œi!l ^llnrtlaub ©bseruer November 16, 2005 Page AS F ood It’s Time For Sweet Potato Pie Layered Cream Cheese-Sweet Potato Pie While sweet potatoes abound, delight your family and guests with this tasty pie. It’s an easy recipe made even easier with a frozen pie crust that’s ready to bake in its own disposable pan. Bake ahead and refrigerate for your next fall gathering. • 1 Pillsbury Pet-Ritz frozen deep dish pie crust • Cream Cheese Layer • 1 package (8 oz.) cream cheese, not softened • 1/4 cup granulated sugar • 1 egg • 1 teaspoon grated orange peel • Sweet Potato Layer • 1 cup mashed, cooked sweet potatoes (about 3/4 lb. uncooked) SAFEWAY O Place cookie sheet on oven rack. Heat oven to 350° F. In small bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar on low speed until well blended. Add egg; beat well. Stir in orange peel. Set aside. Place sweet potatoes in food processor; cover and process until smooth. In large bowl, beat sweet potato layer ingredients with wire whisk. Spread cream cheese mix­ ture in frozen pie crust. Carefully spoon sweet potato mixture over cream cheese mixture. Bake on cookie sheet 50 to 60 • • • • • • • • 2/3 cup half-and-half 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1 teaspoon grated orange peel 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 1/8 teaspoon salt I egg Ingredients for life ■ nt« m inutes or until set and knife in­ serted near cen ter com es out clean. Cool 30 minutes. Refriger­ ate until chilled, 3 to 4 hours. Store covered in refrigerator. 8 servings. Tip: To prevent the layers from blending, do not soften the cream cheese priorto mixing. If preparing the recipe with the Pumpkin Spice Packet(included in Pet-Ritz piecrust packagesduring winter2005), elimi­ nate the spices and salt. Serve with sweetened whipped cream, if de­ sired. Thanksgiving Fixings Macadamia Nut Stuffing You may want to begin your own stuffing tradition by trying this easy recipe. It includes a treasure from Hawaii — macadamia nuts, and tastes wonderful cooked in the bird or as a casserole. From Mrs. Cubbison’s Best Stuffing Cookbook by Leo Pearlstein and Lisa Messinger. Holidays mean Safeway deli party trays H oliday entertaining M A D E EASY! S E E O U R G R E A T S E L E C T IO N O F Ingredients: ery and m ushroom s, cook 3 to 5 • 1/2 cup butter m inutes until tender. Add stu ff­ • 1 1/2 cups coarsely chopped ing mix. G radually add chicken b roth until lightly m oistened. Macadamia Nuts • I 1/2 cups chopped onion (A d d e x tra b ro th if m o iste r • 1 cup chopped celery with a few d ressin g is p referred o r d re ss­ leaves ing is baked in a c a sse ro le .) Stir • 1/2 cup chopped mushrooms in carro t, p arsley and reserved two 6-ounce bags Seasoned Dress­ m acad am ias. C ool thoroughly b efo re stu ffin g turkey. ing orCorn Bread Stuffin’ mix Fill turkey cavity and neck area • 1 carrot, grated lightly w ith d ressing, sew or • 1/4 cup chopped parsley skew er shut. W rap any extra • 1 1/2 cups chicken broth In a large sk illet, m elt 1/4 cup dressing in foil or place in baking b u tter. Add m acadam ia nuts dish to roast last 45 minutes along and toss w ith b u tte r o v er m o d ­ with turkey. For an interesting erate heat ab o u t 5 m in u tes, u n ­ edible garnish, stu ff halves o f til lig h tly b ro w n ed . R em ove scooped-out baked squash. Makes enough dressing for 12 nuts and set aside. M elt re m a in ­ ing b u tte r and add o n io n , c e l­ to 15-pound turkey. P A R T Y T R A Y S I N T H E D E L I. 5-lb. BOX Satsuma Mandarin Club Price: $3 00 ea SAVE up to $7.98 on 2 Del Mente Can Vegetami B U Y O N t.i,ETONE 13.5to15.25-oz. Selected varieties Cluö Price: 40tea 59 to 64-ct, Chided orange ;uice Selected varieties Club Price: $2.00 ea. SAVE up to $3.70 on 2 Sara Lee Frozen Pies 37- m Sdecttd varetìes. SAVE is» $11!m2 Beauregard Yams I aroe size Club Price: 33« lb SAVE up to $3 48 on 3 His Apples - Pick of the Season Apples provide eating satisfac­ tion without a lot of calories as well as being a quick and easy way to get some tasty nutrition. One me­ dium apple has about 70 calories. Apples also provide fiber, with the amount of fiber doubling when the skin is eaten. They contain less than *4 gram of fat and 150 milli­ grams o f potassium. Tangy Apple Salad Makes 6 servings • 4 heads Boston lettuce, washed, dried and tom • 2 medium apples, pared, cored, and diced • • • • 1 cup halved seedless red grapes 2 tablespoons canola oil I tablespoon cider vinegar I tablespoon Dijon-style mus­ tard • Pinch salt and white pepper 1. In large salad bowl combine lettuce, apples, and grapes. 2. In small jar with tight-fitting lid. combine oil, vinegar, mustard, salt, and pepper; cover and shake well. 3. Pourdressing over salad; toss to coat. Weight Watchers POINTS value per serving; 2; 120Calories,5gFat, 4g Fiber. A d v e r t is e w it h d iv e r s it x r u 1,1 ( .ill 5 O 3 -2 S S -(M )I3 I in (O bscnur iu ls @ p o rtlu n 'd o b sc ia c i . c o m BUY ONE, GET ONE Nabisco Snack Crackers Lay's or Wavy Lay's FRF F Po,a,oChiPs M Ä141 (MltMtlvUUtMUV ' ,U 1 7 to KP h Selected viñetas Club Price $125ea SAVE up 10 $6.96 on 4 Setofco wietes M m m mum nepu Valley Vineyanis or Chateau Sie Jean 'KHrt Mile SdetK «ftóis SAVE iftoSS.il Fresh Green Beans C hib P ric e S i .0 0 lb SAVE up to SB M on 10 IPs MIYONE.GETONE Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream M A O N E, GETONF 175-qt. Selected varieties $AVE«I0$S» m 2 Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Aquafina Water 24 pack. 5-i’ter bottles 64-ot bottles or 4/12-oz. packs Selected varieties. SAVE W to $ 3 « N 2 Shop at Home. We Deliver. s a few a y.c o m AI J. LIMITS ARE PER HtXISEHOIJ). PER DAY. Items ft price' in rhi« «1 art avadahle at your local Safeway «tores No sales to dealers. restaurants or twnutions Saks in retail quantifies only Quantities of some item» may he hmited and suhtecr to availability Not responsible tot typngraph teal ot pictorial erron We reserve the right io cone« all pnmed erron.O l Buv One, Get One Free t’ BOGO") oflen, customer must pun ha« the tint item to metre the second item tree BOGO oHen are not I '2 price ules If only a single item purchased, the tegular price appliev Manufacturers’ conpons mar he used on purchased items onhr - not on free item» f*20W Safeway Vote». Inc.