Page B8 'ri,‘' JJortianh ffibseruer C areers Education S P E C IA L E D IT IO N November 9, 2005 AINSWORTH MARKET 5949 N.E. 30th Avenue Portland, OR 97211 Young (John) Choi J 9 30 A M To 10:00 PM. - 7 days a ï week ShOD Linder new management - stop in and shop "N SERVICES: C arpentry • C oncrete Flatw ork • Painting CL Fencing • Vents Plumbing • Residential W ater Supply • W aste Finish Work Rehab Remodel B oanerges G roup , L L C - dba R ight ' W ay P ainting , LLC CCB: 159587 General C ontractor 726 NE Roselawn Portland OR 97211 PO Box 11115 O ffice/Fax 503-281-0224 For Sharon M axw ell H endricks B.G will demonstrate when given the opportunity! Clark College in Vancouver is a community college offering two-year degrees, technical training and basic skills classes. A new partnership with Portland State University gives more Clark students access to four-year bachelor degrees. Clark College Partners with Portland State Students transition from community DAKA HOME SERVICES A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! college to four-year • Tired of renting? No Rental History? • Trouble Saving? Bankruptcy? • Bad Credit? Foreclosure? Kimberly Adams • Zero Down? Non Resident Alien? • Good Credit? Investment Property? Seeking to own? - NOW is your time! Let the Home Ownership & Mortgage Experts5*" find your perfect loan. CALL TODAY - we make the loan process EASY'. There is no fee or obligation to apply 360-433-2466 or toll free 1-877-436-2466 or apply at S erving O regon & W ashington illie u M I < i t lra< li< < e n te r I e rra n te t liir< nra< lie < e n te r h e a lth th ro u g h • AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES X • ON THE JOB INJURIES M 50 • NECK PAIN n o X5 > q • BACK PAIN • HEADACHES • W ELLNESS CARE r> • SPORTS INJURIES • We accept most insurance plans. • No referral required. 4317 NETillmook St. Portland, OR 97213 (5 0 3 ) 4 9 3 -9 7 3 0 • Treatment for auto injurie, covered by most insurance carriers. Conveniently located in tht Hollywood area, ju s t one block north o f Sandy Blvd. M a r t i n J . C o d in o , D C MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHO LSTERY C L E A N IN G Residential & Commercial Service CARPET CLEANING 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL $25.00 Clark College and Portland State Uni­ versity have formalize a co-admission agreement designed to improve student access to undergraduate education, in­ crease the efficiency of joint efforts in support of students, and improve the suc­ cess of student transfer rates through the completion of associate degrees and bac­ calaureate degrees. Last year, over 100 Clark College stu­ dents transferred to PSU, making the downtown Portland campus the second highest recipient of Clark College students behind W ashington State U niversity Vancouver. The new partnership will provide nu­ merous benefits for Clark College stu­ dents, including coordinated federal finan­ cial aid disbursement, early on-site aca­ demic advising, special scholarship oppor­ tunities for co-admitted students, coordi­ nated student and academic services, credit for prior learning, one application, joint library services, access to computer ser­ vices and coordinated degree completion. Clark College students will be eneo1 r- aged to transition to PSU after completing 90 transferable credits. Students will be advised to pursue educational pathways that include successful completion o f an associate degree en route to the baccalau- Diverse Workforce Wanted at Fred Meyer ment Development Program, an in-depth training course designed abilities and maximize their po­ to prepare candidates for promo­ tential, which will manifest into tion to assistant department man­ opportunities of advancem ent ager by learning about the com­ within store level, regional, and pany, its policies and products, main headquarter management as well as leadership, merchan­ roles. dising, inventory control, sales, The company has a Manage- and customer service. continued from B6 Each Area 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) $35.00 STAIRS (with other service) $ 1.50 Each BROTHERS ON THE MOVE A, PRESENTS O U R D A T E : S A T U R D A Y , N O V E M B E R I2 T H . 2 0 0 5 T IM E : 11 :OO A M T O 3 : 3 0 I ’ M C O R N E R S T O N E C O M M U N IT Y C H U R C H O F (JO D IN C H R I S T S O FA ---------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT ---------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ----------------------- :___ $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER __________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS -------------------------- $ 5 .0 0 2 2 1 « N R K IM J N O H W O K T H 5 0 3 / 2 8 1 - 4 5 8 7 FREE 1 I I $135.00 | M M M IM M M I . 1 I M M MM CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: (503) 281-3949 R ID E S AT T H E S E P IC K U P P O I N T S At T IM E S COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR ■■■ 8TH A N N U A L P R E -T H A N K S G IV IN G D IN N E R UPHOLSTERY CLEANING I Internal candidates are train­ ees for 4 weeks, while external candidates are trainees for 6 weeks. Finally, Fred M eyer has an Education & Training Depart­ ment that supports our entire workforce with a plethora of classes, resources, communica­ tions, and training for profes­ sional development and growth in leadership competencies. “While we work hard to promote from within, Fred Meyer Stores is also always looking for great new people,” Brandreth said. For more information, contact Brandreth @ 503-797-7663 or dloCidax] "Events Additional Services • AREA