^ ‘TJ art lattò © bseruer Page A 4 November 2, 2005 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Fight Back Against Injustice from seem ingly ordinary people S en . B arack O bama O ur nation mourns Rosa Parks, doing extraordinary things. The image of Rosa Parks that a genuine A m erican hero, who died Oct. 24 at her home in D e­ will stay with so many Am ericans com es from a photograph that troit. Through her courage and by was actually taken over a year herexam ple, this giant of the Civil after she refused to give up that Rights m ovem ent helped lay the fifth-row seat. Taken on the very foundation for a country that day that the M ontgom ery, Ala. could begin to live up to its creed. transportation system was legally W ith a simple act o f civil d is­ integrated, it show s her once obedience that will forever be again seated on a bus, hands etched in A m erican history, she folded peacefully, gazing out the reminded us of the central truth w indow w ith a look o f quiet of the American experience - that determ ination. A w hite man is our greatness as a nation derives sitting behind her. by U . S. Rosa Parks H er gaze in this photograph is one o f a woman who was not looking for trouble the day she refused to give up her seat; one w ho was not planning to get ar­ rested, or there as an NAACP plant, as some have suggested. And yet, in her eyes you see a w om an w ho was ready for the choice she made. One who when confronted with a decision that could have meant physical harm, and certainly m eant the loss o f her ow n freedom , was prepared to accept all consequences in the nam e o f w hat was right; o f what was true. And so as we honor the life of Rosa Parks, we should not limit our commemorations to lofty eulogies. Rosa Parks showed the way Instead, let us commit ourselves to U.S. Sen. carrying on her fight, one solitary Barack act at a time, so that her passion Obama, may keep inspiring all of us, half a D-lll. century later, to find within our­ selves that courage to stare down ever we go, that all o f us should injustice and fight back, no matter be free and equal and have all what the cost. opportunities that others should Let me leave you with some have. And that is why I’m trying w ords o f inspiration from Rosa to instill and encourage and in­ Parks herself: spire young people to reach their “As I look back on those days, highest potential.” it’s just like a dream. And the only U.S. Sen. Barack Obama is a thing that bothers me was that we Democrat from Illinois and m em ­ w aited so long to make this pro­ ber o f the Congressional Black test, and to let it be known wher- Caucus. NHM Bush’s Court Pick Insults Rosa Parks’ Memory by R ev . J esse J ackson Bush nominee adverse to civil rights While the nation and Congress honored Rosa Parks at the Capitol Rotunda Monday, the same morn­ ing President Bush recommended tion, and the denial of civil rights to the appointment of Samuel Alito, a all Americans. She defied the su­ state’s rights conservative judge, preme law sof the land,challenging the state’s policies of segregation. to the Supreme Court. Alito is considered a favorite of She changed the law and sparked a the conservative rightwing in the movement that brought us the 1964 nation that has stood on the oppo­ Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Vot­ site side of history from Rosa Parks. ing Rights Act. Our nation, and today’s Supreme His legal foundation is clearly ad­ verse to ci vil rights, w om en' s right Court, cannot turn its back on these to self-determination, la b o r-a n d it landmark accomplishments. We want three things to happen: has even earned him the nickname, “Scalito,” after the court’s most Support for a bill by U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., D-Ill. to place a conservative member. Rosa Parks was arrested forchal- permanent statue o f Rosa Parks in lenging states’ rights and segrega­ the Great Hall o f Congress. In Rosa We must address the lack of access to our current Department of Justice and the likelihood of a Supreme Court hostile to the fun­ damental legal gains we have made in advancing civil rights for all Americans. Finally, we cannot honor the legacy o f Rosa Parks and at the same time appoint supreme court justices with strict construction­ ists’ state rights legal philosophy. Rights Act; and we need a national The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. is conference on civil rights to ad- fo u n d e r a n d p re sid e n t o f the dress the key civil and constitu- RainbowPUSH Coalition and a tional rights battles of our time. longtime Civil Rights advocate. We cannot honor the legacy of Rosa Parks and at the same time appoint supreme court justices with strict constructionists’ state rights legal philosophy. * Parks’ honor, Congress must ap­ prove and President Bush must sign legislation to extend the key en- forcement provisions o f the Voting Squandered Opportunity for Diversity President caters to far right wing F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 11 M E M O R IA L C O L IS E U M 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Be a Yood entrepreneur - lo\n trie Yood YXejrit'. B y wk ^ ouy best