Page A3 JJortlaitb (©hseruer December 21. 2005 School Uniforms for Jefferson Debated students, parents, educators and com ­ munity members to discuss reform. The proposals aim to improve the cur­ Phillips has made two reform pro­ riculum and expand college and ca­ posals this year, designed to revamp the weakening structure o f school reer preparations. The advisory team proposed school administration and student achieve­ uniforms after visiting out of state ment in several low-performing north schools, impressed by the unified stu­ and northeast schools. Jefferson has undergone many im­ dent body and the dedicated environ­ provement efforts in the past few ment it created. Jefferson students and several adults years, replacing principals several times, switching over almost all staff attending Thursday ’ s meeting objected members and the development of a to the school uniforms plan, complain­ magnet arts program. However, en­ ing that they would stifle individual rollment continues to decline, with a freedom and not treat all schools the significant number of students in the same. Jefferson and Harriet Tubman Middle School, another school tar­ community attending other schools. geted for reconfiguration by starting Phillips formed an advisory team of continued from Front The reshuffle is aimed at boosting or nearly tripling enrollment at Jefferson. an all-girls academy, would be the only two schools in the district requiring uniforms. Jefferson would be organized into two or three smaller schools: a co-ed Arts and Technology Academy, grades 9 through 12; a co-ed prep Interna­ tional Baccalaureate program for grades 9 through 12; and a Young M en’s L ead ersh ip A cadem y for grades 7 through 12. Tubman, located near the Rose Quarter, would be organized into a L eadership A cadem y for Young Women, grades 7 through 12, with a focus on science and technology. Area elementary schools would become pre-kindergarten through eight grades, with a few other options avail­ able to students and families. The reshuffle is aimed at boosting or nearly tripling en rollm ent at Jefferson. Other proposals include hiring more teachers of color, increasing the cultural proficiency of teachers and staff mem­ The Oregon Department of Transportation wishes you safe and happy holidays, and invites you to explore careers in highway construction in the new year. A family lights a ceremonial candle during the seven-day holiday o f Kwanzaa. Each candle repre­ sents one o f the seven principles o f the African American holiday that emphasize commitment to family, community, and culture. Kwanzaa Brings Families Together Local events planned P o rtlan d w ill be ce le b ra tin g K w anzaa, a seven-day holiday cel­ ebrating fam ily, com m unity, and A frican A m erican culture. T he B lack E d u catio n alC en teris coordinating a special evening to celebrate the spirit o f com m unity unity and strength by paying trib­ ute to the survivors o f H urricanes K atrina and Rita. T he event will be held M onday, Dec. 26 at M att Dishman Community Center, 77 N.E. Knott Street, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. T he p ro g ram w ill begin w ith a trad itio n al ca n d le lig h tin g and li­ b a tio n c e re m o n y . C o m m u n ity trib u te s, m usic, an A frican m a r­ k etp lac e and refre sh m e n ts will also be presen ted . A lively program forchildren and fam ilies will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 27 at the North Portland Branch Library, 512 N Killingsworth. from 6 p.m . to 7:30 p.m ., to celebrate the second principle o f the holiday, Kujichagulia, representing self-de­ termination. The third night o f K w anzaa cel­ ebrates Ujima, collective w ork and responsibility. A rea residents are in vited to share in the experience o f setting your own K w anzaa table at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., on W ednesday, Dec. 28 from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Local artists and fam ilies will present K w anzaa table settings that inspire a sense o f m eaningful con­ nection. T he IFCC gallery will host photos and artw ork relating to K w anzaa, highlighting many w ays to c e le b r a te . A ls o , J u lia n n e Johnson will be entertaining with a gospel perform ance. On Friday, Dec. 30, the Kwanzaa principal o f N ia will be celebrated with the Bridge Builders G ala and G entlem en’s Ball at 7:30 p.m. at Newmark Theater, 1111 S.W. Broad­ way. Form ore information, call 503- 288-8429. Diverse Workforce Hiring Pledged The Portland Development Com ­ m ission, developers, educators and Portland labor unions have agreed to work tow ards a com m on goal o f training and diversifying the local w orkforce. T he plan is to increase photo by m inority and w om en w orkers in construction jo b s to better reflect the com m unity. The partnership includes Oregon H ealth Science U niversity. River C am pus Investors, N orth M ac- adam , Inc., the International Union o f Engineers Local 701, Pacific N orthw est R egional C ouncil o f C a r p e n te r s , P lu m b e r s & Steam fitters Local 290, and Electri­ cians Local 48. 0D0T is repairing or replacing hundreds of aging state highway bridges throughbout Oregon as part of the OTIA III State Bridge Delivery Program. A key program goal is to stimulate Oregon’s economy, including creating job opportunities for workers and contractors. B u ild in g bers, and establishing stronger connec­ tions with neighboring Portland Com­ munity College, Cascade Campus. Changes would be phased in over the next two to three years. Jefferson students could continue to transfer to other schools in the district. A public hearing is scheduled for final recommendations for Jan. 17 with the plans going for School Board ap­ proval on Jan. 23. Funding for the initiative would be dependent upon a potential tax to re­ place the Multnomah County Income Tax that expires next year, and a recent $9 million grant to the district by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Meyer Memorial Trust. To learn more, visit ODOT s web site at 0D0T/HWY/ OTIA/ bridge_delivery.shtml. ODOT IS INVESTING IN OREGON’S FUTURE URI CM 11MVMTMIIM MVtSTMffl M l b re a m s Dejuan Chesterfield, looking fo r work to support his family, contacted V. West Contracting A Consulting Ser­ vices to help him get into a construction trade. A few weeks later, DeJuan started working fo r a bridge building contractor through the A&C Carpenters Apprenticeship Program. Cascade Bridge LLC employed him, and he is still working fo r the company today, one year later. When asked about his new career, he says th a t he is very pleased and enjoys most learning the technical aspects of bridge building carpentry. On the job he is gaining skills in concrete curing and finishing, welding, framing and building forms. In the classroom he is receiving instruction in carpentry, building codes, roof building, team building, identifying hardware and blue print reading. What advice does Dejuan o ffe r a young person interested in the trades? “S ta rt early, and never quit", he says emphatically. Very happy with his progress to date, DeJuan adds “I wish I had started earlier in my life." However, he is looking to the future and is very excited about his pre­ sent participation in the trades. Five years from now, " I would like to be s till be building bridges and taking care o f my kids." For information on a career in construction, (503) 493-6027 on the web, V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc. M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Teaming up for Holiday Giving Soukthavg Kanhalikham (from left), Pernell Brown, Michael Johnson and James Jones volunteer at the Northeast Precinct to deliver Sunshine Division food baskets to deserving families and individuals this holiday season. 3,000 holiday food boxes were delivered on Saturday. 1