Page B6 'JJortlanò (ßhsvruer O cto b er 2 6 . 2 0 0 5 S ports Jones Challenges Youth New spokesman for alternative high school NBA star and University of O r­ egon graduate Freddy Jones has agreed to be the spokesperson for the Oregon National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program (OYCP), the only statewide alternative school for high sch o o l d ro p o u ts. “The Oregon National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program provides edu­ cation and life-skills training for high school dropouts who want to become productive and responsible adults,” said Jones, a guard with the Indiana Pacers and a graduate of Gresham High School. “I am pleased to represent the program because it provides the structure and educational opportunity for at- risk you th to su c c e e d .” Jones, the Pacer’s 2002 first-round draft choice and the 2004 NBA Sprite Rising Star Slam Dunk Cham­ pion, was chosen to be a spokes­ person for the program after stu­ dents in a recent OYCP class iden­ tified him as an Oregonian teens admired and respected. “Freddy Jones is an excellent role model who values hard work and education which are at the core of our program,” said COL Mike Caldwell, deputy director for state affairs at the Oregon National Guard. “We are delighted to be associated with Freddy and very pleased and appreciative that he has agreed to represent our Oregon National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program." Cadets work through a two-phase 17-month curriculum, beginning with an intensive fi ve-and-one-half month residential program during Former University of W ash­ ington basketball player and Tacoma native Curtis Allen is a driving force at Portland State University this fall. A llen was hired by PSU Coach Ken Bone, an assistant coach for the Huskies in the last two years Allen played for the Seattle school from 2000to 2004. “Curtis is a quality person with great character and som e­ one I am excited to have on our staff,” said Bone. “Since w e’ve been around each other for a few years he understands and has the ability to communicate and teach the philosophies and Curtis Allen Son of UCLA Great at UP Rasheed Hazzard, the new full­ tim e assistan t coach for the U ni­ v ersity o f P o rtlan d m e n ’s b as­ ketball team , is the son o f form er U C LA great W alt H azzard. R ash eed p layed fo u r years at T he G eorge W ash in g to n U ni­ v ersity from 1995-98 and was m ost recen tly the head coach at V enice High School in Los A n­ g eles. He also served as a head coach and d ire c to ro f the W alt H azzard A ll-S tars from 2001-05. W ith co n trib u tio n s from fo rm er c o l­ lege and NBA p lay ers such as U niversity of Portland alum D ar­ w in C ook, his fu n ctio n was to prep are stu d e n t-a th le te s for the a th le tic and acad em ic dem ands o f a m ajor D ivision I program . H azzard received his Bachelor o f A rts d eg ree in h isto ry from T he G eo rg e W ash in g to n U ni­ v e rsity in June o f 1998, a fte r helping the C o lo n ials to a pair o f N CA A T ournam ent appearances d u rin g his fo u r-y e a r career. F o llo w in g his g ra d u a tio n , he foun d ed a pro g ram to a ssist at- risk you th in te re ste d in p u rsu ­ ing an o p p o rtu n ity to p lay high school sp o rts, and ach iev e the s k ills , p h y sic a l c o n d itio n in g and acad em ic p re p a ra tio n to be su c c e ssfu l. strategies I believe in. Because o f his personality, work ethic and passion for the game, I believe he will be very suc­ cessful in the coaching pro­ fession.” A llen co m p e te d in 117 games for the Huskies, start­ ing in 51. He was the most accurate free throw shooter in University of W ashington his­ tory, making 202 o f 233 for an .867 mark. Allen also made 151 career three-point field goals to rank second i n that category. He was eighth all-time in as­ sists (286) and tenth in steals (99). Vikings on a Roll With 45-0 Shutout Junior quarterback Sawyer Smith threw five TD passes as Portland State rolled to a 45-0 win over Northern Arizona in a Big Sky Conference game Satur­ day evening, in front of 7,243 at PGEPark. With the win, the Vikings took over sole possession o f first place in the Big Sky, improving to 5-3 overall and 3-1 in the con­ ference. Senior running back and W a lte r P a y to n Award candidate Joe Rubin added 131 yards rushing as Portland State o u t-g a in e d N o rthern Arizona 410-273 on the evening. Rubin is the na­ tional leader in rushing at the 1-AA level. He has 1,273 yards for the Joe Rubin season. Freddy Jones has been named spokesperson for the Oregon National Guard youth challenge program. which they develop life-coping skills, perform community service work and attend academic classes leading to a high school diploma, GED, or recovery o f as many as 11 h ig h sc h o o l c re d its. In the 2004-05 season, Jones aver­ aged 10.6 points per game, includ­ ing a career high 31-point perfor­ mance against the Orlando Magic. During his senior season at O r­ egon, he averaged 18.6 points and 5.4 rebounds per game as the Ducks went 26-9 and won their first out­ right PAC-10 conference title in 63 years. Details about the Oregon Na­ tional Guard Youth ChalleNGe P ro gram are avai lable at or541-317-9623. Trail Blazers Open Season on Road The Portland Trail Blazers will open the 2005-06 NBA Regular Season with a two game road trip beginning Wednesday, Nov. 2 at Minnesota. Following a game Nov. 4 at Denver. The Trail Blazers will open their home portion of the schedule by hosting the Atlanta Hawks Satur­ day, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. at the Rose Garden. I n the second year o f the N B A ’ s six-division format, the Trail Blaz­ ers will play four W estern Confer­ ence teams only three times. They will face the Memphis Grizzlies and the Sacramento Kings once each at home, and twice each on the road and the Houston Rockets and LA Clippers twice each at home Basketball Assistant Helps PSU and once on the road. Every other Western Conference foe will visit the Rose Garden twice while host- ing the Trail Blazers twice. As in past seasons, the team will face all 15 Eastern Conference teams twice, once at home and once on the road. Sophomore free safety Jordan Senn re g is te re d seven tackles to lead the Viking defense. Portland State will return to action this weekend when the V ikings travel to Missoula, Mont, to face the No. 9 Mon­ tana Grizzlies. in the - Enjoy afì L • J . 4* Q'ut / . ♦ » 'Î at a Hallöween " FEATURING: ■ / .it'c I : //A -/•/( t i t h i ic i i l S aturday OCT. 29th 2005 gk" • ' ■■ 9 pm - 2 am • • />y T,lcK irkí ,/’f¿7/Band 1 seated at Billy R e e d 's Instaurant I .onnge 2 8 0 8 N E M L K J R . B l v d . 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