^•JJÌortlatth ©hseruer Novem ber 30. 2005 R eligion The Divine Art °f FORGIVENESS Bishop Henry M. Williamson Sr. and First Lady Doris William­ son of the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church in Los Angeles. Justice never healed a broken heart by E verette R ice Church Honors Los Angeles Bishop Portland’s Allen Temple CME church will honor Bishop Henry M. Williamson Sr., presiding prelate and Mrs. Doris Williamson at a C hristian M ethodist Episcopal Bishop Quadrennial banquet on Wednesday, Dec. 7 at the Portland Marriott, downtown. Local dignitaries and participat­ ing CME churches of the Alaska and Oregon districts will attend the celebration. Bishop Williamson of Los An­ geles is the 52nd Bishop of the CME Church. He was elected on July 3, 2002 at the General Conference in Atlanta, Ga. and assigned the Pre­ siding Prelate of the Ninth Episco­ pal District, covering five regions and over 100 churches on the West Coast. He served as the National Presi­ dent of PUSH (People United To Serve Humanity)from 1991-1993, helping to stabilize the organiza­ tion financially and continues to work with Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. on the National Board of Rain- bow/PUSH. As founder and CEO of the One Church One School Community, he established over 200 church and school partnerships across the nation to positively impact children through tutoring and mentoring programs. Dr. LeRoy Haynes Jr., pastorof AllenTempleCM EChurch, isthe presiding elder ot the Alaska and Oregon-Washington District. For more information, call 503-287- 0281. Holiday Charity Bazaar Homemade candy, desserts, holiday gifts, home decor, stocking- stuffers, beautiful jewelry and more - all at reasonable prices — will be featured at the Church of Scientology Women’s League Holiday Charity Bazaar, Saturday, Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the church located at 709 S.W. Salmon St. Hot apple cider and live music will be provided. All proceeds benefit the FISH Emergency Center. For more information, contact Vicki Scherer at 503-228-0116. Forgiveness goes against all logic and everything human be­ cause it is from God above and has life changing implications. It is a thousand ti mes more powerfu 1 than anger, bitterness and judgm ent because it can influence so many more people. Justice is always important and should always be pursued when possible, but justice never healed a broken heart, it never united a fam­ ily, and it never united the one who hurt with the one who was hurt. Only true forgiveness can do those things! Not everyone will get it, but those who do, will benefit in ways that can’t be imagined. So, has someone you looked up to disappointed you, let you down, hurt you or caused you major pain'.’ Do you want to get on with your life in a positive way with no anger or a natural son so much and we could and close friend in my son' s natural bitterness? If so, forgive them, pray become so close. In the short years father Nehonta who helped me l or them, allow justice to do its work he was in my life, he helped me through the grief process like he and your life will be better, not bitter! Everette L. Rice is a minister through my many chronic illnesses. was a trained psychologist. 1 with Emmanuel Temple Church Another young man I love dearly, couldn’t have made it without 1. and a member o f the Oregon God, 2. My wife, and 3. Nehoma. my nephew, caused his death. Commission on Black Affairs. For Here is a man who lost his only Because of the example of my the com plete version o f this son, but cared enough for me, to help wonderful wife, daughters, and my com mentary, e-m ail him at me through my grief as a stepfather. son’s natural father, I was able to everetterice @ email.com. As he told me, "We both lost a son." truly and completely forgive this nephew. Both of our daughters were devastated by their brother’s death and struggled with it in si­ 4936 N.E. Skidmore lence. But recently, our eldest Portland, OR 97218 daughter shared something with us that touched me deeply. In a moment of deep revelation Take N.E. Prescott, and spiritual significance, she told Heading East (toward 60,h) to her mother that the Father above N.E. 49th and Turn Right, said, “1 have to forgive him." My Go Two Blocks and Turn Left daughter will never know the spiri­ tual lesson she taught me that day and how that lesson carries me everyday. She knew, like many who carry the title, Christian, that we are required to forgive; it is not a re­ quest. “But if ye do not forgive, 9:30 am Sunday School neither will your Father which is in Sunday Morning Service ll:(H)am 12:00 Noon Wednesday Prayer 7:00 pm Wednesday Evening Romans 3:23. Always remember, when you point a finger, you al­ ways have three fingers pointing back at yourself! Just over five years ago my step­ son, (I call him that only so you will understand our relationship) was killed in a tragic set of circum­ stances. He was a very loving, ro­ bust, handsom e, encouraging, spiritual young man that 1 miss everyday. I never realized that I could love a young man who wasn't Every few months our society, especially the spiritual community, goes through a series of letdowns and major disappointments when we find out the people we love, care about, support, look up to, and adore, let us down or have major failings of some type. Why we ex­ pect perfection from those