œi’1 ^Jnrtlauh (©bseruer December 21. 2005 PageAS F ood Swedish Oatmeal Pumpkin Pie with Cookie Nut Crust Pancakes I f you 're still scrambling to Jind a perfect pumpkin pie recipe that will please all o f your holiday guests, look no further! The following award- winning recipe from the Bolton Fair in Massachusetts is featured in The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s Blue Ribbon Recipes <8 servings): • • • • • • • • • • 2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats 2 cups buttermilk, plus more as needed 1/2 cup Hour 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder I teaspoon baking soda 2 large eggs, lightly beaten 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted canola oil for cooking 1 large pear, cored, peeled, thinly sliced I-1/4 cups Hour 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 cup (1 stick) margarine, softened 1/2 cup loosely packed brown sugar 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1-1/2 teaspoons cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/4 cup lightly toasted sliced almonds • • • • • • • Preheat the oven to 350 de­ a lu m in u m foil to p rev en t 1/2 teaspixm ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg grees F. In a large bowl, combine overbrowning. In another bowl, thoroughly 1 scant cup granulated sugar the (lour and baking soda. Add the combine the cornstarch, cinnamon, margarine, brown sugar, walnuts, I can (15 ounces) pumpkin ginger, nutmeg, and granulated and vanilla. Blend well. Press the 1-1/2 cups light cream mixture, a small amount at a time, sugar. Add the pumpkin, cream, 2 eggs into a 9-inch pie plate, building up eggs, and molasses. Pour into the 2 tablespoons molasses the sides and fluting the edge. crust and bake for 1 to 1 -1/2 hours, Cover the fluting with a strip of or until the center is set. Holiday Celebration Butcher s Cut Hickory Sm oked Shank H alf or W hole Ham In a large bowl, com bine oats and 2 cups butterm ilk. Soak at least 30 m inutes. In a medium bowl, combine the dry ingredients. Stir them into the oat mixture. Mix in eggs and m elted butter. B atter should be thick; add 1 or 2 table­ spoons more butterm ilk if it’s too thick to pour. Coat a non­ stick or w ell-seasoned griddle with canola oil and heat it over medium heat. Pour out batter in 1/4-cup portions. Place a few pear slices and alm onds on each pancake. Cook until browned on bottom , 2 to 3 m inutes. Flip and cook for 2 to 3 m inutes more. Serve with butter and maple syrup. Serves 4 to 6. Subm itted by Diane Halferty o f Corpus Christi, Texas from the 2006 edition o f The Old Farmer's Alma­ nac. SAVE up to $1 20 lb. Rancher s Reserve Angus Beel Ribeye Roast Bone-in, SAVE up to $5 00 lb Better Training, Policies H ours d iff e r by sto re on C hristm as Eve a n d C hristm as Day. See s to re f o r d e ta ils. Butcher s Cut Spiral Sliced Ham M m and Diversity also has taken the first steps in applying to the Com m ission on organization? W e have already A ccreditation o f Law Enforce­ hit the ground running, as I have ment A gencies— or CA L E A to first asked for a com m ittee o f begin an accreditation process. Bureau m em bers and citizens to The benefit o f doing this is that it conduct an extensive review o f ensures that all areas o f the Po­ all o f the B ureau’s directives. I lice Bureau— including policies w ant to com pare them side by and training— are m eeting estab­ side to other law enforcem ent lished standards. A long-term agencies in m ajor cities. I also benefit is that following accredita­ want to look at national best prac­ tion, members o f CA LEA will tices and ensure that we have no continue to review our agency every few years to ensure that we gaps or hidden issues. The Police Bureau will begin continue with the established stan­ im plem enting an O ffice o f Pro­ dards. This is an enormous project