D ecem ber 14. 2 0 0 5 W v th u tò O O b s P r U C r ___ _____________________________________________________ PaSe A 7 Focus Get Paid to Learn Start $12 - SIX per Hour No skills required, just a willingness to learn Sesame Street Interaction Construction Trades, a Career Choice Visit our web page to get started www.bestOJT.com/lhjv.asp Cv Kids to join favorite characters A national touring exhibit featuring Big Bird and the other favorite characters from Sesame Street is coming to the Portland Children's Museum. E v e r y o n e lo v e s to w a tc h S esam e S treet, b ut it is tw ice the fun w h en you g et to be part o f the actio n . T h e P o rtlan d C h ild re n ’s M u ­ seum w ill p resen t “C an Y ou Tell M e H o w to G e t T o S e sa m e S t r e e t , ” u s in g t e l e v i s i o n ’s ch ro m a-k ey te ch n o lo g y so local kids can see th e m se lv es on TV alo n g sid e th eir fav o rite M uppet c h a ra c te rs . Y o u can sing th e alp h ab e t w ith E lm o, co u n t w ith T h e C o u n t and learn S p an ish w ith R o sita at the m u seu m located acro ss from the O reg o n Z o o on S atu rd ay , D ec. 17 th ro u g h S unday, M ay 29. K ids an d ad u lts w ill ex p eri- en c e th e set w ith th e fam o u s b r o w n s to n e f a ç a d e o f 123 S esam e S treet, ca n clim b into Big B ird ’s nest, then skip acro ss the p la y g ro u n d and learn to play the steel drum s. A n historical tim eline lends per­ sp ectiv e o f w hat w as h ap p en in g in the U nited S tates w h en S esam e S treet lau n ch ed , in tro d u c ed c h a r­ acters and g rap p le d w ith social issu es. A dm ission: g en eral $7, seniors an d m ilitary $6, ch ild ren u n d er 1 an d m useum m em b ers adm itted f r e e . F o r in f o r m a t i o n , c a ll 5 0 3 -2 2 3 -6 5 0 0 or v is it w w w .p o rtla n d c h ild r e n s m u s e u m .o rg . You still have milk behind your ears and d o n ’t need to think about be­ ing with a girl or boy at this stage in your life. Y ou’re caught up in peer pressure and are leaning tow ards w hat the rest o f the crow d is doing. Y ou’re not gay. Y ou’re ju st a teen with confusion and the need for acceptance. Focus on your spiri­ tual relationship, educational goals and hobbies th at’ll help you grow P r e se n ts “C h ris tm a s A c c o rd in g to J a z z ” Christmas (Day ‘Worship Service. Sunday, Decem ber 25, 2005 9:00 a.m . - 10:00 a.m . ‘Ross Hollywood Chapel 4733 ‘Thompson Street Portland, 0 ^9 7 2 1 3 Come for the worship and stay for the praise! For m ore in fo rm a tio n p le a s e c a ll P as to r W ard a t (5 0 3 ) 2 8 1 -1 8 2 0 w here the p erfo rm an ce beco m es a m ag i­ cal m usical e x p erien ce. A lso, the venue Jim m y M ak’s in north­ west Portland will ring in the New Y ear with H ornbuckle perform ing on Saturday, Dec. 31 “, starting at 9 p.m. C over charge is $20 in advance or $25 at the door. For more information call 503-295-6542. Ask ö The House of Prayer 4936 N .E . Skidm ore Portland, O R 97218 ■•-7 Linda Hornbuckle m em ber. He d o esn 't understand how hurt I am because he is head­ ing dow n the wrong path. I know that G od has to do the rest, but should I hang on? —A nonym ous; O n-Line Reader Dear Anonymous: \ ii mirice coin inn known fo r its fearless approach la reality based subjects! and soon be on to other things. You could be the child o f a pastor, a banker, a drunk or a fool and the answ er w ould be the same. D o n 't get involved with gang activity because b u lle ts , d riv e - b y shootings and gang w ars d o n ’t discrim inate. W ith your church foundation and teaching, you know the way and if your boyfriend re­ fuses this path, you can only pray for him. You should hang on to your faith and strong prayer and let go and let G od do the rest. because you tell people w hat they need to hear and not w hat they w ant to hear. I only hope they take your advice and not get mad be­ cause you d id n 't side with them. I look forw ard to reading your next issues. —A nthony Jackson ; D enver Dear Anthony: Thank you so much for the sup­ port. Life, people and places are real and w ords o f w isdom and advice should be the sam e. At the end of the day, people c a n ’t handle the truth and w ould prefer feel good honesty which is sim ply a lie. W hen you think about it people should get mad, get pum ped and then take action and keep it moving. