Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 09, 2005, Page 14, Image 14

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^ l o r u a n i . (D bsm .er
Career Development Workshop Series
For refreshing skills, updating knowledge
. A scries of career development
¡w orkshops will be o ffered at
M arylhurst University the first
Tuesday of each month through
M ay,from 4:30to6p.m . in BP John
Administration Building, Room 200.
Each w orkshop is $15 with
Marylhurst students and alumni
free. To register, call Marylhurst’s
Career Services office at 503-699-
“Each workshop is designed to
refresh your skills and update your
knowledge," said Lynn Brown, ca­
reer services coordinator. "The top­
ics covered will address many of
the e sse n tia ls fo r su ccess in
today’s dynamic job market such
as tools for enhancing your confi­
dence and flexible solutions for
career transitions.”
Dec. 6: W orking for a
Non-Profit O rganization
M eet em p lo y ers from well
known non-profit organizations
in the Portland area. Hear inside
.information about getting hired
and working in this sector o f the
Jan. 3: Career and Life Planning
Take a holistic look at your ca­
reer. What does it look like to have
your career and your personal life
integrated and balanced? Talk with
individuals who’ve achieved suc­
cess by shifting priorities and mak­
ing changes.
Feb. 7: Becoming a “ Free
Agent” in the Work Force
Prepare to become a free agent.
Investigate how your transferable
skills can be developed and mar­
keted ((»employers. View your skills
from a new vantage point and as­
sess your career potential.
March 7: Reinvent
Your Career Image
How do people know what you
do? Learn simple techniques to cre­
ate and project a professional im­
age of yourself as you transition
from school to work, or from one
career to another.
April 4: Develop a Functional
or Skill Based Resume
Using the concept of transfer­
able skills, build a functional re­
sume template that converts a his­
torical, experienced-based resume
to one that showcases your skills
and gets you the interviews you
May 2: Job Seeking Skills
for Reentering the W orkforce
w ith a New Degree
Preparing to graduate and reen­
ter the workforce with your new
degree? Learn how to create a ca­
reer action plan, resume and cover
letter. Review networking methods
and practice your interviewing tech­
Careers Education
November 9, 2005
College Credit Given
for Life Experience
Marylhurst is located 10 min­
utes south o f Portland on High­
way 43, offering professional
certificates and degrees fo r un­
dergraduate and graduate stud­
ies. The college is rated No. I in
the Pacific Northwest fo r small
class size according to U.S. News
<& World Report.
Career Opportunities
The City of Vancouver values a diverse workforce and endeavors to provide
equal employment opportunities to all individuals.
The City offers employment for a wide-range of positions for a variety of
departments including:
• Parks and Recreation
• Public Works
• Police and Fire Departments, and • Other support Departments
For details please see our employment website at www.vanhr.org. call our Job
Hotline at 360-696-8128 or visit Human Resources at 610 Esther St., Vancouver,
WA 98660.
The City of Vancouver is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a Drug and
Alcohol-Free Workplace.
IT 'S N O T A B O U T H O W F A S T Y O U R U N .
I T ’S A B O U T H O W Y O U F E E L W H E N Y O U R B O D Y 'S O N E M P T Y
Y O U T H IN K O F A l I T H E E X C U S E S Y O U 'V E M A D E IN Y O U R L IF E .
B U T IN Y O U R H E A R T . Y O U K N O W T H E Y S T O P H E R E .
1 8 0 0
W W W .M A R IN F S .C O M
Marylhurst University is located 10 minutes south of Portland. The school offers a program giving
students college credit for life experience outside the classroom.
Discoverhow knowledge gained ta k e s to e a rn a b a c h e lo r ’s
outside the classroom can earn up degree,” said Melanie Booth, di­
to 45 undergraduate college credits rector o f M arylhurst’s Learning
at a free Prior Learning Assessment Assessment Center.
information session at Marylhurst
The program provides structure
University on Thursday, Nov. 17, and support for individuals as they
from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the college’s evaluate and document their skills,
BP John Administration Building, abilities and experience.
room 200.
“It utilizes an accredited process
“PLA can significantly reduce to assess areas such as corporate
the cost and the length of time it training, on-the-job experience.
Diverse Workforce Wanted at Fred Meyer
Strives to be community
employer of choice
Fred Meyer Stores is striving to
in c re a se th e d iv e rs ity o f its
workforce by increasing the aware­
ness of opportunities in retail and
then making those opportunities
attainable for future workers.
T iffany M. B randreth, Fred
Meyer diversity initiatives coordi­
nator, said the goal is for all o f its
associates to see retail as a viable
career option.
Retail is an exciting, fast-paced
field that is ideal for the motivated,
results-oriented individual who
enjoys a challenge and enjoys
working with people, Brandreth
The field is often overlooked by
many potential leaders because
most are unaware of the options
and opportunities.
Brandreth said career develop­
ment is an integral aspect o f the
culture at Fred Meyer, so associ­
c H
ates’ desires to advance are fos­
tered and nurtured through our
proven, successful career-oppor­
tunity model that incorporates train­
ing, resources, and tools.
Several programs are in place
enable store associates to pursue a
successful career in retail. It begins
with our highly reputable College
Summer Internship Program, an 11 -
week program where students are
com pensated plus earn college
credit while receiving hands-on
training, attending professional
Tiffany Brandreth
development classes, networking
with senior executives, gaining in­ and product development.
sight into corporate management,
For those already em ployed
and contributing to Fred Meyer with Fred M eyeror thinking about
business strategies.
employment at the company, there
Internships are available in store is a self-paced career develop­
management, advertising, merchan­ ment program which encourages
dise buying, finance, food/nutri- our associates to develop their
tion, human resources, information
continued yy on page H9
systems, industrial engineering.
Fred M e y e r
F jc ip E V E R
homemaking, military training, vol­
unteer activities, independent re­
search, seminars and workshops,”
Booth said.
T oregisterforthe PLA informa­
tion session, call 503-699-6260 or
toll free at 800-634-9982, extension
F o r m ore in fo rm a tio n , v isit
We’re looking fo r college juniors t o work th is summer
in th e dynamic world o f retailing as a Summer Intern w ith F red M eyer a t our Corporate
Office in Portland, OR!
You’ll experience how a m ajor re ta ile r operates fro m all angles in an extensive eleven-week program by gaining
a clear ird e rs ta n d irg o f business management, custom er service, merchandise management. & associate
team biiWing!
rito f-rto. The P rn u d
Qualifications lixluae: Junior year standing w ith a 3 .0 G PA o r higher. graduating by December 2 0 0 6 or
W inter/Sprirg 20 07 . a business. Liberal A rts , o r related fie ld o f study, and be eligible to work In the U.5. now
ard on a permanent basis a f t e r graduation.
Compensation/ScJTedule: $ 12-00/hoir. 4 0 ho tr work week. 11 week program (Jure August/OepTtember) an)
\dveriise with diversity in
l,r P o rtla n f» (Dh#crUer
college c re d it is available.
To apply send your resume & letter of interest that lists the type o f intemshipfs) you are seeking.