Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 07, 2005, Page 5, Image 5

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    ‘r *!‘? JJortlm th © hscruer
December 7, 2005
Coast Industries Founder Remembered
Local entrepreneur grew
national business
Henry Daniel Scott Jr., a local
entrepreneur w ho grew a business
into a national com pany with 3(X)
em ployees, is being rem em bered
after his death at the age o f 80.
Funeral services were held Nov. 28
at Bethel A M E C hurch in northeast
H e w as bom in Vidalia, La. on
April 1, 1925, the second o f nine
children to Henry D. Scott Sr. and
M ary D ickson Scott. A son o f a
L o u is ia n a s h a r e c r o p p e r , h is
hum ble beginnings instilled the will
to get ahead, to strive for success
and to provide for his fam ily.
In 1944, he took advantage o f an
opportunity to relocate to Portland
by w orking in the K aiser shipyards
building N avy ships. He encour­
aged his parents, five brothers and
three sisters to relocate to Portland
to build a better future. A fter W orld
W ar II ended and the shipyard
closed, he worked as a m echanic for
C onsolidated Freightw ays.
Scott met B ernice M erriw eather
in 1949 after she m oved to Portland
from Texas. They w ere m arried in
1951. T o this union three children
w ere born.
W hile w orking his day job, he
ing is im p o ssib le ” and "y o u have
to sp en d less th an you e a rn .”
By 1970, the com pany achieved
$ I m illio n in an n u al sales and a c ­
q u ire d E m p ire S ecurity S erv ices
as its seco n d o p eratio n al d iv i­
sion. In 1987, the co m p an y w as
in c o rp o rated as C o ast Industries,
U nder his leadership, the ja n ito ­
rial service w as transform ed into
one o f O reg o n ’s largest minority-
Ingredients for life. .
Henry D. Scott Jr.
and a friend started a part-tim e ja n i­
torial service in o rder to earn extra
incom e. "O ne eight hour jo b was
never enough for m e," he once said.
In 1957, he and his wife officially
launched C oast Janitorial Service.
A s the business grew other fam ily
m em bersjoined the firm, beginning
with his older brother M anuel.
C o a st Ja n ito ria l S erv ice grew
into a su c cessfu l b u sin ess du e to
the active particip atio n o f his fam ­
ily m em b ers co m b in ed w ith his
b u sin e ss p h ilo so p h ie s o f "n o th -
Accomplished Life
of Varied Careers
Local woman worked for success
C harlene C ox-T anner w as bom can A m ericans at the tim e. She at­
in Seattle on June 22, 1928, one o f tended nursing school, graduated,
three children bom to A rthur A. and w orked at Em anuel Hospital,
G ood Samaritan and Portland Provi­
C ox Sr. and Etoile Hicks-Cox.
C harlene was quite the business­ dence.
w om an. T hroughout her life she
W hen her father A rthur A. Cox
interacted with various jo b s and Sr. died, she took full control o f Cox
In the state o f O regon, in
earl ier years, it was very hard
to get any type o f profes­
sional license for A frican
A m ericans. W hen Charlene
follow ed in her m other’s
fo o tsteps by becom ing a
beautician, she left O regon
to attend beauty school in
C alifornia. W hen she re­
turned to the state to take an
a p p re n tic e s h ip w ith h er
m other, a licensed beauti­
cian already operating un­
der a com prom ise license,
special arrangem ent were
m adeforherexam inationon
th e site o f h er m o th e r’s
beauty shop.
She w as once offered a
position in Holly wood as an
actress for the part in w hich Charlene L. Cox-Tanner
D orothy D andrige played, but she & Cox Funeral Chapel in Portland
turned it dow n and let them know along with her son, continuing to
that her first priority was her son. m aintain the fam ily business ju st as
She w as all about fam ily and it has alw ays been.
everyone who knew her w i 11 tel I you
Preceding her in death w as her
m o th er and fath er; sister Ruth
T hroughout her own career as a L ancaster; brother A rthur A. Cox
beautician, C harlene solely oper­ Jr. and husband W illie Tanner.
ated seven beauty shops. Four o f
S he is su rv iv ed by h er son
them w ere on Union A venue, now Jerom e C ox-T an n er (Schaw na);
M artin L uther King Jr. Boulevard, g ra n d c h ild re n Y o lan d a , K evin
tw o o f them were on W illiam s A v­ (Angie), Shelleneand Rashad; great
enue and one w as in the basem ent grandchildren N ecia C age, A lexis,
o f her hom e on Rodney A venue.
