C lassifieds /B ids R e s id e n c e L ife : The University of Oregon H ousing Departm ent in v ite s a p p lic a tio n s fo r an Associate Director of Residence Life for Resident Education. T h is p o s itio n is a tw e lve -m o n th , fixe d term , re n e w a b le a p p o in tm e n t as an O ffice r o f A d m in is tra tio n . The Associate D irector of Residence Life fo r R e s id e n t E d u ca tio n is re sp o n s ib le fo r th e d a y-to -d a y operations of five residence hall com plexes; co -a dvisin g of RHA; recruiting, hiring, tra in in g, and e v a lu a tio n o f O ffic e r s o f A d m in is tra tio n (C o m p le x Directors); on-going professional s ta ff d e v e lo p m e n t; a n d th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e R e s id e n t Assistant (RA) class during spring term . The A s s o c ia te D ire c to r re p o rts to th e D ire c to r o f Residence Life and at tim es takes d irection fro m th e D ire c to r o f Housing. Qualifications: M aster's degree required. Dem onstrated knowledge of student affairs and h o u s in g . D e m o n s tra te d p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e rie n c e th a t shows progressive responsibility and ability to w ork effectively in a 3000+ bed s y s te m . D e m o n s tra te d c u ltu ra l com petency th a t encom passes m u ltic u ltu ra l a w a re n e s s , k n o w le d g e , and s k ills . D e m o n s tra te d e x p e rie n c e supervising Housing professional staff. Dem onstrated leadership and m o tiv a tio n a l s k ills . D e m o n s tra te d e x p e rie n c e e s t a b lis h in g re s id e n tia l com m unities th a t contribute to student engagem ent in learning and c o m m u n ity in v o lv e m e n t. A b ility to w ork e ffe ctiv e ly with stud ents, parents, co -w orke rs, supervisor, departm ent staff, and University staff. Ability to gain the co op era tio n o f oth e rs th rou gh e a rn e d re s p e c t. P re fe rre d Qualifications: Preference will be given to candidates with 5 or more years of m id-level Residence Life m anagem ent e x p e rie n c e . P re fe re n c e w ill be g iv e n to candidates who have 3 or more years of live-in experience as a com plex director, area director, or e q u iv a le n t e x p e rie n c e . P re fe re n c e w ill be g iv e n to candidates who have a m aster's d e g re e in C o lle g e S tu d e n t Personnel Adm inistration, Higher E d u c a tio n A d m in is tra t io n , C o u n s e lin g a n d G u id a n c e , B u s in e s s A d m in is tra tio n , and S u p ervision and M anagem en t. P re fe re n c e w ill be g iv e n to candidates with higher education experience. C o m p e n s a tio n : A n n u a l sa la ry range $52,000 - $59,000 based on q u a lific a t io n s ; h ig h ly co m p e titive b e n e fits p ackage. Priority deadline for consideration is F e b ru a ry 1 5 , 2 0 0 6 b u t applications will continue to be accepted until position is filled. To apply, send cover letter; resum e; the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references to: S h e ri D o n a h o e . A s s o c ia te D ire ctor o f R e s id e n ce Life fo r A d m in is tra tio n a n d F a m ily H o u s in g , U n iv e rs ity H o u s in g , U n iv e rs ity o f O re g o n , 1 2 2 0 University Housing, Eugene, OR 97403 The University of Oregon is an EO/ AA/ADA institution com m itted to cultural diversity. Hearings Clerk A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry : $3,189 at entry to $4,073 after three years Application deadline is 4:30 pm, Tuesday, Decem ber 27, 2005 To learn more about this position, or to apply online, visit our website at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5tn Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 CLARK COLLEGE Ready to take The N ext Step in your graphic design career? Clark C o lle g e , th e th ird la rg e s t com m unity college in Washington State, is