Mrs. East Multnomah County Army Major competes in state pageant See M e tro section, inside (©írgerüer ‘City of Roses’ Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXV, Number 44 TUWeek in The Review Levies Had Design Flaws T he engineers w ho designed the floodw alls that collapsed during H urricane K atrina did not consider how porous the Louisiana soil is or m ake other calculations that w ould have pointed to the need for stron­ ger levees w ith deeper pilings and w ider bases, researchers say. Established in 1970 Wednesday • November 2, 2005 Re ality for New Columbia School Construction begins with celebration Official Charged in CIA Leak T he Vice P resident’s ch ief o f staff, I. Lew is “S cooter” Libby Jr. w as indicted Friday on charges o f ob­ struction o f justice, perjury and m aking false statem ents in the CIA leak investigation, a case that casts a harsh light on President B ush’s push to war. Libby, 55, resigned and left the W hite House. See sto ry , p ag eA 2 . Bird Flu Action Plan President Bush outlined a $7.1 bil­ lion strategy T uesday to prepare for the danger o f a pandem ic influ­ enza outbreak, saying he w anted to stockpile enough vaccine to pro­ tect 20 m illion A m ericans against the current strain o f bird flu as a first w ave o f protection. Deadly Month for U.S. Troops Seven U.S. troops w ere killed by bom bs near B aghdad, the m ilitary said M onday, m aking O ctober the bloodiest m onth for A m ericans in Iraq since January. A w eek after the U.S. death toll passed the 2,000 mark, itrose to at least 2,026 with the attacks. See sto ry , p ag e A2. An artist's rendering shows the look o f the new Ball Elementary School slated to open next September in the New Columbia community o f north Portland. A state-of-the-art school to serve fam i­ lies in north P ortland’s Portsm outh neigh­ borhood and strengthen the com m unity form ing around N ew C olum bia had its official beginnings w ith a celebration. A groundbreaking cerem ony for a re­ placem ent to the outdated and aged Ball E lem entary School w as held on the future N ew C olum bia C om m unity C am pus at the intersection o f Trenton Street and D ana A venue. T he location is ju st southw est o f the U niversity Park C om m unity C enter at 9009 N. Foss St. Superintendent Vicki Phillips, M ayor T om Potter and representatives from the H ousing A uthority o f Portland and the Boys & G irls C lub of Portland jo in ed Ball E lem entary students in M onday’s cel­ ebration. U nlike e a rlie r sch o o l co n stru c tio n projects, the replacem ent o f Ball is being financed by a com bination o f tax credit proceeds, donated dollars and loans. In addition to m eeting the enrollm ent needs o f new and returning students, the project represents a new , creative w ay o f funding m ajor capital projects by the school d is­ trict and the first tim e ever use o f federal N ew M arket T ax C redits for the construc­ tion o f a public school. continued on page A6 photo by M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Students from north Portland's Ball Elementary join city, school and housing officials Monday in a groundbreaking ceremony to begin construction o f a brand new Ball School for New Columbia, the new neighborhood in the Portsmouth community. Syrians Support Government Several hundred flag-w aving S yr­ ians protested near the U .S. E m ­ bassy on T uesday, pledging sup­ port for their president and insist­ ing their governm ent was innocent o f the assassination o f L ebanon’s form er prim e minister. Relief Helicopter Attacked A ssailants fired an apparent rocket- propelled grenade at a U.S. m ilitary helicopter ferrying relief supplies to quake victim s in P akistan’s por­ tion o f divided K ashm ir on T u es­ day, the U.S. m ilitary said, but it vow ed to continue relief flights to the devastated region. Charles, Camilla in N.Y. Prince Charles and his wife, Camilla, began a w eeklong tour o f the U. S. on T uesday. T he royal couple w as headed straight for a visit to the W orld Trade Center site, then to a dedication o f a memorial garden to British victims o f the Sept. 11 attacks. They also will visit Washington, New O rleans and San Francisco. TriMet Fares to Increase for Third Time in a Year Fuel Prices Pinch Riders Once Again Portland transit riders are b e­ ing asked to dig deeper into their pockets for the third tim e in a y ear b ecau se o f rec o rd fu el prices. T riM et has approved a 15- cent fair increase for adult fares beginning Jan. 1 to co v er the fuel costs for a fleet o f diesel buses. T he increase is on top o f the 10-cent boost last S eptem ­ ber and a 5-cent increase last High diesel prices have triggered another fare increase to ride the bus. April. All o f the increases w ere d u cin g id lin g tim e, ad ju stin g tra n sm is­ about a $5 m