Sox Celebrate World Series Win M etro First championship in 88 years B Catalyst for MLK Development Begins ^flortlanh © bseruer ommunity a le n d a r C Helping Pet Victims The O regon H um ane Society is a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fro m people interested in adopting one o f 40 dogs and six cats rescued from H urricane Katrina. For m ore in f o r m a tio n , v is i t w w w .oregonhum Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale C elebrating its 61" annual ru m ­ m age sale, C atlin G abel S chool will hold a m assive fund-raiser from T hursday, N ov. 3 to S un­ day, Nov. 6 at the Portland E xpo C enter. T he fair features literally tons o f cheap buys spanning over 88,000 square feet. H ours are 5 to 9 p.m . on T hursday, 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. on Friday and S aturday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m . on Sunday. Spaghetti Dinner ; T h o se lo o k in g to h elp o u t a ca u se by e a tin g som e y u m m y Italian food can v isit a sp a g h etti d in n e r being held by St. C h a rles C h u rch at 4 2 nd and N o rth ea st E m erso n S tre ets on S u n d ay , N ov. 6 from noon to 6 :3 0 p.m . S p ag h etti and m e atb a lls, salad , g arlic b read, a b ev erag e a n d pie w ill b e serv ed , a n d w in e w ill be available. For m ore inform ation, call 503-281-6461. Friends of the Trees O n N ov. 12and 1 9 fro m 9 a .m .to 3 p .m ., F rie n d s o f th e T rees w ill h o st crew le a d e r tra in in g s fo r th o se in te r e s te d in le a rn in g ab o u t tree p la n tin g , re sto ra tio n w o rk and how to g u id e o th e r v o lu n te ers d u rin g the w in te r and sp rin g m o n th s. T ra in in g s are free, but p re -re g istra tio n is required. F or m ore inform ation, c a ll 5 0 3 - 2 8 2 - 8 8 4 6 o r v is it w w w .frie n d so ftre e s.o rg . Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner B ro th ers on th e M ove w ill host its 8,h annual P re -T h a n k sg iv in g D in n er on S atu rd ay , N ov. 12 from 11 a.m . to 3 :3 0 p.m . at th e C o r n e r S to n e C o m m u n ity C h u rch o f G od in C hrist at 2216 N.E. K illingsw orth St. Free rides are a v a ila b le d u rin g th e day. F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call 503- 281-4587. Multicultural Symposium Lew is and Clark C ollege presents the second annual Ray W arren M u ltic u ltu ra l S y m p o siu m on W ednesday, N ov. 16 through Friday, Nov. 18. F or m ore infor­ mation, call 503-768-7051. Essence Blood Drive E ssence M agazine, a lifestyle publication for A frican A m eri­ can w om en, will partner w ith the Red C ross to host a bkxxl drive at the Portland D onor C enter on 3131 N. V ancouver Ave. from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Nov. 19.Form ore inform ation or to m ake an ap ­ pointment. call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE. Al-Anon Meeting A l-A non m eetings are held M on­ day evenings from 7:15 to 8:30 p.m. at M iracles C lub on the c o r­ ner o f N ortheast M artin L uther King Jr. Boulevard and. M ason Street. A l-A non is for friends and loved ones o f alcoholics and addicts. Adult Computer Classes Portland Im pact's M arshall High School SUN program is offering a free com puter class for parents. Topics will include basic Internet. M icrosoft O ffice and W indow s. C lasses will be held Nov. 9 and 16 fro m 6:30to8:30p.m . at M arshall High School on 3905 S.E. 91 * Ave in room A-43. T o register, call 971-570-1384. years community service ( November 2. 2005 Committed to Cultural Diversity See Sports, page B6 SECTION A fii 11. 1 [ J I An artist rendering shows the three story office addition and ground floor retail space that will be featured in a long-awaited development on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Renovation to bring new offices, retail by L ee P erlman T he : P ortland O bserver C onstruction has finally started on the H eritage Project, the reconfiguration o f the old W eim ers H ardw are building into retail and com m ercial space and the catalyst for future econom ic prosperity in the heart o f inner northeast Portland. T he developm ent team will renovate the building at 3934 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and dem olish an adjacent structure, replacing it with a three-story addition. W hen com pleted, the site will hold 30,000 square feet o f office space w ith am ple room for ground-floor retail businesses. T he developm ent team o f Stephen Foust, D ennis H adley, H ow ard L oucks, Barry Jeana Woolley and Eric Wentland out back of the blighted old Weimer's warehouse at 3 9 3 9 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. have started work on transforming the property into new offices and retail space. photo by L ee P erlman / T he P ortland O bserver P a p p e n h e im , Je a n a W o o lley and E ric W entland, are all current or form er inner northeast neighborhood residents. Financ­ ing for the $6 m illion venture has com e from O regon C onvention C enter U rban Renewal District tax increment funds and A lbina C om ­ m unity Bank. M uch o f the 1930s-era building has been vacant for more than 40 years. T he dev elo p ­ Joelle Goodwin is Mrs. East Multnomah County Joelle R. Goodwin of Portland is com ­ peting for the title of Mrs. Oregon America 2006. The new Mrs. East Multnomah County will join counter­ parts from all over the state during a pageant this March in Clackamas. Goodwin, a major in the U.S. Army, and her husband Bob have three chil­ dren. In