Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 26, 2005, Page 6, Image 6

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October 26. 2005
Welcome for
con tin u ed
fro m Front
speakers will include Rev. L.W . Bolton,
Rev. Jam es H. Bolton. Rev. Jerry Bolton
and Rev. Allen Ray Bolton.
A three-night revival will also run from
W ednesday, Nov. 2 to Friday, Nov. 4 at
7 p.m. at G reater Faith M issionary Baptist
Church, 9 3 1 N. Skidmore St. where Bolton
currently pastors.
For more inform ation, call either 503
287-4345or601 -299-0496.
Sam Howard of
Portland celebrates
winning a $2.6 mil­
lion Oregon Lottery
Megabucks jackpot
with his wife Elizabeth
(right) and niece
Lovey at Oregon
Lottery headquarters
in Salem Thursday.
Leaders Fight
Racial Health
fro m p a g e A S
how other societal inequalities fuel poor
health outcom es o f African A m ericans,
and how the burden o f p*x»r health
cripples everyone. The fact that so many
people from such a variety o f back­
grounds and professions understand
that message and cam e together to ad­
dress health disparities is what m ade the
event important and historic.
Find out how you can get involved
and learn m ore about the A A H C and its
programs by calling 503-413-1850or vis­
iting the organization’s W eb site at
w w w .aahc-portland.org.
Local Man Claims $2.6 Million Lottery
Winning family in
state of disbelief
Sam uel H ow ard o f Portland is the O r­
egon L o ttery ’s 199th M egabucks m illion­
aire, after claim ing his $2.6 m illion prize
from the Oct. 19, M egabucks draw ing.
Howard, accom panied by his wife, Eliza­
beth, and niece, L ovey, received his prize
at the Lottery O ffice in Salem , on T h u rs­
H ow ard chose the Investm ent Fund for
prize paym ent, w hich gives the w inner
o n e-h alf o f the advertised jack p o t am ount
in a single, one-tim e paym ent. His prize
w as valued at $ 1.3 m illion, before state and
federal taxes were w ithheld.
H ow ard and his fam ily w ere in a state o f
d isb elief w hen they arrived at the Lottery
office. “I ju st c a n ’t b elieve it,” said E liza­
beth. “I ca n ’t stop thinking about m ore
than $2 m illion, and I ca n ’t believe it ours.”
H ow ard purchased a single Q uick Pick
ticket at 205 Liquor on East Burnside Street.
His w inning ticket, one o f 10,813 w inning
tickets from the O ct. 19, draw ing, w as for
$ 1, and had tw o sets o f num bers. H ow ard
w on his big prize w ith the second set o f
num bers.
H ow ard is the O regon L o ttery ’s 199'*’
M egabucks m illionaire. H ow ard said he
w as ready to head to the bank and deposit
his prize m oney after receiving his o ver­
sized com m em orative prize check, and
posing for com plim entary w in n ers’ pho­
tos w ith his fam ily.
“I still ca n ’t believe it,” said H ow ard,
“But it’s getting easier.”
O verall, O regon Lottery M egabucks
players have won m ore than $577 in prizes.
Since the O regon Lottery began selling
tickets on April 2 5 ,1985, it has earned over
$4.2 billion for econom ic developm ent,
public education, state parks and w ater
shed enhancem ents. In that sam e period,
it has paid its players m ore than $ 10 bi 11 ion
in prizes.
' “ Lottery profits helped Willamette Valley Vineyards
become one of Oregon’s most successful wineries.”
JtmMernau, founder and president
PROJECT N? 11,103
W illam ette Valley Vineyards
Back In 19 9 0 when they first got a small business
Vineyards is now one of Oregon's most successful wineries. They employ over
iregon Lottery, hardly anybody had ever heard of Willamette
ds. In fact, eery few people knew th at wine was grown
100 full-tim e professionals, generate $14 million in annual revenue, contribute
over $1.2 m illion In state and federal taxes and stimulate a good deal of
gon at all. But thanks to the vision of artisan entrepreneurs
additional economic a c tiv ity through tourism , trucking, m arketing and
and a grant from the Oregon Lottery, Oregon is developing
distribution. W illam ette Valley Vineyards is just one of the thousands of
• some of the finest wines in the world - especially if you
businesses that has received funding from the Oregon Lottery to help them
- and W illam ette Valley Vineyards has blossomed Into one
grow and create jobs for Oregonians. Since 1985 more than $4.2 b illio n
t successful wineries. That's good for wine lovers and good
in Lottery p ro fib has gone to economic development, education, parks and
r. Once a tiny three-person operation, W illam ette Valley
watershed enhancement across the state.
rn « r
20 Years of Doing Good Things