'" 'I f o r t la n h (Ohseruer Page BIO (ílfeCrS EíllICílUVIl S P E C I A L Procurement Specialist A ttorney °#F C O ^ Environmental Health Specialist I (JOBSHARE) $19.50 - $ 2 3 .6 9 / hour Open Continuous Program Coordinator COMMISSION ON CHILDREN AND FAMILIES $4,326 - $5,258 / month Closes November 18, 2005 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for Information or see our website: www.co.washington. or.us. County application and supplemental application forms required. Women, minorities, and people w ith d is a b ilitie s are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives, Inc., a professional non-profit property management organization seeks a FT maintenance worker and a painter. MW position refurbs vacant properties, completes maintenance work orders, keeping homes In attractive, and safe condition. Must possess knowledge In flooring, painting, drywall, carpentry, minor electrical and plumbing. Salary range: $2 5,0 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,0 0 0 . Painter needs 2 yrs. exp. Own tools a plus. Salary range:$17,280 - $ 2 6,88 0. Each position is FT, perm. pos. w / benefits. Requires a valid driver's license, work vehicle, and car insurance. No walk-ins. Submit resume to Marvin Dean by 1 1 /2 3 /0 5 : fax (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -2 8 9 1 or mail 6329NEM LKJr. Blvd. Ptld, OR 9 7 2 1 1 “A" for APARTMENTS The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) is se e kin g 3 P art-Tim e Assistant Site Managers (ASM), for three of our Public Housing Complexes. The ASM performs clerical lease enforcement and residen t relation dutie s. Pre­ employment drug screen required. Compensation is $10.31/hr+apt. Pre e m ploym e n t d ru g screen re qu ired. Th is re c ru itm e n t is o p e n u n til f i l l e d . P o sitio n description and supplem ental questions may be obtained at 135 SW Ash Street, Portland, Monday thru Friday 8am - 4pm, or at www.hapdx.org. Resumes welcome with cover letter, HAP E m ploym en t a p p lic a tio n and Supplem ental questions. TTY 5 0 3 -8 0 2 -8 5 5 4 . H AP va lu e s diversity in its workforce and is committed to EEO& AA. The Procurement Specialist in the LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Position: City of Portland, Goods and Services work group is $ 6 ,469 - $9 ,543 Recreation Coordinator I responsible for administering the Salary Range: $35,610 to procurement process for informal Comm unicates with Legislators $43,701 and som e form al so licitations and staff regarding bill drafting Deadline: 4:30 p.m. November and contracts. Duties include and amendments 21, 2005 a d v is in g b u re a u s o f le g a l Clarifies legal questions that may requirements for compliance in arise out of drafts or amendments The City of Portland is accepting the preparation of specifications applications for the position of and provides alternatives for the com petitive solicitation Recreation Coordinator I. This Assigns bill drafting requests to p o s itio n is re s p o n s ib le fo r p ro c e ss and d e v e lo p in g and monitoring contracts. Additional Deputy Counsel p e rfo rm in g jo u rn e y -le v e l duties include providingtechnical recreational programm ing work Analyzes issues and applicable assistance to bureaus to address w ith in P o rtla n d P a rks and law to provide written and verbal procurement requirements when Recreation. They are typica lly legal opinions they are unusual or complex, and assigned to community schools, promoting and attracting Minority, Provides office administration and com m u n ity ce n te rs or sp orts W om en and E m e rg in g Sm all R e s p o n s ib ilitie s m a n a g e m e n t o f L e g is la tiv e p ro g ra m s . B usin ess p a rticip a tio n in the C o u n se l s ta ff (a p p ro x 50 include asse ssin g com m unity p ro c u re m e n t p ro c e ss . T h is needs and making independent employees) position also works with vendors programming decisions planning, regarding the public procurement For application information contact: developing, im plem enting, and process, EEO certification and City http://www.leg.state.or.us e v a lu a tin g a w id e ra n ge of business license requirements. recreation and leisure programs. Karen Hupp A p p ro xim a te M on th ly S a la ry: To apply online please visit our 900 Court St NE Room 140-B $3,477 at entry - $4,245 after two w e b s ite at h ttp :/ / Salem, OR 97301 years www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs or go (503) 986-1373 in person to the Application deadline is 4:30 pm, Deadline for application: 1 1 / 2 3 / 0 5 A p p lic a t io n Monday, November 14, 2005 Center, Portland Bldg. Lobby, NE To learn more about this position, Corner, 1120 SW or to apply online, visit our website ' Ä ' at www.cl.portland.or.us/jobs/ or 5th Avenue. p ick u p an The City of Portland is an Equal a p p lic a tio n at Opportunity Employer. 