Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 16, 2005, Page 8, Image 8

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November 16. 2005
^Jurtlanb © bseruer
H ealth
Seniors Confused by Medicare Drug Benefits
them divided into three camps:
• 37 percent view the program un­
• 31 percent have a favorable opin­
• 31 percent said they just do not
know enough about the benefit to
have an opinion.
"Seniors still are having a hard
(AP) — Medicare beneficiaries
Seniors still aren’t really pre­
are not e n th u se d ab o u t the
and they're going to need a
program’s new prescription drug
to make the choices they
benefit, which begins enrolling its
under the law,” said
first participants this week.
president of the
A survey of older people finds
Many view
Health Gap Narrows
Deeper disparities persist
when they are the same in nearly
every way.
H arvard researchers found
n a rro w e d r a c ia l g a p s fo r
mammograms and diabetics’ eye
exam s, blood-sugar tests, and
testing and control o f diabet­
ic s’ cholesterol. G aps were also
reduced for prescribing beta-
blocker heart drugs and choles­
terol testing after heart attacks.
Progress w asn’t apparent ev ­
eryw here, though. Racial d is­
parities w idened by three per­
centage points for both control
o f d iab etics’ blood sugar and o f
heart p atien ts’ cholesterol.
The other tw o studies, led by
H arvard and Em ory U niversity
in A tlanta, show persistent dis-
parities in mostly expensive and
elaborate procedures like some
blood vessel repairs, heart and
back surgeries, and joint replace-
The health care gap between
blacks and whites is closing on
many sim ple, cheap m edical
treatm ents, but deeper dispari­
ties stubbornly persist for more
complex and costly procedures,
new research suggests.
The findings from three large
federally funded studies indi­
cate it’s possible to equalize
health care between races, but
it w on't happen quickly or eas­
Since the 1980s, many stud­
ies have d ocum ented racial
gaps in the standard o f health
care. They are blam ed on eco­
nomic, cultural and even bio­
logical d iffe re n c es b etw een
races. Blacks have less access
to better doctors, hospitals and
health plans, studies indicate,
Research also shows that the
medical system treats whites
and blacks differently, even
Kaiser Family Foundation, which
undertook the survey with the
Harvard School of Public Health.
Many beneficiaries already have
drug coverage. That factor was
listed as the No. 1 reason why people
would not be enrolling in a private
plan this year.
‘‘When you look at the people
who say they don’t plan to enroll,
it’s mainly because they already
have coverage. They have cover­
age through a former employer or
through a Medicare health plan.
and that’s just great." said Mark
McClellan, administrator for the
Centers for Medicare and M edic­
aid Services.
Among those surveyed who said
they lacked drug coverage, only 28
percent said they would enroll.
Tw enty-three percent said they
would not and 49 percent did not
John Rother, director of policy
and strategy at AARP, said he is
not surprised that people have yet
to warm up to the drug benefit.
"This was a program enacted as
part of a very high-profile, partisan
controversy,” Rother said. “And
the other thing is, the benefit is not
what people had hoped to see.”
Rother said AARP, which has
partnered with an insurer to provide
a drug plan, believes people should
view the drug coverage much like
homeowner’s or car insurance.
"It’s really peace of mind that
you’re buying,” he said. The pro­
gram has an out-of-pocket cap fea­
ture that limits the yearly amount a
Neurologist Expand Medical Services
Stroke, m ultiple sclero­
sis and L ou G ehrig’s d is­
ease all are potentially dev­
astating neurological con­
ditions that can represent
extraordinary challenges to
• 1
those affected.
In an effort to further
enhance its services in the
area o f neurosciences for
those in need, P o rtlan d 's
Providence Health System
has added three neurolo­
gists to its m edical staffs
as part o f its Brain Insti­
Dr. Lisa Yanase
Dr. Mark Morrow
Dr. Kim Gùslin
Dr. M ark M orrow has
joined the Providence M ultiple ophthalm ology and neurotology, serves as the m edical director of
Sclerosis C enter based at Provi­ as m ultiple sclerosis patients o f­ the new ly e sta b lish e d P ro v i­
dence St. V incent M edical C en­ ten incur problem s with vision dence ALS Center. She has been
ter. He has expertise in neuro- and balance. Dr. Kimberly Goslin a practicing neurologist with The
Preventing colds, flu
Best Damn Bones
As the cold and flu season ever, more com m only, the germ s
approaches, it is im portant that that cause illnesses are spread
people rem em ber to wash their by hands.
W hen harm ful bacteria are on
hands often.
Margaret Bruya, associate dean the hands, which com e into con­
for academic health services and tact with mouthy, noses and eyes,
professor at W ashington State the bacteria can spread to these
University said the best safeguard mucous m em branes, allow ing for
against the flu is a flu shot, but hand the cold and flu viruses to infect
washing can also help prevent be­ people.
Washing hands both before and
coming infected.
M any people think viruses after handling food is important in
such as the cold or influenza are preventing the spread of disease.
spread through airborne trans­ When cooking with raw food, wipe
m ission, such as sneezing. How- down all cooking surfaces and in-
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Cleanliness is next to Godliness
Short Breath May
Be Heart Disease
( AP) — O ne sim ple question -
Do you have trouble breathing? -
m ay re v e a l as m u c h a b o u t
som eone’s risk o f dying as the
most relied-upon sign, chest pain.
Even people without any other
cardiac symptoms were up to four
ti mes more I ikely to die of heart prob­
lems in the next few years if they had
shortness of breath, a study of nearly
18,(XX) people suggests.
Researchers found that patients
who reported being short o f breath
had a higher rate of death.
The Portland Observer-Oregon 's Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member o f the National Newspaper
Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc,
, ^ G Íñ fC Ó ^ tM te é ry
New Orleans de\ asuu eu
Insured - Bonded
struments used in the food prepa­
ration process.
Always wash hands after using
a public restroom, and be sure to
use warm water, plenty of soap and
scrub for at least 20 seconds.
Wash hands after cleaning up
after pets, such as after changing a
cat’s litter box or after clean-up
while walking the dog. Scrub under
fingernails and jewelry, and dry with
a clean towel.
Use disposable tow elettes or
antibacterial gel to keep hands clean
when water is not accessible.
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and Extensive Cleaning
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Oregon Clinic since 2000.
Prior to this, she was an
a ssista n t p ro fe sso r o f
neurology and the direc­
tor o f general neurology
at O regon H ealth S ci­
ences U niversity.
Dr. Lisa Yanase has
been appointed the medi­
cal director of the acute
stroke program at Provi­
dence Portland Medical
Center, which recently ob­
tained national distinction
as a primary stroke center
from the Joint Commission
on Accreditation of Health
Care Organizations. Most recently,
she served as the medical director
o f the Cerebrovascular Center at
LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City.
Avoid Germs with Helpful Hand Washing Hints
ü ffftT S
Bring in this ad for 10% off
particular participant would have
to pay for medicines.
Congress passed a prescription
drug benefit in 2003 as part of the
Medicare Modernization Act. Un­
der the program, beneficiaries can
voluntarily enroll in a private plan
that pays for a portion of their pre­
scription drugs.
People will pay a monthly pre­
mium, an annual deductible and a
portion of each prescription. Addi­
tional financial aid will be provided
to those with low incomes.
New York, NY, andThe West Coast Black Publishers Association, Serving Portland and Vancouver.
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