________ |Llortlanò © b se ru e r_______ December 14. 2005 P o r t i a n t 1 O k •s e rv e r A u f o Benz 2006 * * X M L 350 S U V Tested Vehicle inform ation: Price: $48,825; E ngine: 3.5 L iter V6; Transm ission; 7G - Tronic autom atic. K athleen C arr Seven years ago M ercedes- B enz p o p u la riz e d the luxury sport-utility class with its ML 320, its first product built in the U.S. since the early 1900’s. M Class SU V s from M ercedes score a m akeover due in the 2006. C om ­ pared to previous M Class w ag­ ons, the new generation is alm ost six inches longer and sw itches from body-on-fram e construction to a rigid unibody platform . The ML 350 is d e sig n e d to h o ld fiv e p a s s e n g e r s . T he unibody c o n stru c tio n w ith iso ­ lated front and rear sub fram es, a te c h n iq u e that e m p h a siz e s high stren g th and low w eight, w h ic h r e d u c e s th e o v e r a ll height. T he re-p ro p o rtio n ed de- OFF.: R e v ie w M e rc e d e s by PageA9 sign im prove accom m odation of those larg er than the average A m erican in d iv id u al or fam ily and the height m akes it e a sie r to get in and out of. Standard equipment includes the 7G-tronic shifter, full-time four- wheel drive (4WD) and four-wheel ■ traction control with Hill Start As­ sist (HSA). A new 3.5-liter V6 for ML35O nets 268 hp. while ML500 with a 5.0-liter V8 runs at 302 hp. Mercedes Benz made sure that its standard package was full of power, luxury and entertainment equip­ ment, in the past customers were unsatisfied by the design of the first ML. The ML 350 offered plenty of passenger room and com fortably while driving. It has outstanding safety features for it passengers which M ercedes Benz has a re­ nowned com m itm ent to occupant safety. It m aneuvers well and provides a sense o f stability while driving. The base price starts at $39,750, but d o n 't stop there. The ML 350 com es with several op­ tion packages to add like: C om ­ fort Package ($ 1,450). AMG Sport- Package ($4,500), Premium Pack­ age which includes trim package (6,150), and many more options. STATE FARM 4k | PCC Teams Battle at Cascade /•W o V \ * 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. ■ Portland, OR 97217 ’ I V w ‘SflUANs | à HEALTH ANTHO NY CASH REGIONAL SALES MANAGER Cell (503) 756 6557 YOU WILL MAKE $1000 00 a week online w w w .m ycham pionteam co m /to n yca sh w ww .iboplus.com /acash JOIN MY TEAM TODAY ONLINE $100.000 00 A YEAR GUARANTEED S« i llieusl I < i II« iih M liht i»r«i< li< < en ter I errante < h in ni «n lit < en ter h ta lth • WTO ACCIDENT INJURIES th ro u g h • ON THE JOB INJURIES • NECK PAIN • BACK PAIN • HEADACHES • WELLNESS CARE • SPORTS INJURIES * Treatment f o r auto injuries covered by most insurance carriers. p flS F L > .. I IL m 4317 NETillmook S t Portland, OR 97213 Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, just one block north of Sandy Blvd. (503) 493-9730 Martin J. Codino, DC MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service :• ■ ''T' CARPET CLEANING ____ Coach Rob Pridemore's women basket­ ball team at Portland Community College won nine games in his first year, and this year's team is well on pace to eclipse that record. A full schedule o f gam es is scheduled this w inter for both ’ 4 men and women in the new gym ­ nasium on the Portland C om m u­ nity C ollege Cascade Cam pus in n il 4 poor«,,; w u i# e north Portland. <1 ? (i 3 ?3 Both teams are off to good starts. £ ¿ ¡g N ew H ead C o ach W ayne Mendezo, widely known for this Quick Handle basketball campus and clinics, leads the m en's team. W om en’s team Head Coach Rob Pridem ore is looking to co n ­ tinue to build a program that won team won nine gam es in his first The m en's teams host three Cascade Gym. For more informa- only 2 gam es in the two years year and this year’s team is well games this weekend in the Portland tion, go to the school website at prior to his arrival. Las, y ear's on pace to eclipse that. Crossover Tournament at the PCC pcc.edu/athletics. lit r V. - 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL 1 CLEANING AREA , PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) $25.00 