PaseAI°_________________________ i,!l IJn rtlan b ffihseruer____ November 30, 2005 Advertise with diversity in Lincoln Advances in 4A Playoffs S e m i f i n a l s F r id a y at P G E P ark Lincoln High School is advancing to the sem ifinals o f the 4 A Football State C ham pion­ ships. A double-header m atch-up Friday at PGE Park between four teams will determine the final tw o team s in the tournam ent. Lincoln faces Lake Osw ego High at 5 p.m. and Tualatin chal­ lenges Jesuit High at 8 p.m. The winners will advance to the finals, which will be held on Saturday,D ec lOat 12:15p.m .at the U niversity o f O regon’s A utzen Stadium in ¡ P o r tia n i» d W t t i r r Call 5()3-288-(M)33 ads @ port landob s e t \ WaUday. Eugene. Lincoln is the sole Portland Interscholastic League team left in the tournam ent after scoring p la y o ff v icto ries ag ain st N orth M edford, Thurston and W est Salem. Portland’s other representatives in the state tourney, Roosevelt and G rant, were defeated in the first round o f playoffs. F ra g ra n t Music t>y Highland Tonple Choir and Soloist Calvin AU m on Saturday, December 3, 2005 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm K Past‘* Steven Holt speaking Ret ention Follows WcUywuwd and £ iu k NE 48If i 8 Sandy / 43 ^ ; \ 5 0 3 .2 8 1 .1 8 0 0 D' f - ' y Blazer Coach on USA Team (A P) — Portland Trail Blazers coach N ate M cM illan has been nam ed an assistant coach on the USA Basketball M en’s Senior N a­ tional Team program for 2006-2008, USA Basketball said Monday. M cM illan, 41, jo in s Syracuse University head coach Jim Boeheim and Phoenix Suns head m entor M ik e D ’A n to n i as a s s is ta n t coach es for the national squad under Duke University head coach M ikeKrzyzewski. T he team 's schedule includes the 2008 Sum m erOlym picGam es in Beijing if the United States quali­ fies. M cM illan was nam ed the Trail B lazers’ head coach in July after Holiday Memorial Service Pastor - Steven Holt. Speaker Reception Follows Music by H ig C’ h la n d U n ite d C h u rc h o f C h ris t C h o ir and S o lo is t C a lv in A lim ó n Nate McMillan five seasons coaching the Seattle SuperSonics. He spent his entire professional playing career in Se­ attle. Ross Hollywood and Little Chapel o f the Chimes 4733 NE Thompson St. 503.281.1800 MMXMWfBMIMHM Residential-Offices Miles Hits Winning Basket Portland Trail Blazers forward Darius Miles goes to the net against the Atlanta Hawks during the third quarter Sunday at Philips Arena in Atlanta. The Trail Blazers won 77-75 on a basket by Miles with 1.3 seconds left in the game. (AP photo) Pilot Women in NCAA Semis The No. 1 ranked Portland Pilots (22-0-1 )willmaketheireighth NCAA semifinal appearance w hen they take on fellow No. 1 seed Penn State (23-0-1) on Friday, Dec. 2 at 1:30 p.m. (PST) in the opening match of the 2005 College Cup held at the Aggie Soccer Com plex in College Station, Texas. The contest will feature the only two rem aining unbeaten team s in the country. T he gam e will be b ro a d c a st liv e on E S P N 2 and ESPNU. The other sem ifinal features top- seeded U CLA (21-1-2) and No. 2 seed Florida State (20-3-1). The national title gam e is scheduled for Sunday, Dec. 4 at 10a.m. (PST )and will air live on ESPN2. This is Portland’s 13th trip to the N C A A postseason in the last 14 years, and the eighth trip to the NCA A College Cup. Holiday Specials W indows, Carpet, General and Extensive Cleaning Linda J. Scott Owner In s u re d - B u n d e d give me a call at I 503-249-0081 10% O ff C o u p o n • i I JIHNL“ Cleanliness is next to G odliness” L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Bungalow Rose Stones to Perform at Super Bowl Terrell Owens Treatment Called Vindictive (A P) — Sen. Arlen Specter ac­ cused the National Football League and the Philadelphia Eagles o f treat­ ing Terrell O w ens unfairly and said he might refer the m atter to the antitrust subcom m ittee o f the Sen­ ate Judiciary Com m ittee, w hich he chairs. Specter said it was “vindictive and inappropriate” for the league and the Eagles to forbid the all-pro wide receiver from playing and pre­ vent other team s from talking to him. f “It’s a restraint o f trade for them to do that, and the thought crosses my mind, it might be a violation o f a n titr u s t la w s ,” S p e c te r said , though som e other legal experts disagreed. “I do not believe, personally, that it is appropriate to punish him (by forcing him to sit out the rest of the season). H e’s not com m itted a crim e, h e’s com m itted a breach of contract. And w hat th ey ’re doing against him is vindictive,” Specter said. (A P)— The Rolling Stones will take a brief break from touring to perform at the Su­ per Bowl halftime show. The rock ‘n’ roll greats will go on stage during the game Feb. 5 at Ford Field, the NFL said Tuesday. “We are thrilled to per­ form for millions of fans at one o f the most exciting and highly anticipated sporting events o f the year,” the band, which earlier in the day an­ nounced its European tour dates, said in a statement. Tire Rolling Stones are cur­ rently touring North America to promote their latest album, “A Bigger Bang.” Floral S h o p Debra Mannings Owner/Operator www. Loca <• 7817 N.E Prescott St. Portland, OR 97218 We have ethnic gifts, cards, etc. S h o p 5 0 3 -2 5 5 -6 2 2 1 Fax 5 0 3 - 4 0 8 -6 4 1 9 STATE FARM OFF.: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 FAX: (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES HO M E OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. IL L IN O IS ERNEST J. HILL, JR Agent THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO COME UP IN LI FE. WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 7 IR MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service A IN S W O R T H M A R K E T CARPET CLEANING 5 9 4 9 N .E . 3 0 th A v e n u e P o rtla n d , O R 97211 Young (John) Choi ^ O p e n 9:30 A M. To 10:00 PM. - 7 days a week Everybody s looking for a way to m ake i t happen And with do just th at. 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(503) 228-6140 We are located at 716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) We specialize in: Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Com pensation injuries UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SOFA-------------------------------------- $69.00 LOVESEAT --------------------------- $49.00 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $99.00 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $35.00 THROW PILLO W S--------------------------- $5.00 I I COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR I , I I L _________ $ 1 3 5 .0 0 _______ i CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 I