looking for an innovative, creative publication designer with strong production skills. W orking with our Lead Graphic Designer, you will be responsible for graphic s u p p o rt a nd d e s ig n fo r o u r schedules and catalog, as well as b ro c h u re s , n e w s le tte rs , w e b pages and m ore. This position re q u ire s a c o lle g e d e g re e o r certification in a related field AND 2 yea rs of fu ll-tim e e q u iva le n t professional w ork experience in a related field; 4 years preferred. Experience in m anaging m ultiple projects with strong attention to detail and deadlines. D em on­ strated skill with experience in In D e s ig n , Q u a rk , P h o to s h o p , Illustrator or Freehand, D ream ­ weaver, and FrontPage desired. S alary is $2,490 per month, plus state em ployee benefits including insurance, annual and sick leave, a n d re tire m e n t. F o r o p tim a l c o n s id e ra tio n , p le a s e s u b m it re q u ire d m a te ria ls by 5 p.m ., Decem ber 2 1,2 00 5 . For position requirements, description, and to a p p ly a c c e s s o u r w e b s ite at w w w .clark.edu. Jobs at Clark or c o n ta c t C la rk C o lle g e H um an Resources, 1800 E. M cLoughlin Blvd., Vancouver, W A 98663 (360) 992-2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992- 2836. H ea ring im p aired (360) 992-2317]. AA/EEO employer. N U n iv e rs ity H o u s in g a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f O re g o n is n o w a c c e p tin g applications for a Complex Director. T h is is a fu ll-tim e , liv e -in , 12- month, Officer of Adm inistration position. The starting date for the position is fle xible from Ju ly 1, 2006. The Com plex D irector is re s p o n s ib le t o r th e o v e ra ll adm inistration of a residence hall com plex co n sistin g o f 400 -80 0 residents. The Com plex Director is a ls o r e s p o n s ib le f o r th e selection, supervision and training of 10-20 residence life student staff and is expected to lead the student staff in the goal setting process, coordinate the student c o n d u c t p ro c e s s , s u p p o rt re s id e n c e h a ll le a r n in g c o m m u n itie s , e x h ib it a c o m m itm e n t to w o rk w ith a diverse student population and create a culturally-inclusive living c o m m u n ity , f a c ilit a t e p ro g ra m m in g a n d c o m m u n ity developm ent, and w ork with the s tu d e n t g o v e rn m e n t. The s u c c e s s fu l c a n d id a te s h o u ld dem onstrate th e ability to work effectively with students, parents, c o -w o rk e rs , s u p e r v is o r , departm ent staff, and University staff from diverse backgrounds. The Com plex D irector m ay also s u p e rv is e 1 B a c h e lo r ’s le ve l p r o fe s s io n a l. T h e C o m p le x D irector reports to the Associate D ire cto r o f R e s id e n c e Life fo r R e s id e n t E d u c a tio n . The rem uneration fo r the position is b a s e d o n q u a lif ic a t io n s a n d e x p e r tis e a n d ra n g e s fro m $ 2 8 ,0 0 0 to $ 3 3 ,5 0 0 p lu s a furnished apartm ent, full board during the tim e the halls are open, and O ffic e r o f A d m in is tra tio n b e n e fits , in c lu d in g m e d ic a l in s u ra n c e , re tir e m e n t , a n d re d u c e d tu it io n . A M a s t e r ’s Degree is required. Preference will go to candidates with degrees in College S tud ent Personnel or related fields. In lieu of a M aster's Degree, a B ach elor's D egree and 2 years of full-tim e, professional experience in S tud ent Affairs is required, with preference going to c a n d id a t e s w ith f u ll-t im e experience in h ousing or group living environm ents. Please send resum e, cover letter, and list o f re fe re n ce s to: Joh n H o lla n , A s s is ta n t D ire c to r o f R e s id e n c e L ife , U n iv e r s ity H o u s in g , 1 2 2 0 U n iv e r s ity o f O re g o n , E u g e n e , O R 9 74 0 3. Review will begin on February 