îl?e JJortlanb (Obseruer D e c e m b e r 14, 2 0 0 5 P age A 5 Clinic Director Rejects Ouster Board m em berCottrell White, a Mariah Taylor as a nurse practitio­ ner in M arch," said the statement school administrator, claimed T ay­ issued by Board Secretary and Port­ lor had wanted to relinquish her duties as executive and needed a land Attorney Kelly Clark. “ In the m eantim e, the clinic is well-deserved leave of absence. Board member D ’Norgia Price, well staffed by qualified and c a r­ ing health professions, including the director o f adult services for the other nurse practitioners and ad­ Urban League of Portland had no m inistrative personal, including comment. Board Chairman Bud an acting executive director to be Bylsmacould not be reached. Clark nam ed in the future," the state­ and Price had no way for the Port­ land Observer to reach him. ment continued. ing confidence in the future of the clinic, but refused to discuss any to pay for the position, she said, conflicts. blaming the board for failing in its “Our recent decisions concern­ fundraising responsibilities. ing the administrative structure of The board also took the side of the clinic are designed to carry out a disgruntled staff member who the mission of the clinic in a way never worked in a clinic before that we believe will be even more and they failed to properly inves­ outstanding and efficient than be­ tigate the complaint, Taylor said. fore,” the statement said. The clinic’s board o f directors “We hope and expect that the issued a statement Friday express­ clinic will be welcoming back Ms. continued from Front Eugene McCarthy, outspoken liberal Democratic politician. A n t i- W a r M c C a r t h y SAFEWAY Ingredients for life. R em em bered 1968 campaign toppled president Former Minnesota Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, whose insurgent cam ­ paign toppled a sitting president in 1968 and forced the Democratic Party to take seriously his message against the Vietnam War, died Sat­ urday. He was 89. McCarthy challenged President Lyndon B. Johnson for the 1968 D em ocratic nom ination during growing debate over the Vietnam W ar. T he c h a lle n g e led to Johnson’s withdrawal from the race. McCarthy got 42 percent of the vote in the New Hampshire 1968 Democratic primary. T h at sh o w in g e m b a rra sse d Johnson into withdrawing from the race and throwing his support to his vice p resident, H ubert H. Humphrey. Sen. Robert Kennedy of New ■ Pork Loin Top Loin Roast S < York also decided to seek the nomi­ nation, but was assassinated in June 1968. McCarthy and his fol­ lowers went to the party conven­ tion in Chicago, where fellow Min­ nesotan Humphrey won the nomi­ nation amid bitter strife both on the convention floor and in the streets. McCarthy said he opposed the Vietnam War because "as it went on, you could tell the people run­ ning it didn’t know what was going on.” “1 admired Gene enormously for his courage in challenging a war A m e ric a n e v e r sh o u ld have fought,” Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., said Saturday. Draw i ng a parai lei to the current debate over the Iraq war, Kennedy said, “His life speaks volumes to us today, as we face a similar critical time for our country.” CLUB PRICE A Butchers Cut Spiral Sliced Ham 5a!eW SE^ C2.f, ï " wrapped « Spiral Ham $2.49 lb. I M o re Ham For Your M oney. BLY U M . 1.1 1 U M Unlike smoked portion hams. Our Butcher's Cut Super Trimmed Hams are full half hams w ith no center siices removed, g.ving you a better value. IQCAI tMIUDHUAMut FMI CLUB PRICE FREE C ap tain 's Choice C ooked T ail-o n Sh rim p 31 to 40-ct Frozen Sold In a 2 lb bag® $1198 ► Whole or Hall ■ CLUB PRICE Foster Farms Split Chicken Breast Locally Grown Ribs attached SAVE up to $3 19 per lb on 2nd package ♦ r. While supplies last Butcher's Cut Hickory w ' Smoked Whole or L Shank Halt Ham Bone-in Or Rump Halt Ham $1 191b Limit 1 Wtule supplies last SAVE up to $1 30 II) SAVE up to $2 50 lb C99 ■ ■Jr Jr PRICE Pryor Remembered continued Boneless SAVE up to $1.50 lb # lb 6 49 CLUB PRICE W -aa» H a n m from Front seemed to use them to greater co­ medic effect than anyone else. When he was at his best he was not just funny, he was laugh-out-loud, fall­ in g -d o w n , te a rs -in -y o u r-e y e s funny. Twisting and writhing his body into any number of contortions, Pryor would switch effortlessly from accent to accent as he told stories that made fun o f every ethnicity and nationality he’d en­ countered. In one of the routines from his classic 1981 