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: Dear Deanna! Dear Deanna! askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264 I’ve never been a fan o f an advice I have a boyfriend that I’m in love S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 colum n. I started reading your co l­ with. W e’re in a serious relation­ Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website: umn a year ago in D enver and now ship. and he’s great. I’m a pastor’s kid, and my boyfriend is a gang I’m hooked. Your advice is so real www.askdeanna.com . < > Sunday School 9 :3 0 am Sunday M o rn in g Service 11:00 am Wednesday P ra ye r 12:00 Noon Wednesday Evening 7 :0 0 pm Everyone is Welcome! T el: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -9 9 5 9 AFFORDABLE T T J J LOCK & key FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE • RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT? WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH: HOUSE. OFFICE OR CAR Portland 503.284.9582 • Oregon City 503.656.2116 S e rv in g P o r t la n d /M e tr o a r e a (N , NE, S E , S W & N W ) ARE YOU PAYING OVER 7.0% INTEREST RATE ON YOUR MORTGAGE? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LATE OR CURRENTLY LATE ON YOUR MORTGAGE? HAVE YOU RECENTLY FILED BANKRUPTCY? ARE YOU CASH POOR AND EQUITY RICH? IF THIS IS YOU, Looking for a Professional Stylist to join our team . 503-286-3758 THEN CALL CHARLOTTE MARTIN 222 N. Killingsworth, 97217 NOW!!!! TO SEE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO REFINANCE YOUR PROPERTY? Q Linda s M aid Service Ö TIME IS MONEY AND MONEY IS TIME. Residential-Offices IF I CAN’T FINANCE Y O U .... NOBODY CAN!!! Holiday Specials W indow s, Carpet, General and Extensive Clean in g CHARLOTTE MARTIN PHONE: 360-823-1441 TOLL FREE: 888-849-0588 Insured - Bonded 503-249-0081 1 0% Off Coupon ™2 ,urf- - Take N.E. Prescott, Heading East (toward 60,h) to N.E. 49th and Turn Right, Go Two Blocks and Turn Left Domonique’s Hair Design give me a call at Zion Christian M ethodist ‘E piscopalChurch Refreshments provided courtesy of Home Town Buffet Hair Stylist Wanted Linda J. Scott Owner 5 0 3 -4 9 3 -6 0 2 7 V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc. Inspirational Speaker - Pastor Renee' Ward, Zion CME Church DOMONIQUE'S 7 Contact Teresa at: W e c a n h e lp ! Saxophonist & National Recording Artist R eal P e o p le , R eal A dvice Dear Confused: ^■Difference' Musical Guest - Minister Cary Simms Linda H om buckle, the N orthw est’s “ Di va o f Sou 1” w i 11 perform a C hrist mas Show live with the Janice Scroggins D uo at M ississippi Studios, 3939 N. M ississippi Ave. on Sunday, Dec. 18 starting at 6 p.m. C over charge is $ 12. H orn b u ck le has one o f the m ost beau tifu l and p ow erful blues, ja z z and soul voices in the P acific N orthw est. Both ac ts are e le c trify in g and have the ab ility to m ove th e ir au d ien c es e m o tio n a lly and sp iritu a lly to a p o in t I’m a teen and I think I'v e realized I w ant to be gay. I’m not attracted to boys and find m yself w atching girls and thinking about them . All o f my other friends are gay and I’m be­ com ing the same way. N oone in my fam ily is gay and my m o th er w o u ld n ’t u n d e rs ta n d b e c a u s e sh e’s a C hristian. Am I stuck w ith a future that’s m aking m e gay or do I have a chance to have a normal m arriage and have kids? —C on­ fused; M em phis, Tenn. that Make a Big F eatu rin g Soul Diva Performs Sunday Dear Deanna! \ & JQL.“ Cleanliness is next to Godliness" Evangelist Melvin Scott 2149 N W illam ette, Portland, O R . 97217 “ A round the corn er from K illingsworth and D enver” Email: cm a rtin @ h o m elo a n so tirce.u s FIRST TIME HOMEBUYERS ARE WELCOME TO CALL!