Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 16, 2005, Image 7

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    November 16. 2005
Committed to Cultural Diversity
M etro
Œl’1' ^Jortlanò © hseruer
Portland Welcomes
Concert of Hope
Light cast on children o f Uganda
om m unity
C a l e n d a r
Local Standouts
Library Appreciation Sale
Title W ave U sed Bookstore, on
216 N.E. Knott St., holds its C us­
tom er A ppreciation Sale on Fri­
day, Nov. 25 from 10 a.m. until 4
p.m. For m ore inform ation, call
5 0 3 - 9 8 8 -5 0 2 1
or go
w w w.multcolib.org.
Free College Outreach
The first Saturday o f each month
through M ay, from 12 p.m. to 2
p.m. high school students will be
helped to prepare for college at
the Matt D ishm an C om m unity
Center, 77 N.E. Knott St., through
the efforts o f O regon State U ni­
versity. For more inform ation call
Earlean W ilson Huey at 1-800-
291 -4192, extension 7-9032, or call
Jock White, Matt Dishman at 503-
823-3620, or email Earlean. wilson
h u ey @ o reg o n state.ed u .
Jefferson High School Basketball Coach
Marshall Haskin (back row, from left) and
assistant coaches Paul Kelly and Richard
Fortson join their senior standout players
guard Lathen Wallace Jr. (front left) and
point guard Marquis Hall (front right) Nov.
9 for National Letters of Intent Day.
Wallace announced that he will play bas­
ketball at Lehigh University in Bethlehem,
Penn, next fall while Hill has signed with
Oregon State University in Corvallis.
Computer Class for Parents
Portland Im pact’s M arshall High
School SUN program is offering
a free com puter class for parents,
starting w ith Basic Internet, MS
O ffice and W indow s on W ednes­
day, Nov. 16, from 6:30 p.m. to
8:30 p.m. For m ore inform ation,
call 971-570-1384.
photo by M ark W ashington /
T he P ortland O bserver
Red Cross Teaches Safety
The A m erican Red Cross offers a
range o f safety classes for crisis
situations, from learning how to
baby sit to perform ing CPR. The
courses are intended for children
aged 8 through adult. For more
inform ation visit w w w .redcross-
Scam Artists
Blow in
African Drumming, Dance
The North Star B allroom , 635 N.
K illingsw orth Ct., hosts begin­
ning drum m ing and G hanaian
rhythm classes on T uesdays at 6
p.m. On W ednesdays, interm edi­
ate drum m ing is offered in addi­
tion to an A frican aerobics and
dance. All classes are taught by
Chata Addy. For m ore inform a­
tion call 503-632-0411.
Multicultural Symposium
Lew is and Clark College presents
the second annual Ray W arren
M u lticu ltu ra l S y m p o siu m on
W ednesday, Nov. 16 through Fri­
d a y , N ov. 18. F o r m o re
information.call 503-768-7051.
Essence Blood Drive
E ssence M agazine, a lifestyle
publication for A frican A m eri­
can w om en, will partner with the
Red C ross to host a blood drive
at the Portland D onor C enter on
3131 N. V ancouver Ave. from 7
a.m. to 2 p.m . on Saturday, Nov.
19. For m ore inform ation or to
make an appointm ent, call 1-800-
Caregiver Resource Fair
A free resource fair for local
caregivers will be held Friday,
Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at
the Providence M edical C enter’s
Social Room at 4805 N.E. G lisan
St. The fair will feature inform a­
tion on in-hom e assistance, adult
day program s, support organiza­
tions. stress reduction, legal is­
sues and more.
Women in
Community Service
V olu n teer m entors are being
sought by W om en in C om m u­
nity Service to work with incar­
cerated w om en at the C offee
Creek Correctional Facility. M en­
tors provide support and encour­
agem ent for w om en transitioning
from prison back intothecom m u­
nity. V olunteers must be fem ales,
age 24 and up. For more inform a­
tion, call 503-570-6614.
•Tcommunity service
N o v em b e r in O reg o n u su ally m eans th e b eg in n in g o f
the high w ind s an d heavy rain season. H o m eo w n ers
w hose pro p erty is d am ag ed by M o th er N a tu re ’s fury can
be prim e ta rg e ts for u n sc ru p u lo u s th iev es.
T he O regon C o n stru c tio n C o n tra cto rs B o ard , th e state
agen cy that p ro tec ts c o n su m ers and re g u la te s th e c o n ­
stru ctio n indu stry in O reg o n , ad v ises h o m eo w n ers to be
ex tra carefu l o f d o o r-to -d o o r rep a ir so licitatio n s, c o n ­
trac to rs u sing v eh icles w ith o u t-o f-sta te licen se p lates
and “to o -g o o d -to -b e -tru e ” bids.
