557 YOU WILL MAKE $1000 00 a week online www my championteam,com/tonycash www.iboplus.com/acash Radio Cab Co. 's David Yendell (far right), along with his co-workers and volunteers, give back to the community this holiday season by distributing free turkeys, bread products, potatoes and more, to qualified unemployed residents. The group helped over 900 families on Saturday. Yendell and other donors also distributed 127 brand new bikes to kids at four different schools. Bridge Building to College Parents and particularly high school students interested in col­ lege are invited to attend a Bridge Builders program with local univer­ sity students on Thursday, Dec 29 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the World Trade Center, I2l S.W. Salmon. T he se ssio n aim s to build bridges that lead to college for stu­ dents who otherwise would have a more difficult time finding their way there in terms of funding, prepared­ ness and more. The Bridge Builders organiza­ tion assists African American high school and college students to strengthen the African American community by promoting spiritual­ ity, scholarship, entrepreneurship and community building. BOSS HOGG JOIN MY TEAM TODAY ONLINE $100 000 00 A YEAR GUARANTEED >4 I lll4‘«ISl I 4 I I lu ll 141^4 I 4*1 l u l l l l c I k e e /tA t h r » Christmas Tree Lot Hollywood Holiday Special 4317 NETIIImook St. @ Genesis Hair Salon Portland, OR 97213 26th & Alberta I1 ÍI4 I» I« I4 IÍ4 4 4 *lll4 * l 4 I I Ì I 4 IBI <14 IÍ4 4 4 *lll4 *l • AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES • ON THE JOB INJURIES • NECK PAIN • BACK PAIN • HEADACHES • WELLNESS CARE • SPORTS INJURIES • We accept most insurance pians. • No referral required. Sales / Carpenter Career opp ortu n ity fo r a hardworking, conscientious, and dependable carpenter who wants to sell and build. If you desire to work with professionals, take pride in getting things done right, have good communication skills, and appreciate quality, then Neil Kelly offers the career opportunity you desire. Our Home Repair (small jobs) division seeks a journeylevel, all-around carpenter with strong finish work expertise ¿who enjoys working directly with residential clients, and has experience in remodeling sales. The successful applicant will be self-motivated, organized, and a te rrific problem solver for residential remodeling projects in the Portland Metro area. This position pays a combination of Union wages and commission on sales. ’ V Doing the Little Things \ that Moke a Big • Treatment fo r auto injuries covered by most insurance carriers. Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, just one block north o f Sandy Blvd. (503) 493-9730 Martin J. Codino, DC D ecember 26"' -January 3rd F u l l H e a d W eave Sew n $ 1 0 0 .0 0 F u l l H e a d Q u ic k W eave $65 R e la x e r (to u c h u p o n ly ) $25 Christmas Trees H o lly w o o d S ilk y ( fla t Ir o n ) $25 All work done by Hollywood HairStylist Weaves by Appointment Only Call Tiffany at Any Tree On Lot $20,00 503-286-9405 or 909-887-6349 Mentor Outreach Coordinator I FT w / ben; $ 1 1 .7 2 -$ 1 3 .4 0 hourly Associate degree or equivalent: Min two (2) years experience in human services field with one (1) year exp. volunteer management and/or community engagement; preference given to those with experience in prom oting volunteerism or com m unity activism in cultural m inority populations; Send resume, cover letter and online app. w w w .p ortla n d im p a ct.o rg) to Portland impact, Attn: HR AJ. 7211 SE 62nd Ave. Portland, OR 97206. THERE’S MORE THAN ONE (AY TO COME UP IN LI FE. \dvertis w ilhdivtlsiiv in Pori (nub (litise rue v Call 5&3-288-OD33 @ The corner o f MLK & Portland Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 « ■ m il Fverybody s looking for a way In matte it happen And with STATE FARM OFF.: (5 0 3 ) 28 6 -1 1 0 3 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 1146 over 150 careers to choose from in the l).S Atmy. you can do |ust that You II become stronger smarter and more prepared to (ace any challenge that comes your way find out how you can become An Army Ot One at GOARMY COM INSURANCE COMPANIES or call 1 800 USA-ARMY HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS Ask us about our up to $20,000 Enlistment Bonus Where U $ Army Recruiting Station at 131 1 NE Broadway Street ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent When Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5 00pm Who: $gt. 1st Class Walter Washington WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. AN ARMY OF ONE Portland. OR 97217 I