Pase B2___________________________________________________ il’1 ^JJortlanb © bseruer_______________ November 2. 2005 F amily Parents Urged to Set Goals for Kids Free Jazz Concert at George Fox Carmen Bradford W orld-renow n jazz vocalist Carmen Bradford will perform a free concert with local jazz art­ ists, the George Fox U niversity Jazz Band and Jazz C hoir Fri­ day, Nov. 4 in Newberg. The “Jazz Night” concert will b eg in at 7 :3 0 p .m . at the university’s Bauman A udito­ rium. B radford will perform with th re e lo c a l a r tis ts : p ia n is t R a n d y P o r te r , s tr in g b a s s p lay er W ill A m end, and dru m ­ m er Ken O llis. She also w ill jo in the Jazz B and to perform fo u r c h a r ts : “ T h e m T h e re E y e s ,” “ S w e e t G e o r g ia B ro w n ,” “ M uddy W a te r,” and "T he V ery T h ought o f Y ou.” B radford has been a part o f four G ram m y-w inning album s. She w as the featu red vocalist in the legen dary C ount B asie O rch estra for nine years. Bradford also has perform ed and/or recorded with the fol­ lowing legendary artists: Frank Sinatra, Nancy W ilson, Herbie H ancock, Lou Rawls, W ynton M arsalis, Tony Bennett, Jam es Brown, G eorge Benson, Doc Severinsen, W illie Nelson, Lena Horne, Regina Carter, Patti Aus­ tin, The Lincoln Center Jazz O r­ chestra, Joe W illiams, and many others. DAKA HOME SERVICES A wish changes nothing. A decision changes everything! • Tired of renting? • Trouble Saving? • Bad Credit? • Zero Down? • Good Credit? • No Rental History? • Bankruptcy? • Foreclosure? • Non Resident Alien? • Investment Property? Cosby talks empowerment and hope (A P ) — Bill C osby is c h a l­ lenging parents to set goals fo r th eir children. T he acto r and co m ed ian re ­ cently v isited C o m p to n H igh S chool in Los A ngeles as part o f a 15-city to u r he hopes w ill bring a m essage o f hope and self-im p ro v em en t to the black com m unity. “ S om ebody said ‘I ’m e ith e r flip p in ’ burgers o r se llin ’ som e d ru g s ,” ’ said C osby, ech o in g a com m on co m p lain t o f young people in poor com m u n ities. "B ut people flip p in ’ burgers nev er seem to say ‘I w ant to be the m an ag er o f the b u rg er p la c e .’” C o s b y ’s m e s s a g e w a s w arm ly receiv ed by m any, in­ cluding L am iya P atrick, a 16- year-old C om pton H igh School sophom ore, w ho said the co- Actor and comedian Bill Cosby stands with Jerome Gaines, 9, and his sister Yohanna, 7, as he moderates a panel discus­ sion dedicated to foster parents and grandparents raising children. (AP photo) m edian pro v ed an y o n e co uld m ake som ething o f them selves if they tried. C o sb y , w ho grew up in a p o o r P h ila d elp h ia n eig h b o r­ hood, left high school in the 1 Oth g rade but w ent on to earn a d o cto rate in ed u catio n and to su cceed in m ovies, te le v i­ sion and nig h tclu b s. “ W e can relate in C om p to n b ecau se th ere are a lot o f b ro ­ ken h o m e s .... It d o e sn ’t m ean y o u c a n ’ t s u c c e e d ,” s a id P atrick . Som e, th o u g h , resen ted the visit. “T h e re ’s no reaso n fo r him to co m e here and ju m p on b lack m en w ho have been held d ow n fo r y e a rs,” said D aim a W hite, a 7 7 -y ear-o ld retired n u rse and m o th er o f five. L ast year, C o sb y created a stir w hen he criticize d young black p eo p le for the w ay they speak, accusing them o f squan­ d erin g the civil rig h ts ac co m ­ p lish m e n ts o f the 1950s and 1960s. Hollywood Veterans Parade Coming Seeking to own? - NOW is your time! Let the Home Ownership & Mortgage Experts*" find your perfect loan. CALL TODAY - we make the loan process EASY'. There is no fee or obligation to apply 360-433-2466 or to ll fr e e 1-877-436-2466 or apply at t=2 S erving O regon & W ashington Continuing a community tradition dating back 31 years, the Veteran of All Wars Parade and Planning Committee is making preparations for the annual Veterans Day Parade to be held Friday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. in northeast Portland’s Hollywood district. Everyone in the community is invited to attend the event featuring veterans of all ages. The parade will begin at Northeast 40th Av­ enue and Tillamook Street and conclude at 48th and Sandy Boulevard near the Ross Holly­ wood Chapel Veterans Memorial Flag pole. Local Korean W ar veteran Jerry Wiley has helped put on the parade for 30 years, reminding all of us o f the great sacrifices made to ensure freedom in America. Now 67, he is a concerned about who will step forward to assume leadership of this annual event once he is no longer able to answer the call to duty. “It would be an honor if other vets in the com m unity could step forward and get involved to ensure this great tradition con­ tinues,” Wiley said. MMWanMMMMM Waiting Child Looks to Brighter Future Best Damn Bones in Portland True Southern Soul Food Da Man’s Burger • Michael Jackson Burger • Luther Vandross Brisket Queen Latifah’s Cajun Catfish B.L.T • chittlins • pig feet • sweet potato pie liver • gizzards • greens and other southern delicacies Bring in this ad fo r 10% off Check out our Daily Lunch Special $3.75 3962 NE MLK BIvd & Shaver 503-288-8431 Christian is a sweet boy full of curiosity and w onderm ent. He wakes up happy and goes to sleep happy. But unfortunately, he is one o f approximately 300 Oregon Chil­ dren available for adoption through the state, generally because of abuse and neglect. C hristian has lived in many places from a very young age and like all of us, wants to become part of a permanent family. His unique needs require a special family who will always be there for him. Because he was bom with sig­ nificant brain damage, his new fam­ ily will need to understand the im­ plications of pre-natal drug expo­ sure. He needs someone to help make good choices and follow di­ rections. Christian, age 9, awaits adoption. Although Christian looks at life differently and day-to-day activi­ ties do not come easily, he never holds a grudge. He attends a spe­ cialized school and has a full time aid with him during the day. He has made progress in reading and math and just learning to write. He is a boy of many talents and gifts. His mechanical mind amazes his foster father who runs farm equipment. Christian knows exactly how things go together and what tool to use. Time and patience will be the key to success for Christian. His foster home has provided him with love and security and Christian looks at each day as a new beginning. Now he needs a fami ly who can give him a fresh start. For more information on the availability o f this child, or how to become a foster or adoptive parent, contact the Special Needs Adop­ tion Coalition at The Boys & Girls Aid Society or DHS at 503 542-2392 or 1800331-0503. A d v ertise w ith diversity in ffl!* |.Îcn'tünih (O bscruev ( ’ a 11 5( )3- 2 XX - ( )( )33 ads @ port landobse rv e r. c o m r i SUBSCRIBE NOW! vviJr? P o rtlan d fObsrvnrr The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association, Serving Portland and Vancouver. ------ 1 New Orleans dc\ astaten □ Yes! 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