November 16. 2005 Page A3 íl!C^Jortlanb (©bseruer URSDAY PE I? L» * I F FAN Y CENTER ■ 141OSW M ORRI KEEPTHE PI AXJtNLtfBftLD AIDS DA' 9 year old Yolanda and 8 year old Josue' Trinidad attend a Say Hay reception along with their parents and other newcomers to the city. photos by K haya D arko / T h l P o rtland O bserver Gulf Coast Evacuees Introduced Newcomers welcomed at ‘Say Hay' beads to co m m em orate the G u lf K haya D arko C o ast disaster. T he P ortland O bserver A side from som e delightful Say Hey, N orthw est is a sem i­ regular informal and fun recep­ hors d ’oeuvres and beverages tion for new arrivals to the greater served, the evening was topped o ff by a live perform ance by a Portland area. Sponsored by m ajor organiza­ band consisting o f G ulf Coast tions that support diversity in the e v a c u e e s k n o w n as “ D e v in w orkplace and w orking together Phillips and New Orleans Straight in the enhancem ent o f our com ­ Ahead.” This band is bound to be a hit m u n ity , th e n e w c o m e rs are m atched with potential em ploy­ with the City o f Roses with their ers and assisted in finding jobs. soothing melodies, w hile m ain­ O v er a 100 p eople show ed taining a steadfast spirit o f true up fo r th e fu n f ille d e v e n t New O rleans jazz. Khaya Darko is a new resident T h u rsd ay as o v e r 30 new re si­ d en ts w ere in tro d u ced and each o f Portland and is staff member p resen ted w ith a beautiful fresh fo r the Portland Observer. She is ro se and N ew O rle a n s sty le from South Africa. by 7:30 PM Saxophonist Devin Phillips, a hurricane survivor from New Orleans who plans to make Portland his home along with the rest o f his band mates, performs Thursday at ‘Say Hay,' a welcome reception for new residents. Leader Hired for Health Initiatives State Sen. Avel Gordly will in­ volve the community in two broad policy initiatives: community emer­ gency preparedness and eliminat­ ing racial health disparities in a new position with Multnomah County. G ordly, w ho represents south­ east and northeast Portland in the L egislature, will focus on en ­ gaging a broad array o f com m u­ nity m em bers in local health ini­ tiatives that prom ote com m unity Sen. Avel Gordly em ergency p rep ared n ess, im ­ prove birth outcom es, reduce sexually transm itted disease, and im prove ind o o rairq u ality in low income housing. “We are honored to welcome Senator G ordly to M ultnomah County,” says Multnomah County Chair Diane M. Linn. "Her distin­ guished career has exemplified a commitment to social justice and public service.” i d * j d * i > „.«¿is .»i W J 'IIS 4 3 1 4 GET TICKETS BY PHONE FROM TICK ETSWEST IN PORTLAND SO J -2 2 4 T IX X (8499), OUTSIDE OF PORTLAND 8 O O -9 9 2 -T IX X OR ONLINE AT WWW.TICKETSWEST.COM. FOR SPECIAL TICKETS TO THE EXCLUSIVE PRE-DANCE CONCERT DINNER & AUCTION PLEASE CALL S O ) -2 8 4 - 3 3 5 $ OR VISIT US ONLINE. SEATING IS LIMITED. CALL TODAY! AFRICA RESPONSE Reason #22 to sign up tor Medicare prescription drug coverage ■■ ' Z W x 4 Our family has a history of heart disease. Thankfully, you're in great health now. If a serious illness, like heart disease or diabetes, runs in your family, some day you may need medicine every day. Everyone with M edicare is eligible. And there is additional help for those who need it most. Plan now to protect tom orrow. M edicare drug coverage starts January 1,2006. You w ill have your ow n g o o d reasons for getting coverage. So here's what to do. Gall 1 -800-633-4227 TTY 1 -877-486-2048 Visit ■ W atch your mail for information about M ed care prescription drug coverage ■ Choose the plan that works for you, including drug ■ ■ 4 coverage, pharmacies and monthly payments. ■ Sign up betweet November 15, 2005 and .Medicareis May 15, 2006 I’ r r H c r ip th m l l n i g < .m i ra ge I I