1120 SW 5th Ave. P ortlan d , O regon POLICE CHIEF 97204 « v . The City of Albany seeks an c - X> exceptionally qualified indivi­ dual w ho e x e m p lifie s high .o s ta n d a rd s o f p e rson al and pro fe ssio n a l c o n d u ct to be PARKING FACILITY Operator A lb a n y ’s n ext P olice Chief. Im m e d ia te fu ll and p a rt-tim e Candidates should possess ten openings. S eekin g d e p e n d a b le , M etro ye a rs o f e xp e rie n c e in law well-groomed, positive individuals. enforcem ent of which seven U tility M a in te n a n c e , O re go n $8 .0 0 + starting wage years must be at the command C o n ve n tio n Center. $ 16 .56 - Overtime/advancement potential level, and possess a Bachelor’s $18.66/hour, FT, Deadline: 11/ Medical & Dental, 40 1k avail. degree in criminal justice, public 16/05. Perform s sem i-skilled Drug te s t/ Background check administration, or closely relat­ work in a variety of construction, Apply 1 2 :00 -1:00PM, ed field. Salary range: $6,714 m aintenance and operational Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri; to $8,392 per month. For a fu n ction s in clu ding carpentry, 3 : 0 0 - 4:00PM Tues. com plete recruitm ent profile, p a in tin g and g e n e ra l City Center Parking, v is it th e C ity ’s W eb site at maintenance. 130 SW Stark, Portland. www.citvofalbanv.net. AA/EEO To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and re qu ired application m aterials, visit our Sub Bids Requested website at www.metro-region.org/ jobs or pick up a complete packet Portland Aerial Tram Project Finishes Package at Metro Human Resources, 600 Bid Date: November 16, 2 0 0 5 5 :0 0 pm NE Grand Ave., Portland. w S EJUL s F O R T IS C O N S T R U C T IO N IN C November 9. 2005 N For contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and for valuable information on how to do business with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: www.portlandonline.com/omf/purchasing C it y o f P o r t la n d B u reau o f P u rc h ases 1120 SW' Fifth Ave, Room 750, Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 Office of Business Services • Procurement and Construction Contracting osu Oregon State U N IV E R S IT Y 644 SW 13th Street Corvallis, Oregon 97333-4238 Telephone: 541-737-4261 Fax: 541-737-2170 OSU Combined Heat & Power Systems Feasibility Study Request for Proposal Oregon State University (OSU) is seeking proposals from energy consulting firms interested in providing an extensive feasibility study to review and validate OSU energy needs decisions and plans. OSU is seeking a professional firm with extensive experience in electrical usage, design and engineering, and in providing professional critical review and validation services. Firms interested in proposing should download the complete RFP from the PaCC website at: www.PaCC.oregonstate.edu under “vendor services." RFP responses are due at 5:00pm, PST, November 22nd, 2005. Should you have difficulties downloading th e RFP, c o n ta c t A a ron H ow ell a t (5 4 1 ) 7 3 7 -6 9 9 4 or Aaron.Howell@oregonstate.edu. OSU is an AA/EEO employer and encourages the submittal of responses from wom en, m inority-owned and em erging small business enterprises. OSU may reject any response not in compliance with all prescribed public contracting procedures and requirements, and may cancel this solicitation or reject any or all responses upon a finding of OSU it is in the public interest to do so. SUB-BIOS REQUESTED City of Portland Aerial Tram Project Building Compiedon/Fimshes Package Bld» Du«; Nov. 16th2:Q0 PM Bid Documents • Willamette Punì & Blueprint (503-223-5011) or www.bxwa.ocm — ■ .1 W estern C onstruction Services. Inc. 4612 NE Minnehaha St. • Vancouver. WA 98661 Phone 360-699-5317 I 503-222-9296 • Fax 360-694-7818 We ere an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from duadyantaged. minority tvomez>-owned ana emerging smalt business enterprises. CCB#OR63717 AA/EEO Employer EMPLOYMENT 1705 SW Taylor Street, Suite 200 Portland, OR 97205 ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL/ AUDITOR • Senior Internal Auditor Salary: $3,451 $4,840/month Announcement X0CDT5831 Salem Conlacl: Greq Wimmer Phone: 503-459-4477 Fax: 503-459-4478 ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • Records Services Inquiry Specialist OR CCB# 155766 Salary: $1,701 - $2,258/month Announcement #0CDT5320 Salem Bid documents are available for review at the Fortis office. www.wpbinc.com and at local plan centers. ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Traffic Signal Technician 2 W e are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids Irom minority, women, disadvantaged, and emerging small business enterprises. OFFICE • RETAIL Located in the Heart of Portland Martin Luther King Corridor For More Details Contact: s I T I O C lassifieds /B ids J O \. L E D Chuck or Mark Washington Salary: $2,922 - $4,183/month Announcement #0CDT5994 Salem These are ju s t a few of th e c u rren t job openings available w ith th e S ta te of Oregon. A more c o m ple te announcem ent lis tin g , a pp licatio n form s, and a d d itio n a l job in fo rm a tio n are available at: a) local Em ploym ent D epartm ent fie ld o ffice s, or b) th e Oregon job s page at: w w w o re g o n jo b s .o rg . The S ta te of Oregon offers em ployees c o m p e titiv e sa la ries and com prehensive ben e fits th a t inclu d es em ployer paid hea lth insurance; paid holidays, va catio n . ' s ic k and personal leave: m em bership in the Oregon Public S ervice **. R etire m e n t Plan (OPSRP). and o p p o rtu n itie s to p a rtic ip a te in th e .¿r* * Oregon Savings G rowth Plans. The S tate of Oregon and all its d ivisions are proud to be equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployers. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM (PERS) - CHILDREN, ADULTS & FAMILIES • Program Analyst 2 Consumer Support Technician 2 Tigard Salary: $3,272 $4,566/month Announcement 4LEHS5583 Salem Close Date: November 11, 2005 • Program Analyst 2 Community Programs Coordinator Salary: $3,272 - $4,566/month Announcement #LEHS5582 Salem Close Date: November 11,2005 FINANCE & POLICY • Fiscal Analyst 2 Fiscal Analyst Salary: $3,272 $4,566/month Announcement «LEHS5584 Salem Close Date: November 14, 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Operations A Policy Analyst 3 Requirements Coordinator - Limited-Duration Salary: $3,617 - $5,078/month Announcement #LEHS5543A Salem Close Date: November 14,2005 • Information Systems Specialist 5 Programmer Analyst - Crystal Reports Salary: $3,478 • $4,797/month Announcement 4LEHS5520A Salem Close Date: November 17, 2005 2 Spaces Available HEALTH SERVICES • Research Analyst 3 • Diabetes Salary: $3,121 - $4,350/month Announcement »LEHS5575 Portland Close Date: November 10. 2005 • Program Technician 2 - Diabetes Joyce Washington Plaza Salary: $3.272 $4,566/month Announcement »LEHS5586 Portland Close Date: November 28. 2005 w w w . Salary: $3,734 - $5,347/month Announcement #0CDT5998 Salem • Traffic Structures Specialist Salary: $3.223 - $4,616/month Announcement #0CDT5999 Salem • Quality Control Compliance Specialist Salary: $2,922 - $4,183/month Announcement #OCDT5871 Astoria • Project Team Leader Salary: $3,556 - $5,091/month Announcement #0CDT5868 Springfield • Senior Survey Member PERS covers nearly 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 members and administers retirement, disability benefits, health Insurance, and deferred compensation plans statewide. ■ Principal Executlve/Manager D Serve as Manager of the Member/ Employer Relations Section. Salary: $3,794 $5.596/month Announcement #LE050650 Close Date: November 17, 2005 Salary: $2,783 - $3,989/month Announcement #0CDT5869 Corvallis • Inspector Salary: $2,922 - $4,183/month Announcement »0CDT5959 Springfield • Assistant Project Manager Salary: $3,916 - $5,614/month Announcement #0CDT5964 Corvallis • Assistant Project Manager Salary: $3,916 - $5,614/month Announcement »0CDT5836 Hermiston OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY (OSU) MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL M arketing Writer • Area Manager Help us tell the story of Oregon State University. If you are a creative, team player, and have experience communicating to diverse audiences by writing multi-page publications, promotional advertising and feature stories, we w ant to hear from you. Oregon State University is Oregon's prem ier research Institution and we have exciting messages to share. Join us and be a voice for OSU. For complete announcement and application materials, visit http://orogonstate.edu/lobs or contact Employment Services. 122 Kerr Admin Bldg. 19th ft Jefferson. Corvallis. OR 97331-2132, ( M l ) 737-3103; TTY (800) 7 3 5 1 2 3 2 Application deadline is November 8 ,2 0 0 5 a t 5:0 0 pm. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) OOOT People drive Oregon's D epartment of Transportation. If great benefits, a professional work en vironm ent, Job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT. Current recruitm ents include: O r e g o n . ¥ • Environmental Program Manager Salary: $4,613 - $6,792/month Announcement »0CDT5854 Portland TRADES • Dispatcher Salary: $2,258 - $3,121/month Announcement #0CDT5968 Salem • Field Mechanic Salary: $3,121 - $3,600/month Announcement P0CDT5967 Ona Beach • Lead Electrician Salary: $3.437 - $4.784/month Announcement »0CDT5969 Rose Lodge ODOT... Building Careen. Bridging the Future. Detailed jo b announcem ents Include qu a lifica tio n s, requirem ents, and Instructions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www.odot.state.or.us/Jobs for a complete copy or call 50 3-986-4030 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirm ative action employer. Announcements will be made available in alternate form at upon request: (503) 378-6202, TTY 1 -8 0 69 93-889 8. o b s . o r g