A spyn and K ylea T anner; a host o f
Later, she had a desire to becom e n ie c e s, n e p h e w s, c o u s in s an d
a nurse, a rare occupation for A fri- friends.
f e i <7
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Holidays mean Safeway deli party trays
D ia g n o s e d
w ith
glaucom a at an early
age and rendered c o m ­
p le te ly b lin d at 12.
Neville Peter has grown
to b e c o m e o n e o f
g o sp e l's most sought
after live perform ers.
His critically acclaim ed
album “T he Throne of
G race" featured the top
10 radio and records hit
“ P ersonal.”
Peter, an outstand­
ing vocalist, m usician
an d so n g w rite r, r e ­
cently released a h eart­
felt collection o f hym ns
titled “Sim ply Hymn: Volum e O ne," through M eridian Music Group. The
collection offers a m editative accom panim ent to feeling G o d ’s soulful
p resence.
Included on “Sim ply H ym n" are classics such as “G reat Is Thy
F aithfulness,” “N ear the C ross,” and “ A m azing G race.”
For m ore inform ation, visit w w w .m eridianm usicgroup.net.
N o w t h r u J a n u a r y 4 t h ,
e a r n 1500 U n i t e d M il e a g e
P l u s m i l e s w it h t h e
S e e C u s t o m e r S e r v ic e
To Co frtp,ete
H o lid a y
Mission Tortilla Chips
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Club Price $1 .0 0 ea
SAVE ip lo $15.90 on I I
Deep Dish or French Bread
8 8 to 242-® Selected an-
eties ClubPnce $2 5 0 «
SAVE up to $fi 76 on 4
12-oz bag.
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SAVE up to $410
2$ fw J
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Cranberry Juice
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Club Price $1.50 ea
Neville Peter Releases ‘Simply Hymn'
on his 47-foot yacht on the C o lu m ­ ter-in -law M innie.
bia and W illam ette rivers.
He is survived by brothers H.B.
He received m any aw ards and S cott, S am uel S co tt an d T erry
recognition on b eh alf o f C oast In­ Scott; sisters: Bernice N oble( Jam es
d u strie s. U pon his re tire m e n t, Noble), Ethel Love, Shirley M cCoy;
form er Portland M ayor Bud Clark sister-in-law E lnetta Scott (A lbert
proclaim ed M ay 1 4 ,19 9 0 as "Henry S co tt S r.); c h ild re n B e rn a d ette
and M anuel Scott A ppreciation (B aruti) A rtharee, Jero m e Scott,
Day "
Robert Scott and D oug Scott; 5
He w as p rec ed ed in d ea th by grandchildren; 3 g reat-g ran d ch il­
his p are n ts an d w ife; b ro th ers dren; and many o th er fam ily m em ­
M anuel an d A lb ert S r.; an d s is ­ bers and friends.
ow ned businesses with o ver 300
em ployees nationally.
In 1990, the O regon Econom ic
D evelopm ent D epartm ent praised
the firm as “a unique model o f black
entrepreneurship in a highly co m ­
petitive industry.”
In addition to his business en ­
deavors, Scott was a m em ber o f the
N A ACP, the Urban League and
Bethel A M E Church. His favorite
recreational activity was boating
B U Y O N E .G E T O N E
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Ice Cream
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $5 M on 2
Red Baron Classic Pizza
S to c k up.
SAVE B ig .
LllC tfllfi
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Large Eggs
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SAVE up to $2.75 on 2
Baby Loaf
18-ct Grade AA
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $4 30 e»
S h o p a t H o m e . W e D e liv e r
« mu mi i*i mR m»
10 11 12 13
0 < <
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