addition to her military duties, she is an active volunteer in her Parent Teachers Organization at her son's school and a Cub Scout den leader. She has chosen, HIV/AIDS Educa­ tion, Research and Compassion as her pageant platform. The Cascade AIDS Project is the charity of her choice. Goodwin enjoys working on various fundraising projects and alsoenjoys sing­ ing in her church choir. Her hobbies include gardening, weightlifting and com­ peting in 5k and 10k races. She and her family also enjoy traveling. She is a graduate of Lincoln High ment team has been w orking on the project for four years. The project team and the Portland D evel­ opm ent Com m ission hope that the project can help jum pstart other developm ent on MLK. “This is the H eritage project because this is w hat we inherited, but also because this is w hat w e ’ll leav e b ehind as a leg acy ,” Joelle Rankins Goodwin, a Lincoln High School graduate and 1982 Rose Festival princess, is competing for the title of Mrs. Oregon America. School where she was the school’s 1982 Rose Festival princess. She received her Bachelors Degree from the Univer­ sity of Oregon and Masters degree from Hood College in Frederick, M.D. She holds a certifi­ cate in massage therapy. The New Mrs. Oregon will receive over $15,(XX) in prizes, including roundtrip airfare for her and her hus­ band to the National Mrs. America Pageant in Palm Springs, Calif. The contest is nationally televised on the WE: Women’s Entertain­ ment Network in the fall of 2006. Contestants on the state level will once again collect food for the Oregon Food Bank. The participants are also working with the National Anthem Project Foundation teaching community groups the history and words to the National Anthem. W entland said at a recent groundbreaking cerem ony. “W e 're building not ju st a b u ild ­ ing, but a com m unity.” G reen and sustainable building practices, including rainw ater harvesting for toilet flushing, a sophisticated geotherm al ground loop heating and air conditioning system and shared bicycle and show er facilities, will he another hallm ark o f the construction. Tuskegee Airmen Honored Famed soldiers to visit Jefferson campus A part o f history will grace P ortland on T uesday. Nov. 8, w hen the T uskegee A irm en visit the Jefferson High School auditorium from 9:15 a .m .-10:15 a.m. T he airm en w ere th e first b lack p ilo ts en liste d by the U .S. m ilita ry a n d train ed at th e all-b la c k T u sk e g e e In stitu te in A lab am a. T h e ir re sp o n sib ility d u rin g W orld W ar II w as to p ro te c t th e A m e ri­ can b o m b e rs from en e m y fig h te r p la n es in the E u ro p ean th e ate r. T h ey n ev e r lost o ne b o m b er. At the tim e, black soldiers w ere alw ays put in their ow n units. Segregated from white soldiers, they lived and trained apart. The pilots o f the 332nd F ighter S q u ad ­ ron w ere rew arded for their distinguished service com bat record w ith 95 D istin­ guished Flying C rosses, 14 B ronze Stars, 8 Purple H earts, and m any oth er m edals and honors. The Jefferson program will be em ceed by C harles Jordan and include the B uffalo Soldiers o f O regon. M artin Luther King Jr. Elem entary school choir and the P erspec­ tive G ents C ane Team Focus on Men’s Sexual Health not Alway Priority B y N icole H ooper T he P ortland O bserver During an intimate encounter a m an’s brain may be ready for sex but what if he strikes out in the performance department? Does this lack of erection mean he is suffering from a health problem? A ccording to Dr. Roger McKimmy of Oregon Urology Specialists in Eugene, often a man won’t know that he has an erectile dysfunction due to de­ nial. The failure to address the problem is not only a sexual concern, but can be a sign of heart disease or other health condition, especially in African- American men. Unlike women where it is acceptable to talk to your friends about health issues, men often have no one to talk with. Why? Because men just don’t talk about those sorts of things. Why would a man tell his buddies that he “can’t get it up”? Society puts much emphasis on the pe­ nis as an indicator of manliness. McKimmy said many men are not at ease talking with a physician about intercourse or what they do in the bedroom. Dr. Roger McKimmy But there needs to be an open lieved that someone understands and is not make fun of them." he discussion. “After about 15 seconds of said. The issue doesn't just affect awkwardness patients are re- the older or African-American population. “ Men at any age can expe­ rience problem s sustaining an erection to the com pletion of satisfaction of both partners,” McKimmy said. “There can be lots o f reasons for that, like an organic problem for ex­ ample, getting enough blood into the penis.” As an u r o lo g is t, D r. M cKimmy also finds it useful to not only talk with the patient about the ED but to their part­ ner. O ften, the patient d oesn't realize he has a problem until he hears first hand from his partner. Sadly, women often feel that they are the blame for their partners ED, afraid that their husband or boyfriend isn’t at­ tracted to them anymore. The problem of erectile dys­ function also tends tocompound itself and spill over to attitude outside the bedroom, turning into depression. “ Being depressed does noth­ ing for your libido,” said Dr. McKimmy. He said women often do a better job of taking care of their health. Men on the other hand. Dr. McKimmy feels, pay more attention to the condition of their car than their own bodies.