California Executes Crips Gang Co-Founder Case stirs capital punishment debate Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (A P )— Stanley T ookie W illiam s m aintained his innocence right up until his death, even when an adm ission o f guilt may have spared him execution. E v e n a f te r th e c o u r ts a n d G o v . A rn o ld Schw arzenegger rejected a flurry o f W illiam s' last- ‘City of Roses’ Volume XXXV, Number 50 500 ditch appeals before his execution early T uesday, his supporters vow ed to prove his innocence. W illiam s, the C rips gang co-founder w hose case stirred a national debate about capital punishm ent versus the possibility o f redem ption, was executed T uesday m orning for killing four people in 1979. W illiam s, 5 1, died at 12:35 a. nt. O fficials at San Q uentin State Prison seem ed to have trouble inject­ ing the lethal m ixture into his m uscular arm. As they struggled to find a vein, W illiam s looked up repeat­ edly and appeared frustrated, shaking his head at supporters and oth er w itnesses. “ You doing that right?” it sounded as if he asked one o f the m en with a needle. A fter he w as declared dead, his supporters shouted in unison: "T he state o f C alifornia just killed an innocent m an.” as they w alked out o f the chamber. continued Established in 1970 Stanley Tookie Williams Committed to Cultural Diversity HMM on page A2 Wednesday • December 14, 2005 H M M M M M M Clinic Director Rejects Ouster E. coii Sickens Children Six children have been hospitalized with E. coli after drinking unpas- teurized milk. Clark County Health officials said the source o f infec­ tions was raw m ilk from the Dee C reek Dairy in W oodland, Wash. Red Cross President Resigns A m erican R ed C ross P resident M arsha J. Evans, w ho oversaw the ch arity’s vast and som etim es criti­ cized response to Hurricane Katrina, is resigning effective at the end o f this m onth because o f friction with her board o f governors. Shaq Joins Police Force Shaquille O 'N eal was sw orn in as a reserve police of­ ficer in M iam i T h u rsd a y . T he NBA star skippei a public event in favor o f aquiet, n< i-frillscerem ony. Judge Nomination Opposed M em bers o f the C on g ressio n al Black C aucus appeared at a news conference on Capitol Hill T hurs­ day to oppose Judge Sam uel A lito’s nom ination to the Suprem e Court, citing his record against m inorities in court cases. President Ford Hospitalized 92-year-old form er President Ford suffering from “a horrible cold,” was in the hospital Tuesday for what h isc h ie f o f staff called routine m edical tests. Computer Attack Warning S e c u rity e x p e rts say the n ex t Internet attack will most likely hap­ pen Jan. 5. T hat’s w hen a variant o f the “sober” w orm is expected to unleash a w ave o f e-m ails suppos­ edly sent by the FBI or CIA and asking you to fill out questions on the attachm ent. Black Areas Polluted An A ssociated Press analysis o f a little-know n governm ent research project show s that black A m eri­ cans are 79 percent more I ikely than w hites to live in neighborhoods w here industrial pollution is sus­ p e c te d o f p o sin g th e g re a te st health danger. Pregnant Skydiver Survives Shayna Richardson was making her first solo skydiving ju m p when she had trouble with her parachutes and, w hile falling at about 50 mph, hit face first in a parking lot. A l­ though badly hurt, she survived - and doctors treating her injuries discovered she w as pregnant. Mariah Taylor battles to save nursing mission by M ichael L eighton T he P or i land O bserver M ariah Taylor, P ortland’s M otherT eresa o f healthcare, is rejecting her forced ouster as executive director o f the N orth Portland N urse P ractitioner Clinic. T he African A m erican nurse practitioner, revered for her 25 years o f serving underinsured and poor children, said she will not accept a forced leave o f absence by her non-profit, 10-m em ber board o f directors. T aylor was notified Dec. 6 that her services as executi ve director were being term inated and that she w ould be required to take three m onths o ff work. The directive in ab o ard letterto T ay lo r, less than a w eek before she w as scheduled for a right hip replacem ent surgery, was shocking to a com m unity that has an o ut­ pouring o f affection for this highly skilled nurse who provides healthcare to children regardless o f their ability to pay. T aylor w ins praise for her w ork by both colleagues in the m edical profession, including O regon H ealth Sciences U niversity President Peter K ohler, and social service pro­ viders. A few years ago, she was a recipient o f O prah W infrey’s “ Use Y our Life A w ard.” T uesday, T aylor was recovering from the surgery that w as perform ed M onday at M eridian Park Hospital. It was her second hip replacem ent. F our years ago, her left hip w as repaired. Now it seem s that her professional future and the future o f the clinic at 5311 N. V ancouver Ave. is in jeopardy, although the board denies it. For T ay lo r's part, she said she w as w illing to relinquish som e o f her responsibilities as executive director but refused to follow m andates that negatively impact patient care. She said the board is trying to place lim its on what patients she helps and what m edicines the clinic can offer at little or no cost. