FOCUS page C4 tn IheF ortiani» © b a m ie r October 26, 2005 tKiixh t of fre Sfritta T he un-dead are taking an ­ o ther bite out o f the Rose C ity in G eorge R om ero’s classic w ork “N ight o f the Living D ead,” perform ed in a stage play at the N orthw est N eig h ­ borhood Cultural Center. The limited engagement play is presented by T heater N o c­ turne, a division o f the N o rth ­ w est C h ild re n ’s T h eater spe­ cializing in late-night produc­ tions for teen audiences. W ith Hallow een j ust around the cor­ ner, perform ances are Friday and Saturday night at 10 p.m . at the center on 1819 N .W . E verett St. T ickets are $ 12 in Shuhe Hawkins is traumatized by ravenous zombies in 'Night of the Living Dead.' advance, $ 15 at the door. F or m ore inform ation or to reserve seats, call 503-222- 4 4 8 0 o rv isitw w w .n w c ts.o rg . Advertise with diversity in Ib P n r tla n b (Obseruer Call 503-288-0Í133 w w w.ponlandobsen Rapper Käyne West Plans Two Portland Concerts G ram m y aw arding w inning singer Kanye W est is coming to Portland fora Dec. 9 performance at Memorial Coliseum with special guests Fantasia and Keyshia Cole. The concert is on the heals of THE SPINA COLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Rowers CHIROPRACTIC: For the best in natural healing, hearing is believing. did Q . * How Chiropractic care come about? — Spinalmanipulationshavebeen practiced for over 2,500 years. Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” advised: “look well to the spine for the cause of disease.” But modem Chiropractic came of age back in 1895. In Davenport, Iowa, a patient came to Dr. D.D. Palmer complaining ofbackpain. Thispatienthadalsobeen nearly deaf since suffering a back injury 17 years earlier. Dr. Palmer noticed a bump on the patient’s back, which he suspected was related to a dislocated vertebra. Torelievethepatient’spainand reposition the vertebra. Dr. Palmerplaced him on a table and pushed down on his back, performing a spinal manipulation or “adjustment.” He performed this adjustment three days in a row. By the third day, not only had the patient’s back paindisappeated, his hearing reappeared. Today’s Chiropractors know that the central nervoussystemt housed within the hixJv'sspinalailumnjpnividestheenergy, which governs all bodily functions. By m aking sure th at th e spinal colum n is incorrect alignment, Chiropractors elim inate any possible interference, w hich would prevent the central nervous system from keeping the body functioning the way nature, intended. T o find out how C hiropractic might be able to help you or for answers to any questions you m ight have about your health, please feel free to call us at the phone num ber show n below. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2027 Lloyd Center Mall, Portland Oregon 97232 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 287-5504 W est’sm ulti-platinum album .Late Registration and his major influ- ence on the hip-hop community after gracing the cover of Time Magazine in addition to winning three Grammy Awards. Tickets went on sale Friday and can be purchased at the Rose Quar­ ter Box Office and all Ticketmaster outlets. This will be W est’s first to two appearances at the Rose Quarter, as he will open for U2 in the Rose Garden on Monday, Dec. 19. Originally from Chicago, W est’s rapid ascension to hip-hop's elite class began when he produced a Kanye West string of hits for Jay-Z’sT h e Blue­ print, including “Izzo(H.O.V. A.),” clever lyrics. F an tasia B arrino m ade h is­ “Never Change,” and “The Take­ tory w hen she becam e the first over.” He switched gears and released a rtist in histo ry to d eb u t at #1 his first album. College Dropout, in w ith th e ir first single, “ I B e­ 2004 and went on to have several lie v e ” - w ritten by Idol alum T am yra G ray. H er passio n ate number one hits as well as skyrock­ eting album sales. Unlike many other ta k e on G e o rg e G e r s h w in ’s producers who step to the mic, “ S u m m e rtim e ” had ev e ry o n e Kanye is also an extremely talented talk in g w eeks after she had p e r­ form ed and helped her win the emcee who flexes a relaxed but fo- th ird season o f A m erican Idol. riKsed f lo w t h a t’ s never short on