Committed to Cultural Diversity M etro Æl"' JJorttanb (Ohseruer October 26. 2005 Everything That Lives Must Die 'Blame it on the Moon ’ brings understanding See Foeus Section, inside o m m u n it y C a l e n d a r Haunted House One o f the north w est’s largest h au n ted h o u ses tak es place each night daily inside the Rose Q uarter E xhibit Hall through M onday, Oct. 31. T ickets are $20 and can be purchased at the door. $5 o ff coupons and more inform ation is available at Some ma­ terial may not be appropriate for children under 15. NAACP Meeting The O ctober general m eeting o f the N A A CP will be held at T errell Hall on the PCC C as­ c a d e C a m p u s a t 7 0 5 N. K illingsw orth Ave. on Satur­ day, Oct. 29 from 10 a.m. to noon. For more information, call 503-288-3710 or send an email to n a a c p l 120@ . The cast o f ‘Voices,' a play about abused inmates searching for identity during the Civil Rights era o f the 1960s. Free CPR Training The Interstate Firehouse C u l­ tural C enter in north Portland is able to offer free training and certification in CPR to 15 area residents. Nic G ranum , a vol­ unteer firefighter and excep­ tional teacher, will lead the class w ith equipm ent donated by the Portland Fire Bureau. Call 503- 823-4322 to register or send an em ailto o ffice@ ifcc-arts.o rg . Catlin Gabel Rummage Sale C elebrating its 61” annual rum ­ mage sale, Catlin Gabel School will hold a m assive fund-raiser from T hursday, Nov. 3 to Sun­ day, Nov. 6 at the Portland Expo Center. The fair features liter­ ally tons o f cheap buys span­ ning over 88,000 square feet. H ours are 5 to 9 p.m . on T hurs­ day, 10a.m . to 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. T a k es S ta g e A search for identity A fictional story that follows the lives of a handful of abused inmates search­ ing for identity in the midst o f violence will be presented for two weeks only at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center in north Portland. “Voices” was written by Kwik Jones, a Portland author, theater producer and Jefferson High School graduate. His inspiration for the play is the Soledad brothers and brother George Jackson, inmates at California’s San Quentin Prison during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. While Jackson, a powerful leader among the inmates, speaks on finding and maintaining a voice, the prisoners’ ideas are challenged. Can they face their fears to overcome the oppressive ways of abusive guards and will Jackson survive the betrayal from one of his own? the ‘Voices’ production at the 1FCC, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Performances are Nov. 3-13 at 8 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $ 10 and $7 for seniors and students. In addition to the play, there will be a free show ing o f A frican-A m erican paintings by Mo Jones in the IFCC Gallery. Enjoy This Play Spaghetti Dinner Those looking to help out a cause by eating som e yummy Italian food can visit a spaghetti dinner being held by St. Charles C hurch at 4 2 nd and N ortheast Em erson Streets on Sunday, Nov. 6 from noon to 6:30 p.m. Spaghetti and m eatballs, salad, garlic bread, a beverage and pie will be served, and wine will be available. For more information, call 503-281-6461. The African-American cast by Stu­ dio 20 Entertainment features Victor Mack, Shuhe, Kenneth Dembo, Andre Barnes, Malcolm Ricks, Kwik Jones, Sean Riley and Brian Jones. Area residents are invited to a free reading from the play at Reflections Coffee House, 446 N.E. Killingsworth, on Saturday, Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. The community is also encouraged to attend by K wik J ones If someone goes into cardiac arrest you have up to four minutes to administerCPR, 10 minutes more to administerelectric shock and hopefully if these steps are happen­ ing, the person has a 40 percent chance of survival. Unfortunately, when it comes to keep­ ing black art alive in the city, we are falling into the fatality list. Where are you, cinched in your grave with your remotes? Stuck in the club with Mike Jones, spinning on that bar stool, too dizzy from your favorite cocktail or cock­ tails? What happened to us going to see com ­ munity plays? Let me go back in time when it was cool to check out a play; the days of when all the mommies and daddies would get suited from head to