If you need roofs, w indow s, fences, or patio coverings
fixed, or if y o u 'v e got dam aged trees that should be rem oved,
“Stay aw ay from unlicensed contractors,” says board en ­
forcem ent manager Richard B lank. “Scam artists com e out o f
the w oodw ork after severe w eather to prey on people w ho
are anxious to get their hom e fixed because m ore w inter
w eather is on the w ay.”
L e g itim a te c o n tra c to r s p e rfo rm in g h o m e re p a irs
m u st be p ro p e rly lic e n s e d w ith the c o n tr a c to r s ' b o ard .
A lic e n s e o ffe rs fin a n c ia l p ro te c tio n to c o n s u m e rs
th ro u g h th e b u s in e s s ’ b o n d an d in s u ra n c e an d a c ­
c e s s to d is p u te re s o lu tio n s e rv ic e s .
C o n su m ers sh o u ld v erify a c o n tra c to r’s C C B license
at w w w .cc b .state .o r.u s o r 503-378-4621 b efo re sig n in g a
hom e re p a ir c o n tra ct o r p ay in g any m oney.
photo by I saiah
B oi ie / T he P ortland O bserver
Chores o f November — Like residents all over the city, fall's leaves bring autumn chores for
Ismael Sanchez along Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard near Fremont Street. The
city offers leaf disposal sites at Leaf Deport locations around the city for $1 per carload or
$4 per truck or trailer load. For more information, call the city Leaf Line at 503-823-1784.
Jobs Assured in New Neighborhood
for South
L ee P erlman
T he P ortland O bserver
The Portland Development Com ­
m ission has approved an agree-
ment calling for greater participa­
tion o f m inority and w om en w ork­
ers in the South W aterfront district
co n stru ctio n , P o rtlan d ’s new est
neighborhood o f condom inium s
apartm ents and businesses rising
along the W illam ette River, south
ofR iverplace.
P a rtic ip a n ts an d w o rk fo rc e
equality advocates, how ever, ca u ­
tion that the significance o f the
construction w ork set asides d e­
pend on how well PDC carries out
its aspirations.
T he agreem ent calls for 20 per­
cent o f construction jo b s in the
South W aterfront area - the west
sid e w a te r fr o n t s o u th o f th e
M arquant B rid g e -to g o to m in o rity
w orkers, and 15 percent to w om en.
At that tim e, m inority w orker
advocates called for assu ran ces
that m inorities w ere included in the
w ork force in significant num bers.
John W allace o f the C olum bia
Pacific B uilding T rades C ouncil is
happy w ith the final agreem ent.
“Not all o f our unions support
this, but most do. It’s a good first
step," he said.
A ndre Baugh o f the C om m unity
C oalition said the significance o f
the set asides is that people have
finally put on paper w ha, th e y 'v e
been saying for three years.
H is biggest regret, he says, is
that it took so long to m aterialize.
As to the lack o f m inority rep resen ­
tation on the O versight C om m ittee
he says, "T he parties have m ade
photo by I saiah B oi ie / T he P ortland O bserver clear they d id n 't w ant m inority ad*
A brand new neighborhood takes shape along the Willamette River with the construction o f condomini­ vocates to be signatories."
ums, apartments and businesses in the South Waterfront district, south o f downtown s Riverplace.
PDC Com m ission chair Eric Par­
tained few specifics. Bidders are as O regon T rad es W om en, the sons told staff to m ake sure such
by the y ear 2014.
Parties to the agreem ent also also relieved o f doing anything that A fric an -A m erica n C h a m b e r o f interest groups “are being heard
agreed todevelop program s to o ver­ would put them “at a com petitive C om m erce, and the C om m unity and feel like th ey 're being heard."
A shbrook said a change in atti­
C oalition, w hich first brought the
com e barriers toapprenticeship pro­ d isad v an tag e."
tude am ong those involved might
The agreem ent signatories are issue forw ard three years ago.
g ram s and elim in a te q u e stio n s
T he M etropolitan A lliance for be m ore im portant than the co n ­
about crim inal history w hen the PDC. participating unions and co n ­
work docs not involve exceptional tractors. and the developers: O r­ the C om m on G ood, a coalition that tents o f the agreem ent.
"T h e re’s a change in attitude at
or extraordinary security require­ egon Health and Sciences U niver­ in c lu d e d la b o r u n io n s a n d
sity. River C am pus Investors and churches, first called on PDC and PD C and the unions seem to be
the City Council to specify that com ing around," she said. “ But this
The docum ent called on its sig ­ North M acadam Investors.
natories to make good faith efforts
Lacking an official voice on the construction work in this area be is ju st an agreem ent. W hat counts
to achieve these goals, but c o n ­ construction jo b s are groups such done at prevailing or union wages. is how it's carried out."