illion budget hole. because o f higher fuel costs. sio n s, fro n t-en d a lig n m e n ts and steerin g The transit agency has already offset some C urrently, T riM et says diesel prices co n tro l arm s, and m ain ta in in g a set tire costs by taking steps to im prove fuel and are running 45 percent over its budgeted p ressu re. T h e step s h av e allo w ed the service efficiencies, making TriM et the most am ount o f $ 1.50 gallon. G iven the futures ag en cy to d ec rease the am o u n t o f d iesel fuel-efficient transit agency in the country. m arket for diesel, the agency expects fuel p u rch ased an n u a lly , from 7 m illio n g a l­ T h e fu el e ffic ie n t c h a n g e s in c lu d e re ­ costs to average $2.20 gallon - producing lons to 6.5 m illion g allo n s. T riM et has also ev a lu a ted service and elim in ated lo w -rid ­ ersh ip trips. “ W e are o p era tin g o u r s y s­ tem m ore effic ie n tly an d c o n ­ sum ing less d ie sel, but a fare in crease is still n eed ed to o ff­ set the d ram a tic p rice h ik e s for d ie se l,” said T riM et G en e ra l M an ag er F red H ansen. T he Jan. 1 fare in c re a se w ill b o o st the co st o f a tw o -z o n e pass from $ 1.50 to $ 1.65 an d an all-zone pass from $ 1.80 to $ 1.95. Y o u th fares w ill in c re a se by 10 cen ts to $ 1.30 and H onored C iti­ zen fares w ill g o up 10 c e n ts to 80 cen ts. T o help offset the im pact o f these fare increases, T riM et is introducing a new 7- day rolling pass. It provides the co n v e­ nience and savings o f a m onthly pass, but allow s a rider to purchase it in sm aller increm ents. Rodman Pays; No Lockup Form er N BA star D ennis Rodm an has settled a speeding ticket that briefly led to aC o lo rad o ju d g e issu­ ing an arrest w arrant. Rodm an, w ho faced a speeding and reckless d riv ­ ing charge, agreed to plead guilty to speeding, pay $516.50 in fines and m ake a $200 donation to the Sum m it C ounty 4-H club. Memorial Honors Courageous Rosa Parks Funeral to follow Wednesday in Detroit (A P ) — Civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks w as rem em bered M onday as a courageous w om an w hose defiance in the face o f segregation helped inspire the architects o f the civil rights m ove­ m ent and set an exam ple for generations to follow . A n ov erflo w crow d o f m ourners jo in ed officials in W ashington, D.C. to pay tribute to the woman w hose refusal to give up her seat to a w hite man on a M ontgom ery, Ala., city bus helped g al­ vanize the m odem civil rights m ove­ ment. “W e are here not because Rosa Parks died but because she lived graciously, effectively and purposely, touching the lives o f m illions," said Bishop A dam Jefferson Richardson o f the M etropoli­ ta n A fric a n M e th o d ist E p is c o p a l c u _c - 1 c; a c 2 n 4 .=5 w ■z c An overflow crowd is seated behind the casket o f civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks at the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in Washington. Church. Parks, w ho died last M onday at 92, w as arrested in 1955 for refusing to give up her bus seat to a w hite m an, an incident that inspired King and helped touch o ff the civil rights m ovem ent. Richardson called Parks a “w om an o f quiet strength" w ho w as “noble without pretense, regal in her sim plicity, coura­ geous w ithout being bom bastic.” D elegate E leanor H olm es N orton, D- D .C ., said P ark s' refusal to give up her seat "w as the functional equivalent o f a nonviolent shot heard round the w orld." P ark s' life w as celeb rated at the church, w here several hundred people w ere listening to tributes by O prah W i n frey, N A A CP chai rman J u I ian Bond. Sen. Sam Brow nback, R -K an.. and Rep. John C onyers, D -M ich., for w hom Parks w orked in his D etroit congressional of­ fice for more than tw o decades. In attendance w as H om eland S ecu­ rity Secretary M ichael C hertoff, L abor Secretary Elaine Chao, Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga.. Senate M ajority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., M assachusetts Sen. Edw ard Kennedy and Democratic National C om ­ m ittee chairm an H ow ard D ean. A painting o f the elderly Parks rested above her m ahogany coffin at the cen ­ ter o f the altar, w hich w as lined with flow er arrangem ents. A large w ooden crucifix loomed overthechoir. w hich led the crow d in singing “Lift Every V oice continued on page A3 Portland Remembers Rosa Parks The greater Portland community is invited to celebrate the life and legacy o f civil and human rights heroine Rosa Parks at a special program at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at Emmanuel Temple Church located at 1033 N. Sumner St. People o f all ages will join together to honor this remarkable woman in an evening o f tributes and celebration. I