toe just to check out a show. When cats would hit the streets with their honey. Those days ot Langston, Zora Neale Hurston. W.E.B. Du Bois; “The Negro Movement” aka The Harlem Renaissance; the days of strong black literature, art, music, and playwriting and support from a community. W e’re letting black art die. I don't want to bring back the good old days. I want us to make some new ones. We must breathe life into our arts commu­ nity so it will be accessible to those younger ones who want to participate later on in their lives. We must shock the community with our support so black art isn’t just appearing during Black History Month. On some nights my pulse beats for the theater or an art gallery. Remember you only have four minutes to administer CPR after cardiac arrest and only 10 minutes after CPR to give the heart the electric shock. Are we too late? Kwik Jones has been w riting and pro­ ducing plays fo r 10 years. His Studio 20 Entertainment Production o f Voices, fe a ­ turing an African American cast, opens Nov. 3 fo r two weeks only at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center. Blood Drive Essence M agazine, a lifestyle publication for A frican A m eri­ can wom en, will partner with the Red C ross to host a blood driv e at the P ortland D onor C enter on 3131 N. V ancouver Ave. from 7 a.m . to 2 p.m. on N ov. 19. For m ore inform ation or to make an appointm ent, call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE. Adult Computer Classes P o rtla n d Im p a c t’s M arshall High School SUN program is offering a free com puter class for parents. T opics will include basic internet, M icrosoft O f­ f ic e an d W in d o w s s k ills . C lasses will be held Nov. 9 and 16 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at M arshall High School on 3905 S.E. 91” Ave in room A-43. To register foreither class, call 971 - 570-1384. Caregiver Resource Fair A free resource fair for local caregivers will be held Friday, Nov. 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at th e P r o v id e n c e M e d ic a l C en ter’s Social Room at 4805 N.E. Glisan St. The fair will fea­ ture inform ation on in-hom e assistance, adult day program s, support organ izatio n s, stress re d u c tio n , legal issu e s and more. For more information, call 503-988-3646. y e a rs • T c o m m u n ity s e r v ic e Kids Café Feeds Growing Minds Boys and Girls Club hosts free meals by K atherine B i . ackmore T he P ortland O bserver As anyone with a stom ach know s, it can be difficult to concentrate with a grow ling tum m y. Y our mind and body either slow down to a standstill or run into hyperactive overdrive when your highest priority becom es figuring out the next tim e y o u ’ll be able to feed yourself. At the B lazer's Boys and G irls Club in northeast Portland, as many as 500 stu­ dents are getting help at balancing out their hunger with the newly renovated Kids Café, a program through A m erica's Second H arvest which serves free, nutri­ tious and tasty after-school m eals to ch il­ dren and teens ages 6 to 18. In addition tocreative, globally infused cooking, the kids are taught how to keep an eye on food labels, how to replenish their bodies with better alternatives to vending m achine fare and how to cook dishes in their own homes. “H opefully, starting this early will get the kids in the p ro cess o f ch oosing healthy food," said Scott Langen, resource developm ent m anager for the Boys and Girls Club. W hile the club and the group Social Venture Partners Portland join forces to help low -incom e households feed their Up to 500 local kids are given free, healthy meals every day after school at the Blazers Boys and Girls Club at 5250 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. children, th ey ’re also providing kids with w orking parents after-school activities. The c afe serv es a hot dinner and evening snack daily during the school year, and a hot lunch and afternoon snack during the summer. A cook for more than 40 years. Kids Café chef Betty Brain realizes the im por­ tance o f a healthy, natural meal. “ W hen they go back to do their hom e­ work, they can relax and concentrate on school or have energy for sports,” she said. Brian noted that sin ce m ost o f the food, donated by the O regon Food B ank, is n ’t p ro c e sse d , the end resu lt not only continued on page R5