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Nurse Practitioner Mariah Taylor comforts Charlecia, 2, held by her mother Carolyn Young, during an exam last Thursday at her north Portland clinic. “I love my babies, th e y 're my children,” she said. “W hen the board com es betw een me and my children, th a t's when we disagree. A nything that challenges the highest level o f service, 1 will challenge that.” T aylor said she was born a fighter at “four pounds, two ounces" and w on’t retreat from h erc lin ic 's historic mission o f serving the poor by loving and honoring children for their ethic and cultural differences. The clinic also serves as a food bank with w eekly Pryor Brought Audiences Together Courageous performer remembered (A P) — It is one o f those indelible im ages from the late 1960s that rem ains locked in the m inds o f those w ho were there. It's a com edy album photograph o f a nearly naked Richard Pryor, dressed in a loincloth, with bones through his nose and beads around his neck like a stereo­ typical African bushm an from an old “T arzan m ovie.” But there is a glare on the co m ed ian 's face on 1968's “ Richard Pryor" album that seem s to say, “I’m here and I’m going to change your thinking about race relations in every w ay possible.” T h a t's w hat Pryor, w ho died S atur­ day o f a heart attack at age 65, did for people all across A m erica in the 1970s. his breakthrough decade and a tim e w hen the country w as hotly divided not only by the V ietnam W ar but by the civil rights battles o f the 1950s and '6 0 s that preceded it. H e did it by b rin g in g b lack and w h ite a u d ien c es to g e th er to lau g h as one, at least fo r the length o f a co n cert o r a co m ed y alb u m , at the m adness all aro u n d them. “He was a brilliant and in cred ib ly co u ra g eo u s perform er," recalled hu­ m orist Paul K rassn er, w hose m agazine “The Realist" once published an essay by the com e­ dian com m enting on the d isp ro p o rtio n a te n u m ­ ber o f black soldiers that seem ed to be fighting the Vietnam War. Pryor head­ lin ed it, “ U n cle Sam W ants You, N igger." Richard Pryor It was a word he would use frequently in the 1970s, even using perhaps best sum m ed up by Keenen it in the nam e o f his second album as he Ivory W ayans, w ho once said Pryor tried to take the sting out o f the epithet dem onstrated “you can be black and have a black voice and be successful.” by repeating it o ver and over. P ryor's com edy also drew equally A fter a visit to A frica in 1980. how ­ ever, he w ould renounce it anti say he warm reactions from w hite com edians, no longer w anted to hear the word, including Bob N ew hart, w ho on Satur­ either from his “hip w hite friends" or his day called Pryor “the single m ost sem i­ fellow blacks. A subsequent recording nal com edic influence in the last 50 was titled “T hat A frican-A m erican is years." Although he was not the first co m e­ Still C razy," with the offending word crossed out. dian to liberally use the N -w ord or the F- Such upfront, no-holds-barred. so­ word or any num ber o f other once- cially conscious com m entary won Pryor u n s p o k e n -in -p u b lic w o rd s . P ry o r the adm iration o f seem ingly every black continued on page AS com ic w ho follow ed him, an adm iration deliveries of bread, a free clothes closet and wall o f children' s’ books. She also blam es the board for interfering with those activities. T aylor said she has had tw o other recent conflicts with the board. O ne was when she refused to hire a C ertified N ursing A ssistant last O ctober because the m oney w as not raised continued y^ on page A5 Prospects for Jobs Finally Improve Even with influx of new residents by S arah B l o w T he P ortland O bserver A nyone w ho has w eathered P ortland’s econom y for the past few years know s that no am ount o f statistics, em ploym ent rates or econom ical forecasts change what has been a grim reality: jo b s h av en 't been reasonably easy to find and keep. Job seekers have grow n discouraged and have quit looking. O thers find only low -paying jo b s that do not offer benefits. But lately, the prom ises o f an im proving econom y are being borne out in new em ploym ent figures. The governor w as eager to deliver the good new s in a press conference last m onth and again M onday. T he latest figures show N ovem ber's unem ploym ent rate fell by a tenth o f a percent to 5.8 percent, m arking an unprec­ edented fall tw o m onths in a row. N um bers and press releases, how ever, do no, d e ­ li ver a paycheck, and many local residents require more proof that our econom y is ou, o f the gutter So have we really arrived? The O regon D epartm ent o f E m ploym ent says yes. and career resource centers agree. W ith an estim ated 12,700 more people in the Portland m etro-area holding jobs com pared to one year ago, w e 're nearly at the p re­ recession level o f the late 1990s. continued y^ on page A3