Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 30, 2005, Page 3, Image 3

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November 30. 2005
Local Volunteers in
Gulf for Holidays
Portland volunteers are serv­
ing in the G ulf Coast this holiday
Season, bringing gifts and more
importantly hope.
N orthwest M edical Team s
will send three teams of volun­
teers to Louisiana and M issis­
sippi in resoOnse to the needs of
hurricane survivors. M ore than
20 volunteers will help feed fami­
lies, distribute supplies and clean
up hurricane-dam aged houses.
Joining the medical team s are
E v e rg re e n A v ia tio n and
Com cast representatives.
The Medical Team s will also
truck thousands o f toys along
with school and hygiene sup­
plies to the region. Their volun­
teers will also distribute these
items at schools, churches and
photo by M ark
W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver
Shamara Stevenson (left), a student at Portland Community College, welcomes Sen. Margaret Carter to the Cascade Campus in
north Portland to celebrate a $150,000grant to help the school train a diverse workforce in the transportation industry.
Diverse Transportation Workforce Wanted
State provides local
grant for training
State Sen. Margaret Carter joined Oregon
Gov. Ted Kulongoski and other state officials
Monday to present a $ 150,000 workforce train­
ing grant to the Portland Community College
Skills Center in north Portland.
The hefty check from the O regon D e­
partm ent o f T ransportation will assist the
PCC C ascade Campus in expanding and
diversifying skilled w orkers in the trans­
Bus 4 Route
portation industry.
The goal is increased training and appren­
ticeship opportunities for women and minori­
ties interested in pursuing careers in heavy
highway construction. ODOT will work with
PCC Cascade to improve community outreach,
support services, basic skills, and training in
achieving these goals.
“O regon ranks among the top five states
nationally in construction job grow th and
the grant will help the state build on the
success, by creating more em ploym ent op­
portunities in the highway construction
trades for more citizens - particularly women
and minorities,” said Gov. Kulongoski. “We
are not only expanding family-wage job
opportunities for individual citizens, but
we are advancing our efforts to ensure that
all communities throughout the state ben­
efits from the Oregon Transportation In­
vestment Act.”
The legislation, among other things, was
enacted to ensure that a qualified and diverse
labor pool is ready to meet contractor needs
for federally and state-funded transportation
A y e a r ag o , T riM e t p ro ­ as a la y o v e r lo catio n . H o w ­
p o s e d r e - r o u tin g L in e 4- ev e r, re s id e n ts n ear the p ro ­
F e sse n d e n to serv e the new p osed bus tu rn a ro u n d ask ed
S t. J o h n s S a fe w a y s to re . fo r o th er bus rou tin g options.
Since then, T riM et has ana­
A lso p ro p o se d w as u sin g the
sp ace n e x t to the new store lyzed other route alternatives
and will share its findings and
recom m endations with re si­
dents on W ednesday, Nov.
30 from 7 p.m . to 8 p.m . at
Xenos C offee Shop, on 8527
N. Lom bard St.
com m unity centers.
N orthw est M edical Team s
has sent more than 100 relief
w orkers and $891,000 in sup­
plies to the G ulf region since
Septem ber.
“ M any people are still living
in tem porary hou sin g and it’s
unknow n how long it w ill take
to resto re any sense o f n o r­
m alcy to their liv es,” said Bas
V anderzalm , p resid en t o f the
N o rth w e st M ed ical T eam s.
“O u r v o lu n teers w ill b rin g
m ore than ju st toys and schools
su p plies to ch ildren w ho have
lost everything. Further, he said
we w ant them to know that
they h av e n ’t been fo rgotten,
esp ecially during this holiday
s e a s o n .”
City Hall to Hear
Immigrant Concerns
A forum is scheduled Saturday, unable to find sustainable jobs and
Dec.3from 12p.m. to3p.m .atC ity must spend time and energy to­
Hall to help integrate immigrants wards basic needs, rather than civic
into the American culture in Port­ involvement.
Bridgetown Voices, a commu­
One out of every eight residents nity dialogue group, through the
in the greater Portland area is for­ Community Language and Culture
eign-bom. In some neighborhoods, Bank will host this platform for
immigrants represent one out of change. For more information, call
every three residents. Many are 503-223-4464.
Winter Registration Begins
Winter term registration for stu­ vited to come to the Student Ser­
dents new to Mt. Hood Community vices offices at the MHCC Gresham
College begins Thursday Dec. I for campus to submit an admission
classes starting Jan. 9. Returning form which is also available online
students may register anytime at and can be faxed to 503-491-7388.
www.mhcc.edu or by calling 503-
For those taking non-credit
classes, contact the college’s com ­
Anyone new to the college who munity education department at
is taking six or more credits is in- 503491-7572.
Tfau'li think itou
had ik catered.
One of the greatest pleasures of the holiday season is that we seem to find (or make) the
time to visit w ith frie nds and family. O f course no gathering is really com plete w ithout great
food and drink. To help you get ready for your party, or ju st to be prepared
for that unexpected drop-by, this weekend w e ’re focusing on
party platters. W e ’ll be sam pling some of our favorite ingredients
and offering tip s on how to put tog eth er a quick and
d e licio us presentation. W e ’ll make it easy for you to take
home w hatever you need for your holiday pantry - from
the cheeses, olives, and cured meats, to the smoked
salmon and dips, artisan crackers, and fresh crusty
breads, the w ines and the ales - and even the actual
Sound like too much w ork? D on’t have enough time?
W e ’ll custom -m ake your party platters for you. Check out
your op tio n s on pages four and five of this flyer. Take cre d it
for it either way. We w on 't tell. Join us Saturday and Sunday,
11 am -5pm .
N O W O P E N ! A R B O R L O D G E AT N O R T H IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B O U L E V A R D
N E 3 3 r d & K ilb n g s w o r t h P o r t la n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 . 2 8 8 . 3 8 3 8
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t.c o m