Page B9 CttïCCïS ECltlCiltlOtl îl!e ÎJortlatîb ffibscrucr 1 November 9, 2005 S P E C I A L E D I T I O N Math as Mind Power Volunteers Needed to Pack Food Boxes A career path for math teachers unteers on M onday, Dec. 12, and on W ednesday, Dec. 14, to staff the assem bly lines used to stuff the boxes. M ore volunteers and their vehicles will be needed Saturday morning, Dec. 17, to distribute the 40-pound boxes to hom es and to the Police Bureau’s Northeast, South­ east and East precincts. T o volunteer, call the Sunshine Division at 503-823-2119. T he S unshine D ivision o f the Portland Police Bureau is gearing for its holiday giving activities, and is asking the public to participate. Each D ecem ber, volunteerscon- verge on its w arehouse in north Portland for tw o nights o f packing m ore than 3,000 boxes with food. “ W hat’s so great about these nights is that in a short duration, all these boxes are stuffed w ith food,” said Sgt. W ayne K uechler, head of the organization. “ It’s so intense. A nd at the end o f the evening, w hen you look over all the boxes, you have this real sense o f accom ­ plishm ent.” The division is looking for75 vol- Portland Police Bureau Sgt. Wayne Kuechler helps sort the boxes o f emergency food and clothing going to area resi­ dents for the holidays. Math takes reasoning and creativity, skills that students learn by sharing ideas. W ith a new five-year, $5 m illion grant from the National Science Foundation, O regon State U niver­ sity researchers are w orking with classroom teachers, school adm in­ istrators and college students in education to im prove m athem atical discourse in the classroom . It ju st adds up - math education is about m ore than learning to add, subtract, m ultiply and divide, the educators say. It takes reasoning and creativity, skills that students learn by sharing ideas. In fact, it takes w hat researchers call devel­ o p in g “ m a th em atical h ab its o f mind." C ollaborators include research­ ers at Portland State U niversity, the nonprofit T eachers D evelopm ent G roup in W est Linn, the W oodburn School D istrict and RM C Research C orp.T hrough a series o f sum m er institutes and school-year w ork­ shops, they hope to create a cadre o f math education leaders in school districts across the state. The new grant supports partici­ pation by about 100 teachers from 50 schools in 10 O regon school districts, from kindergarten through high school. These teachers are taking part in sum m er institutes and online courses during the school year, and they receive site-visit support over the five years o f the grant. A nother 80 teachers are sup­ ported through additional fund­ ing from the O regon D epartm ent o f E ducation and the participating school districts. T he project focuses on all co n ­ tent areas o f m ath, says Karen H iggins, director o f teacher ed u ­ cation in the O SU C ollege o f E du­ cation. “W riting and talking about math increases conceptual understand­ ing,” she said. “T he challenge for c la ssro o m te a c h e rs is to find w orthw hile tasks that engage stu­ dents in team w ork, debate and dis­ c u ssio n .” Such tasks include tests o f rea­ soning ability. O ne exam ple: there are four hats in a checking room. Four men receive their hats at ran­ dom . W hat is the probability that exactly three o f them will receive the co rrec t hat? A nd another: there are only tw o consecutive prime numbers between Oand l ,000 that differ from each other by 18. T heir sum is 1064. W hat are they? H ow students approach their solutions contributes to their m ath­ em atical habits o f m ind. A nd ulti­ mately, saysT om Dick, OSU math­ e m a tic s p ro fe sso r an d p ro jec t leader, it’s about raising student achievem ent. Dear Deanna! I w ant to be free from a relationship that is holding m e dow n. I m arried my husband because 1 thought he w ould stay m otivated and we would d o g re a t th in g s to g e th e r. I ’ve w atched him go from a dynam ic executive to a couch potato. All o f the dream s and goals w e had have gone dow n the drain and I still w ant the fantasy w e dream ed of. Should I leave him and is there anything I can do to get my old husband back? -U n h a p p y W ife.; B altim ore, Md. Dear Unhappy: Y ou married your husband for m ate­ rial com fort instead of eternal com ­ panionship. Have a discussion to see how you can support and moti- Ask Deanna\ R e a l P e o p le , R e a l A d vice An advice column known J'nr reality based subjects! vate him. He can ’t be the man you want but he can be the man you need. People, places and things change and you have too but your husband loves you enough to deal with it. You need to leave fantasyland and deter­ mine w hat’s making you unhappy, address it and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! I’m saved in prison and have a question. Som e o f the inm ates are telling me that because I’m not in a church that my faith d o esn ’t count and I’m w asting my tim e. I was raised in the church but as you can see from my location, 1 strayed away from the Bible. Is it true I can still be saved and G odly in prison? -- A nonym ous Inmate; R aleigh, N.C. C entral Prison his S on to d ie fo r y o u r sin s, y o u r soul is sav ed . Y o u can be sa v ed in a ca rd b o a rd b ox, a c lo se t o r th e m iddle o f a desert. T h ere are o th e r elem e n ts such as faith , w o rk s, o b e d ie n c e an d tith in g th a t g o along w ith th is c o m m itm e n t to m ake you w hole. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. 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