Novem ber 16. 2005 îl?l ^¡.lortlanù © bscruer Page B 6 Colleges Conference Saturday Local youth to explore opportunities application fee w aivers to the U N C F schools m ust bring a to p y o f their ju n io r year transcripts and a 500-w ord essay describing their accom ­ plishm ents, college goals, and career aspira­ tions. Portland’s 26th annual Black S tu d en ts w ill atten d w o rk ­ C o lleg es C on feren ce for local shops on the college application high school and m iddle school process, financial aid and how to students will be held on S atur­ prepare a college portfolio fol­ day, Nov. 19 at Portland C om m u­ low ed by college spotlight ses­ nity College, 705 N. Killingsworth sions. Parents will m eet w ith rep­ from 7 :3 0 a.m . to 1:30p.m . resentatives from the colleges and T he them e o f the conference is are invited to participate in the Black C olleges: Believe in Them , college spotlight sessions with A chieve in Them ! stu d e n ts. A lum ni and rep resen tativ es Dr. A lgie G atew ood, executive from historically black colleges dean o f Portland C om m unity C ol­ a n d u n iv e r s i tie s in c lu d in g Algie Gatewood lege C ascade Cam pus, and alumni H ow ard U niversity, G ram bling o f L ivingstone C ollege, a historically B lack col­ U niversity, T uskegee University, Clark-A tlanta, lege will w elcom e the students. The participants Prairie V iew , N orth C arolina A & T, M orehouse will also receive inform ation on how the com m u­ College, Fisk University, Spelman, Jackson State, nity college can be a pathw ay to the historically T ennessee State, Florida A & M , and H ouston- black colleges. T illotson will be represented. Early registration is encouraged due to lim ­ In addition, m aterials and applications from ited space. Students should check with their the 36 U nited N egro C ollege Fund schools will school counseling office for registration form s be available. or call 503-275-9603 for inform ation. Seniors w ho w ould like to receive onsite photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Community Sharing at Harvest Dinner Former High School All-American Sebastian Telfair, entering his 2'° NBA season with the Portland Trail Blazers, serves meals to the community Monday at the Blazers Harvest Dinner. The 1 (2 annual event was partnered for the first time with Global Spectrum, owners o f the Rose Garden, with the support o f various local nonprofits, community agencies and Spirit Mountain Casino. Father says Jackson will Visit, Not Stay (A P )— M ichael Jackson will com e back to the United States, but it’s unlikely the King o f Pop w ould ever make it his home again, says his father. “ H e’ 11 com e back to visit, but not to stay, not to live," Joseph Jackson told The A ssociated Press in a recent in­ terview. Jackson said his son, who was ac­ quitted in June o f child molestation, has received lots o f threats in the United Joseph Jackson, father o f pop- star Michael Jackson in Berlin last July. (AP photo) photo by States. T he superstar now lives in Bahrain and his lawyers have said that he no longer considers his N everland Ranch in California as his home. “T hey d id n ’t treat him right here. 1 know if I w as him , 1 w o u ld n ’t com e back,” his father said. H ow ever, the elder Jackson said he expects M ichael to return to his m usic career, and hopes it w ould include a reunion w ith his brothers. M aster S g t . J ames M . B ow man , U .S . A ir F orce Tuskegee Airman retired Col. Elmer Jones smiles as he looks at an oil painting depicting some of the history o f the Tuskegee Airmen on display in the Pentagon for Veterans Day. Airmen Honored for Veterans Day T u sk eg ee A irm en, the A frican -A m erican fighter pilots from W orld W ar II w ere honored at the Pentagon last w eek for V eterans Day. The airm en received briefings on the state o f the A ir Force, an update on global operations and had lunch w ith Secretary o f D efense D onald H. Rumsfeld. D uring W orld W ar II, the T uskegee A irm en w ere credited w ith destroying 261 aircraft, d am ­ aging 148 aircraft, flying 15,553 com bat sorties and 1,578 m issions over Italy and N orth Africa. They destroyed or dam aged over 950 units o f ground transportation and escorted m ore than 200 bom bing m issions. Happy 43rd Birthday Happy 17,h Birthday THERE’S MORE THAN ONE M A Y TO COME UP IN LIFE. Charles Bryant Nov 19,h, 1962 S h a y W a s h in g to n a n d T a s h a M o r r is S on - I m po rt , live. BUSINESS directory J a p a n e s e C ars • T ru c k s M a in te n a n c e • S erv ice R e p air • R ebuilt • R e p la ce everybody s looking tor a way Io make it happen And with ovet 150 careers to choose from in the U.S Army, you can © TIIAN1I VAIE M>V $20,000 (5 0 3 ) 236-3515 Fax (5 0 3 ) 236-4428 do gust that You'll become stronger, smarter and more prepared to tace any challenge that comes your way Find Enlistment out how you can become An Army 01 One at GOARMY COM or call 1-800-USA-ARMY When Monday Who S*1 Friday 00am 1815 SE 50T H AVE. PORTLAND, O R 97215 DOMONIQUE'S 7 NE Broadway Street 00pm 1st Class Walter Washington Hair Stylist W anted Domonique’s Hair Design AN ARMY OF ONE BIG at BIG at BIG CITY PRODUCE I 722 N. 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