November 9, 2005 CUfCCTS ËdllCClliÜiî Jîo rtlau b (DbscrUcr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ S P E C I A L E D I T I O N Page A3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get Paid to Learn Start $12 - $18 per Hour N o s k ills re q u ire d , ju s t a w illin g n e s s to le a rn Construction Trades, a Career Choice Volunteers distribute food for low income residents at the Oregon Food Bank in north­ east Portland. Visit our web page to get started C v D o trtg the Little T h in g s \ th a t M a ke a Big x ^ M ta re n o e l We can help! 503 -4 9 3 -6 0 2 7 V. W e st C o n tra ctin g & C o nsulting S e rvice s, Inc. Hunger Grows SAFEWAY « Progress recorded in Oregon The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture released a new report showing the fifth consecutive annual increase in the number of food insecure Americans nationwide. The total number of people who struggle to buy food increased to 38 million in 2004. The good news is that Oregon experienced a drop in the rate of food insecurity hunger, putting the state near the national average for both hunger and food insecurity. O regon’s hunger rate decreased from 5.8 percent o f the population in 1999-01 to 3.8 percent in 2002-04. The rate o f food insecurity de­ creased from 13.7 percent of the population in 1999-01 to 11.9 per­ cent in 2002-04. The improvement was tied to improved food stamp outreach re­ sulting in an 80 percent increase in Food Stamp participation, Child Nutrition Program outreach, in­ creased funding for and use of emergency food, and making the Child Care Tax Credit refundable. Even with the improvement, more than 1 in lOOregoniansexperienced difficulty purchasing food due to a lack of resources at some time dur­ ing the year. Oregon Food Bank officials say we need to keep working to ensure that families reach economic stabil- ity-that they have the resources they need to meet all of their basic needs. T his inform ation com es at a critical time. The H ouse is cu r­ rently considering $50 billion in cuts to a num ber o f vital support programs, including food stamps, M edicaid, and other safety net program s serving low -incom e households. These cuts would reduce access to im portant re ­ sources and result in increased hunger. Hot Price! 99! Pork Loin Sliced Rib Half Bone-in. SAVE up to $1.80 lb. CLUB PRICE 79 Helping survivors from Gulf Coast BUONE. GETONE FREE f qui FREE Large size. Im ported. SAVE up lo $1.99 on 2 apM BU M W M m i CLUB PRICE Safeway SELECT Medleys 4.9 to 5 9-oz package Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2.89 on 2 Fast and Delicious Create an unbelievably delicious turkey in an incredibly short time. • S ta rt j n e w h o lid a y t r a d itio n b y p u k in g u p o u r e x c lu s iv e 2 -h o u r tu r k e y re c ip e . L flk • Find y o u r M a n o r H o use T u rke y re cip e , a n d th e fe w in g r é d ie n ts a n d c o o k in g to o ls y o u n ee d, a ll in o u r M e a t D e p a rtm e n t. front Stuwrf Tent Kifccheiv It’s a Boneless Beef Roast Sale! BUY O N E , G ET O N E Save y o u r s e lf a Ju icy $2 o n o u r R a n c h e r's R e s e rv e B o n e le s s 6-oz Over 40 flavors from which Io choose. Club Price 20« ea. B eef R o a s ts in c lu d in g : SAVE up to $5 00 on 20 d e lir io u s v a r ie tie s o l te n d e r, h e a rty Tostitos Tortilla Chips FREE 1 Selected 1 to 13.5-oz. varieties ÍQUAt <>• t l «M » »A ili rM ( CLUB PRICE SAVE up to S3 49 on 2 5Ï10 it e l i L o t t a w «net« Effluite Orwieome Selections ftifi Pnce $2.00 ea BUY O NE. GET O N I ERET * Cranberry Juice m VJL p JLz 54-Oi 54-ot twit » 4 1?-® bottles;'4 12-iü os 53CB v a in LQUU o « U club Selected a w e s ma SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 • Shoulder Cross Rib • Chuck • Bottom or Eye Round • Sirloin Tip • Ribeye Y o u 'll fin d R a n ch e r’s R eserve lieet ro asts c o m p le te ly d e lic io u s , o r w e ll re fu n d y o u r m o n e y — and re pla ce y o u r R a n ch e r’s R eserve c u t w ith SAFEWAY 9 Police Profiling Courses Z BUO NE, GETONE Hass Avocados f» i>«ri *
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