Pilot Women are Champions ' Benson Student Crowned 50< Kelci Rae Alberti- Flowers is the new Miss Oregon Teen USA years °/ •/community service The No. I University of Portland Pilots shutout UCLA in College Cup final See story. M ein) Mxtion t f c , story in Sports. page B6 Jaortlauit ©bserUEt ‘City of Roses’ www.portlandobserver.com Established In 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXV, Number 48 Wednesday • December 7, 2005 Torturing Called Justified Most Americans and a majority of people in Britain, France and South Korea say torturing terror­ ism suspects is ju stified at least in rare instances, according to AP-Ipsos polling. M ost people opposed torture under any cir­ cum stances in Spain and Italy. ___ Plane Slams Into Building A plane loaded with Iranian jo u r­ nalists slammed into a 10-story apartm ent building in Iran T ues­ day, as the pilot attem pted an emergency landing after devel­ oping engine trouble. At least 128 people were killed including 34 on the ground. '«• W ildlife S er vic e - u « CO,,, G„. __ ‘ "'"»»w«,, Marine Pilot Rescued The pilot of a M arine H arrier jet that crashed T uesday o ff the coast o f St. A ugustine, Fla. was rescued by a Coast G uard boat. The Harrier crashed about 9:20 a.in. and the pilot was rescued about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, a C oast Guard spokesman said. Hasan Davis portrays York, the only African-American member o f the Lewis and Clark Expedition o f 1804, at the Corps o f Discovery II Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail touring exhibit at Fort Vancouver. ‘York’ FEMA Response Broken Facing a grow ing body count and shortages o f food, w ater and ice, federal emergency officials knew their response system had been shattered by H urricane K atrina and were unable to provide fast help even obvious needs, new docum ents o f the Aug. 29 storm reveal. DeLay Charges Upheld U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay, R-Texas, could face a trial early next year now that a judge has refused to throw out m oney-laundering al­ le g a tio n s a g a in st th e fo rm er House m ajority leader. Race Riot Suit Settled The children and sisters of a Lillie Belle Allen, a black woman who was killed during race riots in the central city o f Pennsylvania 36 years ago will share in a $2 million se ttle m e n t, c ity o ffic ia ls a n ­ nounced Tuesday. Food Wagon Ban Wanted Citing health concerns, the city o f Nashville, Tenn. is consider­ ing a ban on the food wagons that dot busy streets in im m igrant neighborhoods. But critics say the proposed ban has more to do w ith cultural d ifferences than health. Professor Attacked A K ansas c o lle g e p ro fe sso r, whose planned course on cre­ ationism and intelligent design was canceled after he derided Christian conservatives, said two men along a rural road beat him early Monday. c o OÛ â g 2 n O T — m O o I ? b ’55 o 2 .e S > O c □ .00 > 00 Où * 5 ç Ì a u /iS ‘Tent of Many Voices’ rooted in many cultures Fort Vancouver’s National Historic Re­ serve is telling the story of York, the slave and only African-American member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804, as part of the touring exhibit Corps of Discovery 11: 200 Years to the Future. York and tribal stories from across the Lewis and Clark Trail is a multicultural focus to the exhibit’s two-week stop in Vancouver. The event with actors portraying America’s early explorers and native peoples is draw­ ing thousands of people to the Historic Reserve, including hundreds of school chil­ dren each day. The exhibit is free and open to the public through Sunday, Dec. 11 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Little is known still today of all of York’s contributions to the trek by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, the white explorers dispatched by President Thomas Jefferson to find a passage across the continent to the Pacific Ocean. A play written for the exhibit by Spokane, Wash, actor David Casteal, and co writer Bryan Hametiaux explores York’s life from childhood through the expedition years and beyond. Expedition re-enactors and several pro­ grams put a special focus on the histories of Coastal, Columbia River and Columbia Pla­ teau nations in the exhbit’s "Tent of Many Voice." Programs about the landscapes of the trail from conservation groups and other state and federal agencies are also included. continued on page A6 Call to Action on Health Local leaders want disparities narrowed by K hava D arko T he P ortland O bserver The Multnomah County Health Depart­ ment led by Lillian Shirley and Sen. Avel Gordly, held a healthcare disparities briefing with U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith. R-Ore. at Emmanuel Temple Church in north Portland, urging him to support legislation to narrow the health care gap between majority and minority populations. A consensus at the Nov. 30 meeting concluded that racial and ethnic health dis­ parities in the delivery of healthcare ser­ vices result from a variety of sources and that the government must commit finan­ cially to narrowing the gap. The differences were blamed on such factors as lower income, inequities in social and physical environments o f certain popu­ lations, differences in health risk behaviors and limited access to quality healthcare services. Also in the view of many researchers, racism and discrimination, both current and past, are thought to be the underlying causes of the inequities, said Dr. Norwood-Knight of Oregon Health and Sciences University. He said African Americans would be more at ease if they were dealing with one of their own. “Due to the history of this country, there is a lack of trust in the care they might receive continued on page A6 Students from north Portland 's Self Enhancement Middle School sign their names to a poster recognizing Rosa Parks as the mother o f the modern Civil Rights movement. photos by I saiah B olie /P ortland O bserver Moment of Silence for Rosa Parks Portland's TriMet buses paused briefly Thursday for a moment of silence dedi­ cated to Rosa Parks' memory after her recent death and the SO"1 anniversary of the Montgomery, Ala. bus boycott. The civil rights activist is considered the mother of the modern civil rights movement for fighting segregation in the United States by refusing to give up her seat in a public bus sectioned off in re­ serve for white passengers only. Her courage sparked a bus boycott that lasted for 381 days in a Montgomery. Ala. bus system made up of majority black riders who refused to ride. “By saying ‘no’ to inequity. Parks said ‘no’ ^discrim ination of black Americans through segregation that included sepa­ rate drinking fountains, restrooms and schools, TriMet official said. The local transit agency and the com- continued on page A6 TriMet Bus Drivers Alberta Phillips and Jean Brown attend Portland's memorial for Rosa Parks on the 5CF anniversary o f the Montgomery, Ala. bus boycott. 1