P age B3 ^Jortlanò (©bseruer N o v e m b e r 16, 2 0 0 5 J ustice L aw Director Backs King M em orial a statement that a me­ (A P ) — “S tar morial ensures King's W a rs” d ire c to r message will endure G eorge L ucas has for future generations. donated $1 million to Other notable sup­ build a memorial to porters of the project civil rig h ts lead er include former Secre­ Martin Luther King Jr. tary o f State Colin on the National Mall P ow ell and Jack in Washington, D.C., Valenti, former presi­ backers of the project dent of the Motion Pic­ announced. ture A ssociation of “The ideals and America. principles for which George Lucas More than $40 mil - Dr. King fought have never been forgotten and are as lion has been raised tor the m em o­ relevant today as they were 40 rial, with $100 million needed to years ago,” Lucas said, adding in finish the project, organizers said. Get Paid to Learn S tart $12 - $18 per H our No skills required, just a willingness to learn Construction Trades, a Career Choice Military Members Earn Citizenship Visit our web page to get started Aboard the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier Museum in San Diego, Calif., I l l U.S. military service members from 48 countries take the oath o f citizenship on Veteran's Day, Nov. 11. P hoto by U.S. N avy M ate 1 st C lass M ichael L arson www.bestOJT.com/ihjv.asp FBI Reports Increase in Hate Crimes \Doing the L ittle Things \ that Make a Big 2003, and there were slight declines in crimes m otivated by bias based on sexual orienta­ tion and ethnicity, the FBI said. The data also showed that crim es against M uslims have leveled off since a spike fol­ lowing the Sept. 11,2001, attacks. “We tend to see the num ber o f bias incidents go in cycles in large part tied to international events,” said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesm an for the Council on A m erican-Islam ic Rela­ tions. “It has leveled off since 9/11, but unfortunately at a higher level than prior to More than half of victims were black (A P) — Racial prejudice lay behind more than half the "’,649 hate crim es reported to the FBI in 2004, the bureau said M onday. Hate crim es against black A m ericans were most prevalent. The num ber o f race-based incidents rose by 5 percent last year to 4,042 from 3,844. A u th o rities id en tified p reju d ice against blacks in 2,731 o f those crim es, the FBI said. Overall, the number of hate crimes grew by ju st 2 percent com pared with the 7,489 in 9/11.” In 2001, there were 481 anti-Islam ic inci­ dents. There have been around 150 in the three years since, the FBI said. Among anti-religious hate crim es, anti- Jew ish incidents have long been the most common. O f the 1,374 incidents of religious bias, 954 were directed at Jews, the FBI said. The inform ation was supplied by 1 "* 711 local law enforcem ent agencies nat Aide covering nearly 87 percent of the U popu­ lation. Because the num ber of police agencies reporting varies each year under the volun­ tary system established by the Hate Crim es Statistics Act o f 1990, officials caution against draw ing conclusions about trends in hate crim e volum es between years. They say the figures provide a rough picture of the general nature o f hate crimes. Teens Charged in Teen’s Murder Sex Offender Captured Kenneth Miller, a predatory sex offender who fled Multnomah County supervision last month, was captured Nov. 8 in Salem. Salem police reported that they took Miller into custody at an apartment in the company of two young adult women. Kenneth Police received an anonymous tip about Miller’s location, which led to the arrest. The caller recognized Miller from recent television coverage. Miller is currently on post-prison supervision for multiple counts of assault, reckless endangerment, contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor. He also has convictions for sodomy and willfully spreading a communicable disease. Police said Richard Two te e n a g e rs Anthony, the victim’s have been arrested father worked closely and charged in the with the detectives shooting death of an­ during the investiga­ other teenager on the tion. intersection of North For the sake of the Haight and Emerson community as well as streets. justice on both sides, M ichael Laverne more witnesses are en­ Jasper, 17 and Edward couraged to come for­ M illa g e , 16, are Mark Millage ward. For more infor­ charged with murder mation, contact Detective Mike Gei­ in connection with the Sept 25 ger at 503-823-0768 or Detective death o f R ich ard A nthony Barry Renna at 503-823-0255. MinniefieldJr., 17. Material Witness Identified for Murder Case K en n eth Lynn tachal Jr. is wanted >n a statewide, no bail, elony warrant form a­ erial witness in con- tection to the April 1004 murder of Marcus Vlill in Portland. Police said Mill was (hot and killed in the niddle of the after- loon with people in he area at the time of Kenneth Rachal Jr. his death. 17-year-oldTrevell Wal ique Taylor was ar­ rested, convicted, and sentenced to 20 years in connection with the murder. However, the case remains ongoing and additional arrests may be made, police said. Rachal isa6foot tall black male weighing 230 pounds with black hair and brown eyes. He has had several addresses throughout the Portland metropolitan area and should be considered armed and dangerous. Crim e Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for inform ation reported to Crime Stoppers that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony, and you may remain anonymous. Call Crim e Stoppers at 503-823- HELP(4357). X K M ® COMMUNITY SHOPPING WI-FI HOTSPOT QUICK COPIES Jim m v ’s Drv C le a n e rs G lo b a l M a n a gem en t S tra te g ie s, L L C B .A .G . & C o m p a n y , L L C W illiam s S Rural & U rban D evelo p m en t L e a g u jwilsonassoc@yahoo.com CORNER.OF FREMONT & N. WILLIAMS AVE. attor cing very • business planners 503.284.6884 L30 AM -10:00 PM v x V, Difference* We can help! 5 0 3 -4 9 3 -6 0 2 7 V. West Contracting & Consulting Services, Inc. ARE YOU PAYING OVER 7.0% INTEREST RATE ON YOUR MORTGAGE? HAVE YOU EVER BEEN LATE OR CURRENTLY LATE ON YOUR MORTGAGE? HAVE YOU RECENTLY FILED BANKRUPTCY? ARE YOU CASH POOR AND EQUITY RICH? IF THIS IS YOU, THEN CALL CHARLOTTE MARTIN TO SEE IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO REFINANCE YOUR PROPERTY? 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