fessional Standards that wi 11 over­ that will take up to 3 years to see our Internal A ffairs process, complete, and will involve a lot of but will also develop an Early input from community members. Unlike smoked port'on hams. Our Butcher's Cut Super Trimmed Hams are full half hams w t h no tenter sixes removed, giving you a better value Beer O P. : Hitt- S’ '9 . I v t ,',t esvpptelas: HOLIDAY STORE HOURS continued M o re Ham For Your M oney Butcher's Cut Fresh Turkey C aptain 's Choice Cooked T a il-o n Shrim p Size range 10 to 24 I Jl II.:' M l ( i l l J l M S'’’ -/StLEC'Icl • a w : spul tvrr.S2.49 b. SAVE up lo 3 0 c lb 31 lo 43-c Frozen Sold n a 2-5 ba? c S tl 98 ca SAVE up lo S1 SO lb SAVE u p to S? 5 0 lb fro m Front Holidays mean Safeway deli party trays P iu s J anuary 4m , U nited M ileage m iies w ith the S ee C ustomer S ervice FOR DETAILS. Fresh Express Salad Blends 1 to 12-oz package. Select«) varieties SAVE up to S3.29 M 2 Fresh Baked Pies Safeway SELECT Ice Cream Nabisco Snack Crackers 1 7 5-qt S elected varieties C l. b Price $2 5C ea SAVE up lo $2 98 on 2 7 lo 10-oz S* lectefl va nf-tirs C lub P rice $1 66 ea SAVE up to S3 99 on 3 5-lb. Box Satsuma Mandarins Or 5-lb Box California Clemen#nes 'angermes 2 lor $9.00 W lN tr i A»"" ibex Argyle Adelsheim or Benton Lane Aquafina Lucerne Butter Finally, the M ayor and I want to look for a way to open the precincts up again to be staffed on a 24/7 basis. I know that this is a priority for com m unity m em ­ bers, and w orking with M ayor Tom Potter, I hope to find a way to fiscally make this happen. I w ant to thank m any o f you w ho have assisted the Portland Police Bureau with its com m u­ nity policing efforts this year. I will be asking a lot o f you in the future, as w e continue to ask com m unity m em bers what their vision o f com m unity policing is. Then it is my goal to ensure that the Police Bureau is in line with com m unity expectations. On behalf o f the m em bers o f the Portland Police Bureau, I want to extend our sincere w ishes to you and your fam ily for a healthy, happy new year. Derrick Foxworth serves as Portland's police chief thru PURCHASE OF 4 O F !! TRAYS. The Police Bureau is often the subject of external audits, and it will be beneficial to have our own audit system that will outline for us the issues concerning certain functions on the front end so that we will be ahead of the curve. Intervention system for Bureau m em bers. This new system will m onitor em ployee perform ance to provide positive career sup­ port. early identification o f prob­ lems and support the B ureau’s goal o f encouraging personnel and im proving accountability. Also under the O ffice o f Pro­ fessional Standards, will be the A udit and Inspections Unit. The purpose o f this unit is to provide objective assessm ent o f a Bureau unit, program , function, proce­ dure, etc. This is really about taking what we do and analyzing ourselves before a crisis or inci­ dent em erges. The Police Bureau is often the subject o f external audits, and i, will be beneficial to have our own audit system that will outline for us the issues co n ­ cerning certain functions on the front end so that we will be ahead o f the curve. The Portland Police Bureau N ow earn 1 5 0 0 16- / Quartets Regular or dnsailec Club Price $2 00 ea SAVE up to $2 98 on 2 Broccoli Crowns or Cauliflower SAVE up to 80» Ip. Saleway Frozen Vegetables Tropicana Pure Prem ium 32 M Selected »anches Club °iM.» S i 50 «a SAVE up lo S I 3« on 2 59 t o 64 oz Cm ilcd orange |» c e S h e e te d varieties C lub Price 52 00 ea SAVE up to $3 96 on 1 . BUY ONE. GET ONE FREE at Home. We Deliver s a fe w a y .c o m Ai I I IM r h ARE n R FR >1M IR >| 1). R R PAV n» tk prue* in r « pur. -tai nr» J, île Nr M toi at Sj'raps »» the nght ».) tcfivtl sii pr h ili . r \ ! I ■ I itti» t;.- ■ X4) ‘«ílrr» Mt nut . 2 pn»» • »Ir* I* i w.ffc