15, 2 0 0 6 . A p p lic a tio n s a cce p te d until all positions are filled, with p rio rity g iv e n to a p p lic a tio n s arriving on or before February 15, 2006. C a ll (5 4 1 ) 3 4 6 -5 3 9 3 w ith q u e s tio n s or e m a il ih o lla n @ u o r e g o n .e d u . T h is p u b lic a tio n and re la te d in fo rm a tio n w ill be m a d e available in a cce ssib le form a ts u p o n re q u e s t. F o r m o re inform ation about th e University of Oregon and University Housing, p le a s e v is it h ttp ;/ / www .uoregon.edu. The University o f O re g o n is a n E O / A A / A D A institution com m itted to cultural diversity. Want to Earn Some Extra Cash? M E T R O $ 1 2 .8 4 - $14.16/hr. D eadline: 12/20/05. Coordinates the work of volunteers providing services to Oregon Convention Center. This o p p o r t u n ity is o p e n to F irs t Opportunity Target Area residents (C o lu m b ia B o u le v a rd on th e north; 42nd Avenue on the east; th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e s o u th , and N orth C h a u ta u q u a B oulevard on the w est), w hose to ta l a n n u a l in co m e d oes not exceed $25,000 as an individual, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 f o r an e n tire h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12 m onths. Neil Kelly has an im m ediate sales opening in its Handym an Hom e Repair division - Portland office. T h is s a le s p e r s o n m u s t h a ve e x p e rie n c e in a ll p h a s e s o f residential co n stru ctio n , and a re cent p ro ve n tra c k re co rd in residential re m o d e lin g / repair s a le s . T h e jo b in c lu d e s c o s t e s tim a tin g , s a le s , and p ro je ct m a n a g e m e n t. T h e w o rk often involves repair troubleshooting. This is a com m issioned position w ith b a s e s a la r y a n d h e a lth b e n e fits . For im m e d ia te To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b consideration, mail a resum e and a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d re q u ire d b rie f le tte r d e s c r ib in g y o u r a p p lica tio n m a teria ls, v isit our e x p e r ie n c e a lig n e d to th is website at www.metro-region.or&r o p p o rtu n ity to: A lic ia D u n ca n , jobs, or pick up a com plete packet Hum an Resources Assistant, Neil at M etro Hum an Resources, 600 Kelly Company, 804 N. Alberta St., N E G ra n d A v e n u e , P o rtla n d . Portland OR 97217, fax to 503- Resum es are not accepted. 2 8 8 -1 7 2 3 , or e m a il to AA/EEO Em ployer hr2@ neilkelly.com For contracting opportunities w ith the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: www.portlandonline.eom/omf/pu rehasing L ife W orks R e s id e n c e L if e : The Hearings Clerk position in the Hearings Office of the elected City A ud itor’s Office is responsible for providing highly detailed and tim e sensitive adm inistrative support to the Hearings Officer on code, a p p e a l, to w , a n d la n d u se hearings. Duties include reviewing in itia l c o d e v io la tio n s fo r c o m p le te n e s s or e r ro rs , s c h e d u lin g and re s c h e d u lin g hearings, m a in ta in in g m ultiple d eadlines and tim efra m e s and c o n ta c tin g a p p ro p ria te C ity personnel fo r va rio u s appeals. A d d itio n a l d u tie s in c lu d e e x p la in in g c o m p le x ru le s , r e g u la tio n s , p o lic ie s a nd procedures to potentially hostile o r ira te c u s to m e rs w h e re in a c c u r a te or im p ro p e r inform ation m ay produce legal p e n a ltie s or fin a n c ia l co n sequ e n ces. The H earings Clerk is expected to carry out his o r h e r in d iv id u a l h e a rin g re s p o n s ib ilitie s w ith in itia tive , in d e p e n d e n c e a n d c re a tiv ity while exercising sound judgm ent and problem -solving skills. Temporary help , needed delivering the new Yellow Book in the following communities: Vo lun teer C oordinator - P art-tim e , Construction Sales (Handyman Home Repair Team) December 14, 2005 ïl|e 'Portiani* © bseruer Page A 8 Aloha. Tualatin.Beaverton, Hillsboro, Charboneeau, Sherwood, Cornelius, Durham, Cedar Mill Call 1-800-373-3280 Monday thru Friday 7:30 am to 7:00 pm CST O R T H W E S T Dual Diagnosis Therapist N C itV o f P o r tla n d Portland Provides m ental health/ alcohol and d rug assessm ents, g ro u p s a n d th e ra p y to a d u lt w om en in residential setting. Req M SW . A & D background and exp with African-Am erican com m un­ ity pref. B ureau o f P u rch ases 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 &ON, NE Portland Provides M ental Health a s s e s s m e n ts a n d th e ra p y to adults in outpatient clinic. Req MA in hum an service. LCSW pref. Service Coordinator NE P o rtla n d P ro v id e s case managem ent, treatm ent planning and m oney m anagem ent s e rv ic e s to a d u lt c lie n ts w ith severe m ental illness. Participate in m ultidisciplinary team process. Req BA and prior exp w orking with SM I population. Interested applicants m ay e-m ail m ail to: LifeW orks NW, 14600 N W C o rn e ll Rd, P o rtla n d , OR 97229 Attn: Hum an Resources or fa x to: 503 -69 0 -9 6 05 . Please include in your cover letter the p o s itio n f o r w h ic h y o u a re a p p lying. To learn m ore about Life W o rk s NW p lea se v is it o u r w eb site at w w w .lifew orksnw .org. Equal Opportunity Em ployer A dministrative °#FGO^ LAW ENFORCEMENT / RECORDS SPECIALIST The D ep a rtm en t of C o m m u n ity C o lle g e s and W o rk fo rc e D evelopm ent is recruiting for an E x e c u tiv e S u p p o rt S p e c ia lis t, Assista n t to the Com m issioner. T h is is a p e rm a n e n t, fu ll-tim e position. For more information on Announcement #LECW00003, please visltwww.oregonjobs.org. If you have questions regarding the announcem ent, you may contact Phyllis Kerr at 503-378-8648 ext. 318 or Phyllis.Kerr@state.or.us. Close date is D ecem ber 15, 2005. $4,017 - $4,882 / month Closes D ecem ber 23, 2005 Shelter Technician I $ 2 ,2 7 6 -$ 2 ,7 6 6 / m o n th Closes D ecem ber 23, 2005 Call (503) 8 4 6 -8 6 0 6 /TTY (503) 846 -48 9 8 for inform ation o r see our website: w w w .co.w ashington .or.us. C o u n ty a p p lica tion and supplem ental application form s required. W om en, minorities, and p e o p le w ith d is a b ilit ie s a re encouraged to apply. A P P L Y TO: W ashington County Hum an Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 e-mail: classlfleds@portlandobserver.com The Portland Observer SYSTEM (P E R S )-T igard P E R S c o v e rs n e a rly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 m e m b e rs a n d a d m in is te r s re tire m e n t, d is a b ility b e n e fits, health insurance, and deferred com pensation plans statew ide. Monitor, m aintain, and provide sup p ort to the agency’s com p uter system s Salary: $2,510 - $3,457/m onth Announcem en t # LE050699 C lo s e D a te : D e c e m b e r 2 2, 200 5 To re vie w th e jo b d e s c rip tio n , m inim um qualifications, and test questions, obtain the appropriate jo b announcem ent fro m w w w .o r e g o n jo b s .o r g , www.oregon.gov/pers, yo u r local E m p lo ym e n t D ep t office , o r by calling PERS Hum an Resources at 503-603-7552. EOE/AA. c iu m ' w uh < i'll) PARKING FACILITY Operator Im m e d ia t e fu ll and p a r t - t im e o p e n in g s . S e e k in g d e p e n d a b le , w ell-g ro om ed, positive individuals. $ 8 .0 0 + starting wage O vertim e/advancem entpo ten tial M ed ic a l & D ental, 4 0 l k avail. D rug test/B ackg ro un d check Apply 1 2 :0 0 -l:0 0 P M , M on .W ed.Th u rs& Frl; 3 : 0 0 - 4 :0 0 P M Tues. City Center Parking, 1 3 0 SW Stark, Portland. EMPLOYMENT — ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • Office Support Salary: $1,913 - $2,597/month Announcement #0CDT5429 Salem COMMUNICATIONS • Public Information