November 16. 2005 Îlîl 5}Jnrt(anò (©bscruer Page B5 Lord, give me patience in tribulation and grace in everything to conform my will to thine. — Thomas More R eligion Portland Welcomes Concert of Hope Light cast on children of Uganda The Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave, will host a group of children from the city o f Kampala and Afri­ can nation of Uganda. The WatotoChildren’sChoirwill perform at the church on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 6 p.m. The goal o f the Concert of Hope is to raise aware­ ness of the plight of 2 million chil­ dren in Uganda, left parentless as a result of war and disease. W atoto’s vital work affords au­ diences the opportunity to partici­ pate in restoring hope and dignity to some of A frica’s most needy children. The choir consisted of 18 boys and girls ages 5 to 12, who have lost one or both parents to their plight. However, they now live in homes built by Watoto Child Care Minis­ tries. Accompanying the children is a group o f adults from Uganda who supervise and care for the children while on the road. Since 1994, W atoto Children’s Choirs have toured internationally as ambassadors for Watoto Child Care Ministries, a holistic orphan care program. The choir is currently on a world tour again and most recently has performed at the White House at the personal invitation of President and Mrs. Laura Bush. The choir’s music and multime­ dia presentation is a soulful fusion of gospel and contemporary Afri­ can style. Dressed in colorful cos­ tume, the children's enthusiastic- song and energetic dance has Watoto Children s Choir bring high spirit to the stage. The singers from Uganda will perform Sunday at Vancouver Avenue Baptist moved audiences worldwide. Church in Portland. b • Thanksgiving Center Hosts Civil Rights Leader, James Lawson Reverend is voice Worship Area residents are invited to a Thanks­ giving Day worship service, Thursday, N ov.24at 10a.m. at theCommunity AME Zion Church, 3605E 13lh St. in Vancouver. “Let us gather together on Thanksgiv­ ing Day to give thanks for his many bless­ ings - for the Lord is good and worthy of our praises!” said pastor Robert F. Kemp. For more information or a ride to the worship service call 360-693-4566 or 360- 891-3999. for peace, justice The C enter for Spiritual D evelop­ ment will w elcome civil rights and eco­ nom ic ju s tic e lead er, R ev. Jam es Lawson Jr. as he gives a Friday, Nov. 18 evening lecture and Saturday, Nov. 19 w orkshop at Trinity Episcopal C athe­ dral, 147 N.W . 19,hAve. Lawson will share his wisdom and ex­ perience gained from over 45 years in peace, civil rights and economic justice movements during the 7:30 p.m. lecture C lassifieds /B ids To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@ Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc., a professional non-profit property management organization seeks a FT maintenance workerand a painter. MWposition refurbs vacant properties, completesmaintenance work orders, keeping homes in attractive, and safe condition. Must possess knowledge in flooring, painting, drywall, carpentry, minor electrical and plumbing. Salary range: $25,000-S35,000. Painter needs 2 yrs. exp. Own tools a plus. Salary range:$17,280 - $26,880. Each position is FT, perm. pos. w/ benefits. Requires a valid driver’s license, work vehicle, and car insurance. No walk-ins. Submit resume to Marvin Dean by 11/23/05: fax (503) 288-2891 or mail 6329NEMLKJr. Blvd. Ptld, OR 97211 Holiday House Cleaning Let Santa’s little elf help you out this season. Openings fornewelients East County Call Geneva Ellis at 503-665-1239 Advertise for the Holiday Contact Kathy Under 503-288-0033 or email: Annual Thanksgiving Revival “Justice and Nonviolence: the S outhern C hristian AChallengeforOurNation.” Leadership Conference. Tickets are $15 in advance He has been described and at the door. as architect of the nonvio­ I' He will lead the workshop lent direction action strat­ “Effective use o f Nonvio­ egy of the civil rights move­ lent Political Action” on Sat­ ment in the 1960’s and Dr. urday from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. King called him the “the Cost forthe workshop is $50 leading nonviolent theorist and includes lunch. in the world.” Lawson, the former pas­ Rev. James Lawson Jr. He is a tireless voice for tor of Holman United Meth­ promoting peace and ju s­ odist Church in Los Angeles, is highly tice. Some of his efforts included sup­ acclaimed for his involvement in the 1950s porting the Fellowship o f Reconciliation and 60s with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in peace organization, teaching at Univer- Dear Deanna! Ask£>eaw«a! My boyfriend gets mad when 1 dis­ agree with him. He wants me to do everything he says. If 1 disobey he turns on me and claims my behavior is what causes him to act a certain way. He needs to understand that 1 have feelings for him. Do you think he cares for me because I feel as if I’m being used? -Confused; Anonymous On-Line Reader Dear Confused: You’ve allowed your boyfriend to brainwash you into thinking you're a dog. No human being should be manipulated this way for the sake of Real People, Real Advice An advice column known fo r reality based