COURAG l>\ Kon W ehet Aviator Reaches to the Skies Too often we hear about all the great men o f history but not the powerful women who have done so much to change the landscape o f our nation’s history. One of these individuals is a black woman named Evie Washington who went on to do what the legend­ ary pilot Bessie C olem an only dreamed o f accomplishing; teach­ ing other minority women to fly. W hile C olem an’s life was cut short in a tragic accident in the 1920s, she left behind a legacy that would be followed by W ashington and other w omen o f color. As a flight orientation pilot for the Civil A ir Patrol, W ashington devoted tim e and m oney to “O p­ portunity Skyw ay,’’ an educational Page A 7 rt lattò (©bscruer N ovem ber 30, 2005 aviation program for children and jam s, W ashington would only hear w rote ac h ild ren ’s book on African or see an occasional car stroll by. H ow ever som ething a lot more ex­ A m ericans in aviation. W ashington was born in 1946 citing than cars visited her on a and given to her grandparents w ho daily basis. It was the sight and raised her on a farm they ow ned sound o f huge C-130 and C-141 close to the M ississippi border, airplanes from the nearby military rem oved from the poverty o f so base. They aircraft Hew low over the many other black Am ericans. She would rise before school to do the custom ary chores found on any Southern farm like feeding chickens, m ilking cow s and clean­ ing the stalls. By the tim e she and her classm ates filed into the class­ room, she would have already com ­ pleted nearly a half a day ’s hard labor. A s busy city stre e ts ac ro ss A m erica were crow ded in traffic fields on take o ff and landing, as military. D uring the 1960s initia­ though to wave at the farm ers b e­ tives focusing on m inority hiring low. W ashington w atched those becam e a high priority, especially planes every time they cam e by, regarding governm ent jo b s or pri­ praying one day they she too would vate com panies with governm ent contracts. fly like a bird. But when W ashington applied to Her grandfather supported her every effort to becom e a pilot, but the Air Force Academy, she was it was no, easy. T o break into the abruptly told that the academy was not accepting women pi­ field o f aviation, she lots. applied for a jo b as a K nowing in her heart flight attendant. U nfor­ that she could fly an air­ tunately she would run plane, she refused to into a roadblock regard­ give up. She earned the ing her small physical m oney and paid for fly- siz e. A t a slig h t 87 in g le s s o n s h e rs e lf, pounds she would have eventually passing all to find another way to th e te s ts to g et h e r attain her goal. pilot’s license. R efusing to be d e­ Evie Washington Greatly determined. feated she turned to the SAFEWAY she went on to break the color barrier in the academic world as well earning a bachelors degree in psychology and a master’s degree in business. In later years, W ashington re­ flected on her drive to pass every roadblock. “ You can learn som ething from the criticism s and discouragem ent that people offer you, and a, tim es if you look at in an objective w ay , it can be a m otivating force for yo u ,” she said. During the hardest o f tim es and all the sacrifices she m ade, som e o f her fondest m em ories w ere the w ords o f encouragem ent from her grandfather w ho told her she could have anything a m an had if she worked hard enough for it. He was right. Ingredients for life. R a n c h e rs R e s e rv e A n g u s B e e f B o tto m R ound R oast B o n e le s s . SAVE up to $2.50 lb CLUB PRICE Lean Ground Beef 80% Lean 20% Fat. SAVE up to $ 3.2 9 per lb on 2nd package. BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE TQliAl OR 1 tSM Jt VALUI I R t t A Night of Elegance CLUB PRICE Geneva Knauls o f northeast Portland celebrates a Night o f Elegance with herhusband, Paul, during a salute to her longtime work in the community as a hair stylist and barber as well as mentor and counselor. The formal affair was held at the Tiffany Center last month and was sponsored by Millennium Group 2000.. ph o to by A n t o n i «) H arris M an o r House B o n e le s s S k in le s s C h ic k e n B re a s t 49 Sold in a 4-lb resealable frozen bag for $5.96 ea. SAVE up to S 1 5 0 