Each Area $35.00 $1.50 Each Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO/ B O A T/R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOTS STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $69.00 LOVESEAT ----------------- $49.00 S E C T IO N A L ---------------- $99.00 C H A IR O R R E C L IN E R $35.00 T H R O W P IL L O W S ------ $5.00 S O F A ------------------------------- Dream Seasons J e s u it beats L in c o ln f o r 4 A title (A P )— Jesuit quarterback Aus­ tin Pearce scored on a three-yard run with less than three minutes to play and the Crusaders held on to win the OS A A Class 4 A state foot­ ball championship with a 14-10 vic­ tory against Lincoln Saturday at Autzen Stadium in Eugene. P e a rc e 's run w as set up when J e s u it's C ollin Q uade blocked a punt sen d in g the ball back to ­ w ard the C a rd in a ls' end zone w here Je su it to o k p o ssessio n w ith 2:59 on the clo ck and tra il­ ing 10-7. O ne play later, Pearce w ent up the m iddle for the score. Paul W eatheroy led Jesuit with 133 yards rushing and one touch­ down, w hile Lincoln was led by quarterback C onnor K avanaugh, who com pleted 29-of-45 passes for 290 yards. He also threw two interceptions. The Cardinals, who were playing in their first championshipgame ever, went on top 10-7 with 2:30,ogo in the third quarter on a two-yard touch­ down run by Kavanaugh, a score set up by a 36-yard catch-and-nin by Jordan Polk. That was the firs, score of the second half for either team, as Jesuit led 7-3 a, the break thanks to W eatheroy's eight-yard touchdown run with 3:43 left in the first half. His score capped a drive that began a, the Lincoln 40 after Je­ i suit stopped the C ardinals’ o f­ fense on a fourth-dow n try. Jesuit cam e into its third cham ­ pionship gam e in school history scoring an average o f 46 points in its las, eight gam es. But on Saturday, the C rusad­ ers struggled to finish drives, missing three field-goal tries and going I-fo r-10 on third down con­ version attem pts. T hey narrow ly o u tg ain ed the Lincoln 297-290. I ¡ 2 m u a ? s M a i d _ S e r v ic e O Í Residential- Offices I Holiday Specials 1 Linda J. Scott Owner COUPON SPECIAL AN Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL & SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT & CHAIR Windows, Carpet, General and Extensive Cleaning Insured - Bonded give me a call at _______ $135.00_______ 503-249-0081 10% O f f C oupon CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: 4^ (503) 2 8 1 -3 9 4 9 Cleanliness is next to Godliness" f THERE'S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO COME UP IN LI FE. B U S i i c i Best Damn Bones j in Portland True Southern Soul Food fveryhody s looking lo r a way to make it happen And with over 150 careers to choose from nt the U.S Army. you can do ju st th a t You'll become stronger smarter and more prepared to tace any challenge th a t comes your way fin d Da M an's B u rge r • M ich a e l Jackson Burger • L u th e r Vandross B riske t out how you can become An Army 0 ( One at GOARMY COM or c a ll 1 800 USA-ARMY Queen L a tifa h 's C a ju n C a tfish B .L .T • c h ittlin s • p ig feet • sweet potato pie Where U S. Army Recruiting Station at 1317 Nt Broadway Street When Monday Friday 9 00am 5 00pm Who Sgt. 1 st Class Walter Washington liv e r • gizzards • greens and other southern delicacies Bring in this ad for 10% off 3962 NE M LK Blvd & Shaver AN ARMY OF ONE i. H elping you m ake m oney • We accept most insurance plans. • No referral required, r n f _________________________________ A M E R IP L A N T If | ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent V S /ff V ' 1 e e e (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 1 1 46 a db ILLINOIS S ports i V FA* (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 1103 a HOME OFFICES. BLOUMINulUN, 7 ; A w INSURANCE COMPANIES f The men's basketball team at Portland Community College has brought in talent and results after Coach Wayne Mendezona's widely known Quick Handle basketball camps and clinics. a 503-288-8491 Check out our Daily Lunch Special $3.75