Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 02, 2005, Page 12, Image 12

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    Püge Bô
___________________ _<riH |Jnrtlanò (¡Observer
November 2, 2OOS
S ports
Sox Take World Series
First championship in 88 years
Minnesota Vikings' Daunte Culpepper reacts after he was
hit during the first quarter against the Carolina Panthers in
Charlotte, N.C., Sunday. (AP photo)
Culpepper Out for Season
(AP) — M innesota V ikings
quarterback D aunte C ulpepper
will miss the rest o f the season
and perhaps part o f next season
because o f a severe injury to his
right knee.
C ulpepper sustained dam age
to the three m ajor ligam ents in the
knee: the anterior cruciate, poste-
riorcruciate and medial collateral.
C oach M ike T ice said M o n ­
day that C u lp ep p e r, w ho w as
hurt on the final p lay o f th e first
q u arte r in S u n d a y ’s 3 8 -1 3 loss at
C a ro lin a, w ill h av e su rg ery in
the com ing w eeks o n ce the sw ell­
ing su b sid es.
Recovery from such injuries can
take up to a year. “ He has a long
rehab ahead,” T ice said.
The V ikings (2-5) w ill use vet­
eran Brad Johnson as their starter,
with Shaun Hill m oving up to
backup status.
USC Returns to No. 1 Ranking
( A P )— Southern C alifornia and difference betw een first and sec­
T exas flip flopped again, putting ond in the standings was the slim ­
the T rojans back on to p o f the Bowl m est it’s ever been.
C ham pionship Series standings.
T h ird -p la c e V ir g in ia T ec h
U SC ju m p e d ov er the L o n g ­ gained on the top tw o this w eek,
horns on M onday, returning to but the T rojans and L onghorns
first place after a o ne-w eek stay rem ain on course for a Rose Bowl
in second. I t’s the first tim e in the show dow n. The top tw o team s in
eig h t-y ear history o f the B C S that the final BCS standings play in
the top tw o team s in the sta n d ­ Pasadena, Calif., on Jan. 4 for the
ings sw itched p ositions in c o n ­ national title.
se cu tiv e w eeks.
The first five team s in the latest
The margin betw een U SC and BCS standings are unbeaten, with
T exas is still small - only .0038 - A labam a fourth and U CLA m ov­
though up from last week w hen the ing up a spot to fifth.
North Portland
Bible College
Annual Banquet - November 12,2005
6221 NE82nd Avenue
Portland, Oregon
" W a lk in g in C o n fid e n c e "
Philippians 1:6
Tim e: 6:00pm for S ilen t A uction
D in n e r at 7:00pm
C ontact O ffice: 503.288.2919
Cost: S25/person (S28 at th e door)
Welcome mat is
layed out for
displaced Hornets
(A P) — T h ere’s a buzz in O klahom a
C ity. T he N BA is in town.
T he H ornets, forced out o f N ew O r­
leans by H urricane K atrina, open the
N BA season this w eek with the first o f 35
regular-season gam es at the Ford Center.
“ I think it’s going to be wild and crazy,”
H ornets coach Byron Scott said M on­
day. “ It’s going to be fun. It’s going to be
a great atm osphere.”
Forw ard P. J. Brow n, entering his 13th Byron Scott
N BA season and his sixth w ith the Hornets, is
be a lot o f excitem ent. It's going to be a festive-
the only player left from the te am ’s m ove from
type atm osphere, and the fans are going to be
C harlotte to N ew O rleans in 2002.
going w ild.”
“It’s going to be a new city, kind o f like a
In tw o preseason gam es in O klahom a City,
grand opening,” Brow n said. “T h ere’s going to
the H ornets averaged m ore than 14,750 fans
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession
CHIROPRACTORS: Just how qualified
are they to take care of your health?
I know that physiciaas
need four full years of
medical school to become
doctors. How much
training doChiropractors
actually get?
fact, tixlay’s d o cto r o f C h iro p ractic
h av e as m an y hours o f g o v ern m en t
approved classes in these health-related
subjects as an y d o cto r graduating from
m edical schixil. M ost im p o rtan tly for
you, we also sp en d finer full years
studying th e spine, jo in t relatk m sh ips
a n d ad ju stm en t procedures. W h a t’s
Ft 4 k »wing< xir under-gradi « t e a >1 lege
m ore, C h iro p racto rs stay u p to d ate
training, C h iro p racto rs m ust also
com plete an extrem ely dem anding
by a tten d in g < in-going sem inars.
fixir-yearcurriculum. B ytherim ew e
graduate, w e’ve received a degree o f ! Will my health insurance
com petency in anatom y, chem istry, i
bacteriology, toxicology, pathology, |
physiology, diagn<»is a n d x-ray. In |
------------------- I----------------
Chicago White Sox ’s Jermaine
Dye holds up the World Series
trophy after the White Sox defeated
the Houston Astros in Game 4 to
win the World Series. Dye was also
the series MVP. (AP photo)
Oklahoma City is Newest NBA Town
(AP)— Former heavyweight
boxing great Muhammad Ali,
63, who has suffered from
Parkinson’s disease for many
years, is getting worse, his
daughter, Laila Ali, told The Los
Angeles Times.