lb. lb Dear Deanna! I’m coming clean with my con­ science and need to tell my hus­ band that I do n ’t love him any­ more. W e’ve been m arried for a few years but 1 want to be single again. I want to com e and go as I please, keep all my money to m yself and not have to cook and clean. I ’ m simply tired o f being married and there’s no one else involved. How do I tell my husband it’s over? -A n o n y­ mous; Philadelphia Dear Anonymous: Your husband was bom at night, it just w asn’t last night. T here's something else to this story be­ cause like a light switch, love can't be switched on and off. I suggest you pul 1 away from your advising girlfriends who you haven’t mentioned, but they’re in the mix. Seek a solution by talking with your husband about your true feelings, em otions and desires. Honesty may open the door and who knows, your hus­ band may see you as a smelly Ask O CLUB PRICE K in g C ra b L e g s & C la w s Previously frozen. Succulent. Flavorful Crab Steam or serve cold SAVE up to $ 7 .0 0 lb . CLUB PRICE R e a l P e o p le , R e a l A d v ic e tzz advice column known for ils fearless approatjtto reality based subjects! man keeps a secret. T hat’s more than enough wisdom to explain why her friends throw her un­ der the bus when she runs her aw omgetonf . 5-lb Box Clementine FREE Tangerines or Satsuma Mandarins SAVE , JJ 99 0„ 2 mouth. rtOiidas fiu ta i Dear Deanna! I'm a single lady that adopted a child. I feel guilty because I d id n 't realize it would be so much work. My family and I parted over this decision be­ cause they said it would be too rose. m uch to handle. I love my adopted son but now I want a Dear Deanna! I get annoyed when my wife sits relationship, m arriage and chil­ around gossiping. Every time dren o f my own. Are there any she gets with her girlfriends, resources available to keep me they ch atter and talk about from taking my frustrations out people. These girls aren’t of on my son? --Missy; Charles­ any value to her because when ton, S.C. they re-tell the story, my wife is Dear Missy: the one who ends up looking Regardless of how they get here, bad. They twist the story as if children require love, patience she said everything and argu­ and com m itm ent of which you ments and a lot of dram a gets have very little. Your family started. How do I tell my wife knew what they were talking this needs to stop because it's about but, no, you were hard affecting our relationship? — headed and now you're suffer- i ng from your deci sion. You need James; Pasadena, Calif. to get yourself together before Dear James: thinking beyond your current It doesn't take a rocket scientist situation. Seek professional to tell your wife that gossip is counseling for yourself and visit bad and evil. There are at least for adoption five or more Bible verses in resources and assistance. Proverbs that teach about gos­ Ask Deanna is written by Deanna sip. You should hit your wife in M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: the head hard and fast with or 264 Proverbs Chapter 11 Verse 13 S. LaCienega Rlvd. Suite 1283 which says that a gossip betrays Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: a confidence, but a trustworthy IT’S LIKE DINING OUT AT HOME. or Florida's Natural iGiChHetci#^ Seer« club price SAVE up to S3.18 on 2 5Î10 CLUB PRICE BUY ONE. GET ONE 12 to 15-oz. Selected varieties. Club Price' $2.00 ea SAVE up to $14 95 on 5 FREE t o« i » «Aie* rari 5.5 to 16-oz Selected varieties. quai CLUB PRICE SAVE up to $3.99 (H) 2 Safew ay Butter Top Bread 24-Pack Coors or M ille r SAVE up to $179 on 2 1 2 « cans. Selected randies Rus beocst n Oregon SAVE Bi Î5 «5 W FREE White 22.5-oz Homest/le or Wheat. Thi» flavor only Keebler M it N Match Sale Signature Tuscan Tomato Batil Bisque Soup 25-oc. (on tin w r. Chib Price: $3.33 «a. SAVE up in $4 *># o n 3 A U other varteHtt S3 99 ea. for X CLUB PRICE Northern Bath Tissue Safeway SELECT Detergent 24-single roll or 12-double roll Club Price $5 00 ea 17-02 Pwdr Ot’E-a .yd SAVE up to S2.89 m 2 SAVE N Io $ 2 M Shop at Hom«. We Deliver. Mix a n d M a tc h ! SiecWvrews 8« weeffl w s a fe w a y .c o m V A l I I JMITS AH) I’M H O I S E H tH D , P H DAY d are iTJiUWe i t y tw r local Safeway »tore*. N o «alo to dcalen. reel jurante or nvhtution« Sale» in retail quantum only