FOCUS V h c n is e m i l l d iv e rs ity in ■ potilain' ' November 2, 2005 in Ihf ¡Jíorilanh (©bacruer The Oslund Dancers will perform at Northeast Portland's Wonder Ballroom. Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob server.coi i i Oslund Dance Company Performs riety o f ideas with dram atic m ove­ In a combination o f new and re o g ra p h e r and te a c h e r M ary ment. O slund’s w orks “60 Seconds,’ repertory works, the Oslund Dance Ttickets are $ 10 for artists, $ 12 “The A w kw ard D uets,” “Fog,” Company will perform three 8 p.m. students and seniors and $ 14 gen­ “ B an d o f I n n o c e n ts ” and performances the weekend of Nov. eral. For reservations, call 503- 11-13 at the Wonder Ballroom, 128 “G itanjali.” Through lyrical, po­ etic and m odern styles, the com ­ 2 2 1 -5 8 5 7 e x t. 3 o r v is it N.E. Russell St. w w w The program will include cho- pany o f 10 dancers present a va- Time to Jam NOV. 2 3 -2 7 A cutting edge filmmaker, an award-winning poet and the ever- popular "Poetry Slam” are all com ­ ing to the Mt. Hood Community College Gresham campus. A student and faculty reading of original fiction, poetry and creative non-fiction is held on Tuesday, Nov. 8, in Room 1001. On W ednes­ day, Nov. 16, local filmmaker and director Matt McCormick will be the featured speaker in the MHCC Visual Arts Theater. McCormick is known for films that blur the lines between documentary and experi- W e d . N O V . 2 3 * 7 :3 0 P M O P E N IN G N IG H T SAVE $6 on TIC K E T S ! (E .c lu d « P M ln d n and VIP i u d N o d oubt, discounts) Thu. F r i. S a t. Sun. N O V . 24 12 N O O N N O V . 2S N O V . 26 12 N O O N 3:30 PM 7:30 PM N O V . 27 12 N O O N 3:30 PM 3:30 PM 7:30 PM Post G amxm . Buy tickets at ticketmaster Ticket Centers, The Rose Garden Box Office or call (503) 224-4400 Groups (503) 963-4400 Ticket Prices: $ 15 & $ 19 Limited number of V It and Reefalde M e t. available. Call for detail.. (Service cherges and handWnf i w may apply ) mental practices. Acclaimed writing teacher Judith Barri ngton comes to the campus the­ ater on Wednesday, Nov. 30 and on Tuesday, Dec. 6, the popular “Poetry Slam” is held in the Town and Gown Room. The event has poets judged by members of the audience. It puts a dual emphasis on writing and per­ formance, encouraging poets to fo­ cus on what they're saying and how they’re saying it. All of the events run from noon to 1 p. m . and are free and open to the public. Jam Night, Portland’s ever- popular comedy and variety show is at Christian Per­ forming Arts Center, 8131 N. Denver Ave. Shows con­ tinue every Friday Night starting at 9 p.m. with din­ ner by Mondemaj Catering next door to the show at 6:30and7:30p.m. Dinneris $13 and tickets are $7 for adults and $4 for children under 12. For dinner reser­ vations, call 503-286-2590.