“I feel like the disease is pro­
gressing,” she told The Times.
“ Different things start happen­
ing as you get older. I have
noticed a change in him, some­
thing that goes along with
“It’s painful for me because I
would love to sit down and talk
W here: K am atta Inn
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
hitting - and even som e help from the
um pires - C hicago jo in ed the 1999 New
Y ork Y ankees as the only team s to go 11-
1 in the postseason since the extra round
o f playoffs w as added in ’95.
G oing back to the regular season, the
W hite Sox won 16 o f their final 17 gam es.
It’s the sam e charm ing story as last
year, when the Red Sox sw ept St. Louis for
their first cham pionship since 1918.
C hicago h a d n 't won it all since 1917,
and h ad n ’t even reached the Series since
’59. But thanks to M V P Jerm aine Dye,
slugger Paul K onerko and the rest, the
W hite Sox will no longer be mainly rem em ­
bered for Shoeless Joe Ja ck so n ’s Black
Sox, who threw the 1919 Series against
And another parallel is striking: Boston
w on its final eight gam es in the 2004
postseason, ju st as the W hite Sox did this
and overcam e 20-point first-h alf deficits
in both gam es - one a win and on e a four-
point loss.
“W e w an t to esta b lish so m e ty p e o f
a h o m e -c o u rt a d v a n ta g e ,” S co tt said.
“ W e ’ve g o t a g rea t cro w d , so w e ’ve
g ot to b rin g an en erg y and a p h y sic a l­
ity to th e g am e th a t w e h a v e n ’t been
b rin g in g , and all o u r g u y s k n o w that
rig h t n o w .”
T he H ornets opened last season 2-29
and were the N B A ’s low est-scoring team
w ith only 88.4 points per gam e. But that
h asn 't m attered to fans in O klahom a City
w ho have been longing for a chance to
prove th eir city is ready for a m ajor-
league franchise.
Out at restaurants, fans recognize play­
ers, acknow ledge them and say, “W elcom e,”
Paul said, and that goes a long way.
“W e ’re in a new city aw ay from h o m e,” Paul
said, “but the m ore people em brace us the more
we feel at hom e.”
Ali’s Health May be Getting Worse
S p e a k e r S en a to r M a rg a re t C a rter
President Pro Tempore
of the Oregon Senate
T hem e:
(A P) — W earing a w ide, satisfied sm ile
on a face flushed with pride, O zzie G uillen
stood o ff to the side by the third base line
and sim ply w atched his W hite Sox rejoice
in the m iddle o f the field.
C h icag o ’s exuberant young m anager
m ight have enjoyed sprinting tow ard that
cluster o f ju bilant players and leaping right
into the fray. He passed.
But d o n ’t think for a m om ent he d id n ’t
relish this long-overdue cham pionship as
m uch as every die-hard fan on the South
“People thought I was going to be ju m p ­
ing around my players. I have to respect the
opposite team,” the 41 -year-oldGuillen said.
Chicago com pleted a World Series sweep
with a 1 -0 victory over the Houston Astros
on Oct. 26, becoming the second consecu­
tive set o f Sox to end a title drought that
dated all the way back to World W ar I.
Their first title in 88 years certain ly didn ’ t
com e easily, even in a four-gam e sweep.
T he gritty W hite Sox had to scratch and
claw for every w in all year, and O ctober
w as no different.
T h at’s w hat m akes their dom inant run
through the postseason so rem arkable.
W ith stellar pitching, solid defense, tim ely
help me pay for
( hi ropractic ca re ?
11 varies from o n e in su ran ce carrier
to a n o th e r . B ut fo r m an y p eo p le,
C h ir o p r a c tic c a re is c o v e re d .
C h e c k w ith y o u r c o m p a n y ’s
to my dad about the way he
used to be when he was my age,
when he was in his prime, be­
cause we are so much alike. I
can’t really do that. I can't share
a lot of things with him.”
Laila Ali, 27, who lives in Los
Angeles, is an undefeated pro­
fessional boxer (21-0 with 18
“He has his good days and his
bad days,” she said. “He’s tak­
ing a lot of different medica­
tions. Sometimes, his speech is
so slurred, you can’t hardly un­
derstand him. But he definitely
knows what’s going on. That’s
for sure.
“He’s just taking life easy.
He likes doing simple things. He
loves to draw, he likes to color,
he likes to clip pictures
out of magazines. And
he likes to do magic
tricks. It doesn't take a
whole lot to keep him
entertained. But his at­
tention span is very short
when the subject is some­
thing more than that. He
doesn’t feel sorry for
himself, so it’s hard to
feel sorry for him.”
Boxing great
Muhammad Ali, who
long has suffered from
Parkinson’s disease, is
getting worse, accord­
ing to his daughter,
Laila. (AP photo)
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