performance, “Live on the Sunset Strip," the comedian recalled working for a Mafia-run nightclub that w asn't paying him the money it had promised. Grabbing a gun and doing "my best black s— ” he tried to rob the club owner, only to find that his performance, one that he recalled “usually scares” the average white person, provoked only laughter from an Italian-American mobster. “Do it again, Rich, put the gun up here," he had the mobster telling A SEZ ■ r i V , | I B -to r ■ W 5-lb. 8 « Satsuma Mandarins Or 5-lb. Box Ca itoinia Clemenlines Taugendes 2 Io- $9 00 “ C a u liflo w e r o r B ro c c o li C ro w n s |jj SAVE up Io 80t Ib PRICE CLUB PRICE ■ ■ Richard Pryor waves to the audience in 1996 after receiv­ ing the Hall o f Fame award at the NAACP Image Awards. i Happy Holidays from Safeway Hours differ by store on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. See store for details. rosis, said in the liner notes to the 2(MM)album, “And It’s D eepToo!” Among other things, he shot up acarin 1978 while tw oofhis wife’s friends were sitting in it. In 1980, he nearly burned himself todeath while freebasing cocaine. He w ould go on to jo k e about both incidents, noting o f the first that he put down the gun when the police arrived because he knew they would be far more likely to shoot a black man than a car. Returning to the stage after the cocain e incident, he struck a m atch, waved it in front o f his 6-Pack Pyramid. Alaskan or Samuel Adams face and said, “W hat’s this? Ri­ chard Pryor running down the stre e t.” He could also do broader com ­ edy, a talent that was displayed clearly in his best nonconcert films, “Silver Streak "and “StirCrazy” with Gene Wilder. He even handled the occasional dramatic turn well, and he won an Em my as a wri ter for one o f Lily Tom lin’s TV comedy spe­ cials. But standup, where he was left unbridled by censors, would be­ come his legacy and win him five Grammy Awards for comedy album. Fellow comedian Steve Martin noted upon Pryor's death: "By ex­ pressing his heart, anger and joy, Richard Pryor took comedy to its highest form.” L u c e rn e L a rg e E g g s Kratt Mayonnnaise or Miracle Whip S a fe w a y S E L E C T Ic e C re a m 18-ct Gradi AA Club Price' $1 50 ea SAVE up to $2 50 on 2 32-o? Selected varieties Club Price $2 00 ea SAVE up 10 S2 38 on 2 175-gt Selected varieties Club Pnce $2 50 ea I 12-oz bottles Selected varieties. Plus deposit f l Oregon. SAVE up to $2.00 When he was at his best he was not just funny, he was laugh-out-loud, falling-down, tears-in-your-eyes funny. him before going on to regale Pryor with stories of all the people he'd rubbed out. Like Bi 11 Cosby, Pryor would of­ ten draw on such personal experi­ ence for his comedy, but his mate­ rial was far darker. The life he lived provided him a wellspring of material. Raised in a Peoria, III., brothel that was run by his grandmother, he would grow up to be not only the highest paid black entertainer in the country in the 1980s bu, one of the most troubled as well. “ I was a drug-addicted, para­ noid, lonely, sad and frustrated com edian who had gotten too big for his britches," Pryor, who had gone into seclu sio n in recent years as he battled m ultiple scle- 69 _______ B bi p D o rito s T o rtilla C h ip s 6-Pack Deschutes, Bridgeport or Full Sail 13-02 Selected var eties SAVE up to $1 61 S w a n s o n B ro th F o lg e rs C o ffe e 14-02 Selected varieties Club Price: 40c ea Limit 12 SAVE up to $8 50 on 10 34 5 to 39-0? cans or 26-02 Decal Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 70 '2-0?. bottles sHected varieties Phs Oepos-t n Oregon N apa V alle * »INCVÍIHJÍ &ngtr botti» pnce $9 98 m S a fe w a y F ro z e n V e g e ta b le s 32-o? Selected varieties Club Price $1 50 ea SAVE up to $2 71 on I Safeway Northwest Grains Bread Kendall Jackson Napa Valley Vineyards. Chateau St. Jean 24 o? Selected varieties SAVE up to 90c 750 ml Selected varieties Shop at Home. We Deliver. safew ay.com Al l I IMPS ARE PFR HO I 5F.HOI D. PFR DAY it « ad i t t availabk i t your lo u l Safeway No uk» to dealers. mtaurann 0« Institution» Saks in retail quantm« on k Quantin« ct «omc 1 r$ We reserve the n jb t to comet ill printed enoo On Ruy One. Get One Free f“ ROGO*) offen, < intomer mutt purchase me tint item to ree regular prxe apphet M anutxturen coupons may be used o r pun based Hems unlv - not iwi irce uerm < 200' Safeway Stör«. Iiu I » may be limned and uibjeU to availability Not responubk Kx tvpopapb the ve« and item free ROGO .offen are not 1 ' I pnce ule». l i onlv a single