Officer Salary: $3.600 $5,019/month Announcement F0CDT5946 Spnngfield ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Pavement Field Crew Salary: $1,918 - $2.698/m onth Announcement #0CDT5420A Salem • Sr. Geotechnical Engineer Salary. $4,544 - $6.509/m onth Announcement #0CDT5431 Salem • Geotechnical Engineer 'L'| T fO These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State ol Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job Information arc available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or bj the Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership In the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP): and t opportunities to participate in the ‘ Oregon Savings Growth Plans. The State £ 'iJgaiJT * of Oregon and all its divisions are proud t to be equal opportunity employers. OREGON DEPARTM ENT OF H U M A N SERVICES HEALTH SERVICES • Principal Executive/Manager F Public Health Preparedness Manager Salary: $3.916 $5.614/montb Announcement 40CDT5877 Salem • Traffic Structures Specialist Salary $3,223 - $4,616/month Announcement #0CDT5999A Salem • Traffic Analyst Salary: $3.223 - $4,616/month Announcement 40CDT5805A White City • Traffic Analyst Salary $3,223 - $4,616/month Announcement #0C0T5954A Salem INFORMATION SYSTEMS • Senior Analyst Salary: $4.119 • $5,681/month Announcement #0CDT5348 Salem MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Relocation Reviewer Salary: $3.556 • $5,091/month Announcement A0CDT5997A Salem • Real ID Delivery Manager Salary $4,840 $7.136/month Announcement 40CDT5985 Salem Salary: $4,613 - $6,792/month Announcement »LEHS5631 Portland Close Date: December 20, 2005 • Area Manager • Program Representative 2 Occupational Health & Pesticide Project Salary: $4.613 $6.792/m onth Announcement »0CDT5854A Portland • Region Operations and Maintenance Manager Salary $5,334 - $7.857/month Announcement »0CDT5874 Salem Coordinator Salary $3.121 $4,350/m onth Announcement #LEHS5600 Portland Close Date: December 21.2 00 5 TRADES • Traffic Line Supervisor AUDITING/ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL \rl\ @ The corner of MLK & Portland Blvd. Portland, OR 97212 • Inform ation Systems Specialist 2 $ Must have valid driver's license Book US A $20.00 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) Equal Opportunity Employer Christmas Trees A n y Tree On Lot S ystems S peciaust L egal N otices N e e d to p u b lis h a c o u rt d ocum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-m ail yo u r notice fo r a free price quote! Fax: 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 * 1 Senior Mental Health Services Coordinator DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY COLLEGES & WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT (CCWD) Executive Support Specialist Assistant to the Commissioner Christmas Tree Lot (Adm inistrative S pecialist II) Bilingual (Spanish/English) and non-bilingual $2,512 - $3,055 / month Closes D ecem ber 23, 2005 $ Must be 18 years of age $ Must have insured, dependable auto rye//ow BOSS HOGG Mental Health Therapist OOOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation. If great benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to OOOT, Current recruitments include: • Motor Carrier Auditor Salary: $2.984 $4,146/montb Announcement »OCDT5349 Eugene & Salem w w w 0 Salary: $2,659 - $3,725/m onth Announcement »0CDT3550 Bend OOOT... Building Careers. Bridging Ute Future. Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www odor,state or.us/jobs for a complete copy or call 503-9864030 (TTY 503-9863854| to request by mail OOOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer Announcements will be made available m alternate format upon request: (503) 378 6 2 02 , TTY 1-800-993-8898. e g o n o b s . o r g l.lnvtLirth (D bacrucr Call 503-288-0033 or email ads(« p o itla n d o b scia c r.c o m