subjects! having a relationship. It’s obvious he doesn’t respect you or care ttxi much about you. At the end of the day, if you feel as if you’re being used, you probably are. The writing’s on the wall. I suggest you read it and get the hint loud and clear. sity of Southern Califom iaand the School of Theology at Claremont College, host­ ing a weekly national cable television program, and supporting the Living Wage Movement. In college and as a missionary in India he was exposed to the nonviolent resis­ tance teachings o f Gandhi and while at­ tending Vanderbilt Divinity School he trained volunteers in Gandhian tactics of nonviolent direct action. In 1961 hehelped coordinate the Freedom Rides, in 1966 the ■ Meredith March and in 1968 he played a major role in the sanitation workers strike in Memphis, Tenn. ,t Dear Deanna! I noticed that since high school my friend list has been reduced. I'm now 30 years old with no friends. I’ve put a lot o f strain on my hus­ band due to not having anyone but him. When he goes out with the guys, he looks at me and knows how much I want a friend. He’ll cancel his plans and w e’ll doagirly thing like shop or seeamovie. Other than work and church how can I make new friends? -Friendless; gym, go the library and do som e­ thing with yourself other than com plain and stay under your husband. You can m ake new friends by talking to people while in line at a restaurant, talk to women at the hair salon or jo in a bookclub. Y ou’veoutgrow nyour friends which is common and now you can start a new circle o f friends w ho do som e o f the same things you enjoy. Stop being scared and keep it m oving. Anonymous On-Line Reader Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: Get out o f the house, join the askdeanna ! @ yahoo, com Dear Friendless: Theme: “Praising God for His Greatness and Mighty Acts.” Guest Speakers: Rev. Herbert Lee, Grand Rapids, Ml Rev. E.D. Kinlow, Spokane, WA Guest Guitarist: Bro James Robins, West Covina, CA This Event will be held November 25,2005 - November 26,2005 7:30 PM Nightly >4 I l l l 4 k«ISl I 4 I 11*11141^1 l l ì l 4 I»I«I4 IÍ4 < 4*llf 4kl I 4‘H < lllt4 ‘ < IIÎI4 III <14 IÍ4 < 4‘l l l 4 ‘l h ia lth th ro u g h & November 27,2005 3:00 PM At the NewTestament Church 1237 NE Failing St. Portland, OR 97212 503-284-7594 Host Pastor: Ed Leon Brewer Jr. SMALL WORKS REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Q u a lific a tio n s due by 5 :0 0 p.m ., Friday, December 23, 2005. The City of Camas has established by ordinance a Small Works Roster for Public Works projects estimated to cost $200,000.00 or less. Qualified contractors who are interested in being included on the 2006 Small Works Roster should submit a Contractor's Qualification Form to the City of Camas, Attention Ronda Syverson, at 616 NE 4th Avenue, PO Box 1055, Camas, Washington 98607. Contractor Qualification Forms are available at the Camas Public Works Department. The form is also available on the City of Camas website under the Engineering Department tab. The areas of work included on the roster are asphalt, paving, b uildin g construction, cem ent, concrete, com m unications, extruded curb, earthwork, erosion control, fire sprinkler, rock e xcavation , electrica l, fencing, general contracting, HVAC, landscape, irrigation, mechanical, reservoir cleaning, tank pumping, underground utilities, and well drilling. All contractors will be required to provide proof of insurance and statement of bonding capacity. Questions should be directed to Ronda Syverson at (360) 817-1561 ext. 4256 or via e-mail to • AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES • ON THE JOB INJURIES • NECK PAIN • BACK PAIN • HEADACHES • WELLNESS CARE • SPORTS INJURIES • We accept most insurance plans. • No referral required. 4317 NETillmook St Portland, OR 97213 (503) 493-9730 • Treatment for auto injuries covered by most insurance carriers. Conveniently located in the Hollywood area, just one block north o f Sandy Blvd. Martin J. Codino, DC rhe House o f Prayer 4936 N.E. Skidmore Portland, O R 97218 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Residential & Commercial Service 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL $25. OO Each Area 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $35.00 STAIRS (with other service) $1.50 Each Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING • AUTO/ B O A T/R V CLEANING ’ OEODORIZING & PET ODOR TREA TMENT • SPOT & STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION U P H O L S T E R Y C L E A N IN G SOFA----------------------- LOVESEAT ------------ SECTIONAL ----------- CHAIR OR RECLINER THROW PILLOWS Take N.E. Prescott, Heading East (toward 60lh) to N.E. 49lh and Turn Right, Go Two Blocks and Turn Left $ 6 9 .0 0 $ 4 9 .0 0 $ 9 9 .0 0 $ 3 5 .0 0 $ 5 .0 0 COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LO VESEA T» CHAIR Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Morning Service 11:4H> am Wednesday Prayer 12:00 Noon Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm Everyone is Welcome! MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE _______ $135.00 _ _ Pastor Marcia L. Tay lor Founder/Counselor Tel: (503) 284-9959 CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 <