we love amazes me more every year 1 live. Yes, as spiritual persons, we are to expect virtuous conduct and in­ tegrity in all things from those we love, respect and have chosen as leaders. That is a given we all should expect, but there is an even more important given that most of us, especially those with a spiritual base, tend tooverlook: The require­ ment that we not judge and that we must forgive. Whenever people speak about forgiveness and being non-judg- mental. people get those qualities confused with justice, a very differ­ ent issue. Forgiveness and being non-judgmental is not for the one who has fallen or caused others pain, it is for the one or ones who have been hurt, directly and indi­ rectly by the one who has fallen. Some falls are private and some are very public. Believe me, all of us, no matter who we think we are, have something in our background and past that if it became public knowl­ edge would embarrass the heck out of our families, everyone that knows us, and would destroy our reputa­ tions. The Bible says it better than I ever could. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God’’ heaven forgive your trespasses. Mark 11:26. Forgiving is not condoning or saying what someone did or didn’t do was okay. Justice for the offense or offenses will come from a higher source humanly and most of all spiritually. It has been said that every dark cloud has silver lining and that is so true. In losing a son, I gained many others who love and remind me of my son everyday. I gained a good In losing a son, I gained many others who love and remind me o f my son everyday. The House o f Prayer Everyone is Welcome! AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES ON THE JOB INJURIES NECK PAIN BACK PAIN HEADACHES WELLNESS CARE SPORTS INJURIES th ro u g h Gospel Artist Jarían Releases Album W ith his debut album , “ He Changed Me,” gospel artist Jarian hopes to relay his messages of find­ ing God through modem song. The CD was released by the Meridian Music Group. Jarian’s album was birthed from the maturation process of a young man as he discovered new heights in God. Jarian is a Youth Praise and Worship leader at The Hope Church of Orlando, Florida, and is taking an extensive church tour across the nation. The CD is high-spirited and re­ freshing as it offers songs of praise set in an urban contemporary mu­ sic style that is sure to appeal to even young audiences. Women’s Day at Allen Temple The K ing's Daughters of Allen Temple CME Church, 4236 N.E, E ighth A ve., is sponsoring a W omen’s Day program on Sun­ day, Dee. 4 at 4 p.m. This year's theme, "Women of Faith Passing on a Heritage of Faith," features speaker and evan­ gelist Cynthia Moore of Salvation & Deliverance Church of God in Christ. The program is dedicated in memory of First Lady Rev. Helen Haynes and Minister Ethel Bates. For more information call 503- 287-0281. True Southern Soul Food • We accept most insurance plans. • No referral required. D a M a n ’s B u rg e r • M ic h a e l J a c k s o n B u rg e r Q u e e n L a tifa h ’s C a ju n C a tfis h B .L .T • c h ittlin s liv e r • g iz z a rd s • g re e n s a n d o th e r s Bring in this ad for 10% off 3962 N E M L K B lv d & S h a v e r 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -8 4 9 1 4317 NETillmook S t Check out our Daily Lunch Special $3.75 Dejuan Chesterfield, looking fo r work to support his family, contacted V. West Contracting A Consulting Ser- vices to help him get into a construction trade. A few weeks later, Dejuan started working fo r a bridge building contractor through the AGC Carpenters Apprenticeship _____________________ Program. Cascade Bridge LLC employed him, and he is still working fo r the company today, one year later. When asked about his new career, he says that he is very pleased and enjoys most learning the technical aspects of bridge building carpentry. On the job he is gaining skills in concrete curing and finishing, welding, framing and building forms. In the classroom he is receiving instruction in carpentry, building codes, roof building, team building, identifying hardware and blue print reading. What advice does DeJuan o ffe r a young person interested in the trades? "S ta rt early, and never quit", he says emphatically. Very happy with his progress to date, DeJuan adds I wish I had started earlier m my life." However, he is looking to the future and is very excited about his pre- Portland, OR 97213 Doing the Little Things that V Make a Big Difference' on the web, www.be8tojt.com/ihjv.asp V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc • Treatment for auto injuries covered by most insurance carriers. Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, ju s t one block north o f Sandy Hlvd. Martin J. Codino, DC ARE YOU PAYING OVER 7.0% INTEREST RATE ON YOUR MORTGAGE? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LATE OR CURRENTLY LATE ON YOUR MORTGAGE? HAVE YOU RECENTLY FILED BANKRUPTCY? ARE YOU CASH POOR AND EQUITY RICH? IF THIS IS YOU, THEN CALL CHARLOTTE MARTIN TO SEE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO REFINANCE YOUR PROPERTY? TIME IS MONEY AND MONEY IS TIME. IF I CAN’T FINANCE Y O U .... NOBODY CAN!!! CHARLOTTE MARTIN PHONE: 360-823-1441 TOLL TREE: 8 88 -849-0588 E* For information on a career in construction (503) 493-6027 Pastor Marcia L. 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