N o ve m b e r 23. 2 0 0 5 P age B 6 S ports A d v e r tis e w ith d iv e r s ity in 'Jîortlartît (Observer call 503.288.0033 or email: ads@portlandobserver.com BU SIN ESS,. directory Michael E. Harper, Sr. STATE E ARM INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. 9045 SWBaibur, Suite 109 Rutland, OR 97219 (503)221-3050 S on - I m po r t , I nc . photo by J a p a n e s e C ars • T ru c k s M a in te n a n c e • S erv ice R e p air • R ebuilt • R e p la c e M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserv er Jefferson Guards Advance Careers Lathan Williams Jr. (left) plans to attend Oregon State University next year and Marquis Hall will attend Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Penn. The Jefferson basketball seniors announced their intentions during national Letter o f Intent Day with their coach Marshall Haskin (center.) Both students and their future schools were m isidentified in last week's issue. We sincerely regret the errors. © TIIAN1I VAN SON (5 0 3 ) 236-3515 Fax (5 0 3 ) 236-4428 The Bungalow Rose Mayweather Looks Ahead after Knockout S tan d in g s tre n g th e n s after Rose Garden victory (AP) — A few days before his welter­ weight debut, Floyd Mayweather Jr. com­ plained that many top boxers don’t want to fight him. After scoring a sixth-round TKO over Sharmba Mitchell on Saturday at the Rose Garden, Mayweather said he wanted to fight three or four times in 2006, but he wasn’t going to call out any particular fighter. When pressed, however, he did have some financial advice for Zab Judah, the welterweight champion. “Zab needs me so he can become a millionaire," Mayweather said. “If Zab don’t fight Floyd Mayweather, he’ll never be a millionaire.” Judah may not want the money after watching Mayweather rout Mitchell, the savvy left-hander who entered the Port­ land fight with a 56-4 record and left with his second knockout loss in three outings. D isplaying the hand speed and supe­ rior defense that are his tradem arks, M ayw eather ended the non-title bout with a straight right hand that landed below M itchell’s ribcage. Referee Rich- Floyd Mayweather Jr. lands a punch on Shambra Mitchell during the opening round o f a welterweight bout at the Rose Garden on Saturday. Mayweather won the bout with a knockout. (AP photo) ard Steele counted to nine before ending the fight with M itchell sitting on the ropes. M itchell com plained that Steele stopped the fight too soon. W ith the w in, M ayw eather strengthened his claim to be the best fighter in any weight class, the pound-for-pound champion. The 28-year-old Michigan native, who has won belts at three lower weight classes, said he w on't duck any­ one. “Floyd Mayweather don’t have noexcuses. FloydMayweatherwill fight anyone.” U n d e fe a te d in 35 fig h ts, Mayweather was in control from the start, landing right hands with ease. He absorbed little punish­ ment from Mitchell, a former 140- pound champion who was making his second appearance as a welter­ weight. Mayweather won every round on the ju d g e s’ scorecards and landed 85 punches to Mitchell’s 31. The vast majority of the punches Mayweather landed were power shots, and the knockout was the 24th of his career. 1815 SE 50TH AVE. PORTLAND, O R 97215 Floral Shop Debra Mannings Owner/Operator TheBungalowRose@Netscape.com www.Localflorist.com 7817 N.E Prescott St. Portland, OR 97218 We have ethnic gifts, cards, etc. Shop 503-255-6221 Fax 503-408-6419 AINSWORTH MARKET 5949 N.E. 30th Avenue P ortland, OR 97211 Young (John) Choi J^O pen 9 Open 9:30 A.M. To 10:00 RM. - 7 days a week U nder new management - stop in and shop Under OFF.: ( 5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 0 3 FAX: STATE FARM (5 0 3 )2 8 6 -1 1 4 6 INSURANCE COMPANIES HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON. ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR Agent WE'VE MOVED! 4 9 4 6 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97217 Ali Center Opening Draws Crowd in Louisville Your Care Our First Priority admirers chanted A li's name when Clinton said. Ali entered the stage holding his the champ arrived for the celebra­ w ife’s hand, and it was Lonnie Ali tion. Ali struck a boxing pose and who spoke for him as the champ sat waved to his fans. Lonnie Ali has said her husband on a stool. She said the center’s opening showed that “if you work hopes the center, an $80 million hard and you believe in yourself, project, will inspire visitors, espe­ you can accomplish great things.” cially youngsters, to reach their Across the street, about 200 potential and promote peace. THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO COME UP IN LI FE. Dr. Marceline Failla Chiropractic Physician C a ll fo r an appointm ent! (503) 228-6140 We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave., Portland, O R 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) We specialize in: Muhammad Ali hugs former President Bill Clinton as he walks onstage at the grand opening gala celebration for the Muhammad Ali Center, Saturday in Louisville, Ky. (AP photo) (A P)— Muhammad Ali can still draw a big crowd. The boxing great took center stage in his hometown Saturday night to celebrate the opening of the Muhammad Ali Center, a six-story tribute to A li's storied career and a legacy to his ideals of peace and tolerance. The Hollywood-style event, a, a performing arts center next door to the Ali Center, drew an adoring cast of actors, singers, athletes andeven a former president. Bill Clinton - reflecting the cham p's star appeal. “The world is a better place be­ cause of you,” Clinton said. “You thrilled us as a fighter and you inspired us even more as a force for peace and reconciliation, under­ standing and respect.” Though frail, Ali still flashed his famous playfulness. As Clinton praised him, Ali discreetly put two fingers in a V-shape behind the former president’s head, drawing laug h ter from the crow d and Clinton. Clinton said Ali was unmatched as a fighter: “Noone was ever more beautiful or brash or bright or pow­ erful orfast in the ring. It was breath­ taking.” Clinton said Aii’s greatness con­ tinued long after his boxing skills faded and his career ended. “ As your body slow ed down, your heart speeded up, and I never saw a n y th in g q u ite lik e it,” M • Automobile accident injuries & • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries DAKA HOME SERVICES A wish changes nothing. 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